The Last Event (1)

Once Otto arrived back at the central ballroom with his disguise intact, Glanes looked at him quizzically.

The challenge portion of the evening had just finished.

A few attendees sported various looks of delight at having ranked up, but most looked either indifferent or slightly disappointed at their own results.

Otto whispered to Glanes,

"Are these people also members of Eternal, then? Or is Eternal different from the Golden Club that you run?"

Glanes shook his head and growled lightly,

"Only a few of the strongest ones are eligible to be inducted into Eternal. The rest just pay for membership to the club."

Glanes grinned, which looked to be closer to a grimace in Otto's eyes,

"You should check your club screen."

Otto did so and realized he was eligible to become a Trainee right off the bat based on the power he showcased.

"How does Eternal make money off of this?"