Intensive Training (4)

Otto stopped spying on Jeremy as the boy re-entered the arena with renewed spirit.

The slight smile on his lips was gone as fast as it appeared.

Ramesthes had racked his brain trying to present Jeremy with a challenge.

Normally, he picked up anything he was taught much too quickly to spend any length of time on it.

Moreover, while he did make mistakes, Jeremy never forgot the things he learned. Especially if they were related to melee combat.

So Otto gave Ramesthes a new idea to utilize a little-known function of the virtual arena.

One of the items Drennel sent over for Jeremy was a skill book.

Though its title was rather common, it was a surprisingly rare skill.

In fact, all of the 'basic' weapon wielding skills were extremely expensive when exchanged for merits in the .

Most weren't able to afford them until they saved and reached Area 2 or 3.

It was for two reasons.