Intensive Training (8)

A boy stood quietly in the middle of a large meadow.

His warm breaths could be made out against the surrounding cold air.

Despite the cold, blackened grass was laid out in a large strip facing the boy's figure.

It looked as if a tiny portion of very hot fire had passed through the meadow and spared the rest of the grass.

...Which wasn't too removed from what actually happened.

Otto concentrated and dual cast two spells for what felt like the millionth time that day.

But this time, he wasn't trying to reduce his cast times.


At this point, his training period was actually almost over.

Most of the required goals he'd set for himself were met. Or else, they wouldn't be met by the time he ascended to the second floor.

Today, though, Otto was focused on something different.

An experiment, of sorts.

To fuse two spells together.