For Richer or Poorer (3)

The identity of a Throskart definitely made it easier for Otto's words to be accepted.

But the biggest factor in swaying the crowd was not this.

It was not even the he used on his voice.

It was the glass of water that glittered in the sunlight, secured tightly in Otto's grasp.

As soon as he spoke, countless eyes immediately glued themselves to his hand.

Otto couldn't help but inwardly smirk.

Why else would he have brought this glass of water?

And it wasn't 'just' water.

It was magical, condensed water.

Such that a single sip would leave Otto feeling hydrated for a good period of time even in this serious heat.

Theoretically, a person could survive on only a mere drop of this stuff every day.

Which was obviously not possible here.

The second floor restricted items in spatial storage, as well as things like water spells that could produce water while in the desert.