Special Roles (2)

The crowd that was now in front of her watched on indifferently as Julia was forced by some unknown power to approach the machine, its wicked blade dangling ominously above her head.

Julia's eyes widened.

Her heart rate sped up to the extreme.

Her mind raced as she pondered how she'd suddenly appeared on the stage.

She found that her feet were completely restricted.

She couldn't move them at all.

Her mouth also wasn't able to open. She couldn't call out a single word.

But her hands were unaffected as long as she continued to move towards the guillotine.

The seconds slowed to a crawl as Julia desperately tried to remember the correct information.

It was a special role!

She just needed to remember which one…

Julia thought back to Ramesthes's lengthy lecture on the various special roles of the second floor.