Insurgence (1)

Actually, he was still trying to process this entirely new sequence of events.

His friend was…trying to kill him?

Jason's eyes narrowed.

Suddenly, his over a year and a half of training in the virtual space took over.

What guilt? What first kill?

His intuition rang loud alarm bells throughout his mind.

He needed to move or she would stab him a second time.

Jason whipped around with preternatural agility and kneed the woman hard in the stomach.

A loud bang reverberated in the bar as her body slammed into a wooden chair, knocking over a table and six chairs in the process.

The short-haired woman paled in fright, speaking between gasps as her ribs broke from the impact.

"You're…huff… not a new….huff… challenger either. huff… What organization…huff… are you from?"

Jason's eyes widened in realization.

His four new 'friends' were not new challengers at all.