Into the Cavern

Otto's gaze swept across the thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of spiders in the cavern.

They stood on their eight legs with menacing looks amidst the darkness.

Otto went up to and examined the nearest spider.

He intended to experiment and figure out ways to get them to do as he wished.

At the very least, perhaps with this study Otto could glean some clues about their behavior in general.

After a few minutes, Otto came to realize that no matter what stimulus they were presented, they didn't show a single reaction.

Hell, Otto couldn't even get them to twitch.

He studied the spider monster in front of him for what felt like hours, poking it, prodding it, cutting into its abdomen to check the state of its organ function, but found nothing.

Finally, he sliced open its brain to check for clues.

It wasn't long before Otto realized something odd, though.

His brows furrowed.