Pantheon Reunion

Otto's eyes opened to a familiar scene.

Hundreds of challengers mulled around a large hall crested with glorious statues of challengers past.

The only difference was that Otto could make out many challengers surrounding a large fountain of water in the middle.

Without a hint of decorum, the challengers bent down to take large gulps of the water within.

Apparently, despite only passing the difficulty, they had already felt the desert's effects…

Otto had returned to the , the Basic difficulty room of the .

This time, he was on the second floor of the pavilion, ironically playing host to folks exiting…the second floor.

Once again, Otto's body was bathed in golden light as he stepped towards the exit of the room, drawing curious gazes from wide-eyed onlookers.

But right after he caught his bearings, Otto heard a loud shout from his side.


He glanced around.