The Federation

Two figures sat opposite each other in the secluded back room of a fancy looking restaurant.

THE fancy restaurant, to be precise, Dille's Garden.

A boy with straight black hair aligned chaotically atop his head lounged calmly on the right.

Even his lack of expression did his features no disservice; their 'waitress' had already 'checked' on the two of them eight times before either had finished even half their drinks.

It got to the point where they had to ask not to be disturbed.

The black haired boy sipped from a small mug containing a clear brown, unknown liquid.

The other figure was a blue haired man who appeared to be in his early 20s.

His face was drawn into a perpetual frown, making his whole visage look strict and stern.

This man was the first to speak, voice somewhat stiff, posture tense,

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

Otto took a sip of his drink.