The Last Plague

Chapter 9

Trevor & Anthony:

5:02 PM

Sunlight Town

Location: Comic Book Store

June, 26th 2025

"Hey Anthony!" Trevor says, waving. "Oh hey!" Anthony says. "What are you doing?" Trevor says looking over his shoulder. Trevor sits in the principal's chair, "Where did you get that?" Anthony says. "From the principal's office, duh." Trevor said. Trevor gets up and takes off his steel toed boots and stubs his toe. "AGH!" Trevor says. "What?" Anthony questions. "I just stubbed my toe!" Trevor says trying to form words through the unbearable pain. Trevor then takes off his hat and eye patch saying: "These are dorky." Trevor tosses them behind his back and takes a really, really really good look at the mirror. "Okay, I don't look as dorky now." Trevor switches his jacket with a gray hoodie. Anthony says "That looks a bit… ghetto." Trevor replies with: "Is it too much ghetto?" Anthony says: "Nah, it's fine." Trevor says "Oh, okay." Trevor then sits down and chews on his thumbnail. Anthony grabs a marvel comic off of a shelf, and sits on the ground, starting to flip through the pages. Trevor suddenly hears a person screaming help. "Did you hear that?" Trevor says to Anthony. Anthony glances over to Trevor, as another scream comes. "Who's that?" Anthony asks. "I don't know, I can't make out the words correctly," Trevor says back. "Should we go over there, or stay in our safe zone?" "I think we should look for the screaming, it did sound like a, you know." Anthony replies with, "A girl?" "Yep." Trevor says. "And I think it sounded more like the one you crushed on last year." Trevor says with a smirk. Anthony sighs and takes out his two ice axes. "Crush or not, we're going to help her," Anthony says. "Okay." We both gear up with gadgets that Anthony had created for the both of them. Trevor puts on a wrist blade from the latest game: Doom Final Hoards. And then attaching a cherry bomb grenade launcher to his left shoulder. Trevor then puts on his backpack saying: "Ready." He then looks to Anthony still gearing up. Anthony whips out one of his most effective creations, The Hot Cheeto Launcher. Anthony then slides on camouflage print jeans. After that he puts a black fingerless glove on his right hand, and wraps a dirty white bandage around his left arm. Then Anthony slides his lab coat off and puts a leather jacket on. Then, he finally straps his cheeto launcher to his back and holds his ice axes out. "Ready" Anthony says. We both walk out of the comic book store. "Should we split?" Says Trevor. "Okay, you go left, I go right." Anthony says, fist bumping Trevor. "Stay safe, and don't die" Trevor says.