Chapter 2 Going home.

The ride was smooth and comfortable. Not at all what I expected from a carriage ride. The guard and mom talked. I tried to listen but the horse noises and the present of the guard kind off freaked me out. I did hear he was a knight, but even if the ride was smooth it was not quiet. Not to the point of giving a headache but to the point I could not hear the guard. I heard mom but her voice was more dignified and not as calming when she talked to the guard. I felt she was nervus, so I stayed alert.

I felt the wagon pick up more speed and for some reason it became quieter inside the carriage.

"we are outside the checkpoint and are following the main road now my lady. I told you it would not be a problem for us to leave. The doctor have cleared you and your little prince from sickness."

I see the guard speak as he leaned forward to look at me closer.

Little prince? No… I cannot be royal that is bad. Wait he said Her little prince not THE little prince. I guess I am not royal then. I manage to relax a little and look at the guard smiling at me.

"can I hold him?" the guard asked looking up a mom

"sure Tom. Just be careful he might bite."

mom gently handed me over to the knight. Yee mom. bite a knight and get the death sentence… no thank you! I plan on keeping my head down and try to not die… again. The guard gently picked me up and held me firm and soft in his arms. He smiled down at me and used his Finger to cuddle my cheek. I felt his firm course finger stroke my cheek and it felt awkward, so I just gave him a firm look.

"oh… he looks so determent. He is going to be a good leader someday."

the guard giggled at me and handed me over to mom again. the word leader rang true my head and I looked shocked and scared up at mom.

"I don't think I feel comfortable having him running around the woods fighting monsters and other guild activities." Mom Said giggling at me.

Oh… my divine goddess don't scare me like that I thought they meant I was a Royal. "pffuu… I relaxed from hearing mom mentioning guild… oh they have that here? I got interrupted by mom… food time… she just whips those out no matter what. I struggle in protests glancing at the guard that had blushed and turned his head to look outside the tiny window.

"please my lady give me warning so I can at least give you privacy." The guard blushed speaking to mom.

"oh, grow up Tom. I need to feed him, or he gets angry and cry out loud." Mom said giggling down at me.

At this point I had lost the battle and was in that familiar daze before I fell asleep.

time passed with mom feeding me. Them talking or me sleeping. Sometimes I would wake up and see the other guard or the carriage rider resting inside. Before it got dark, we had stopped to give the hoses rest and food and the guards had lit a campfire outside the carriage. Mom did not move outside even if we had stopped and I see the guards check out every little noise as night came. Time passed calmly like that for 2 days.

I woke up to mom looking around smiling from ear to ear. She looked happy around. I glanced at Tom who had a solemn face but when he notice me looking at him, he could not help but smile at me.

The carriage stopped and I heard my mom tell Tom to say to her husband that the doctor had indeed cleared them of sickness and that it was not the darkness. I see Tom nod to her and walked out of the carriage. Mother held me tight in her arms as she walked out holding a straight face but had a hint of pride smile on her.

I manage to glace over and saw a big house made of marble and wood. It was like it was taken out of an elegant old movie… it's a castle!... I see Tom speak to a man wearing a golden crown on his head wearing an elegant red cape with fluffy white edges. His whole presence glow of Royalty… and the two guards on his side looking firmly around did not make his status less known… K... King… I feel my hearth go faster and faster thinking of the Royal novels in my past… I forgot to breath out as I looked up at mom who was also shaking and had tears in her eyes looking towards the king smiling waiting patiently for him.



My first cry in this world filled the entire Royal palace echoing around the castle wall surrounding the wall I saw Tom and the king dash over in an instant as my large, long scream came to an end…

"what's wrong! I haven't heard him cry the entire trip and now he screams like the world is ending"

Tom asked looking nervus at me.

"Wife h…he is not sick, is he?"

The king asked mom. Yep… there I have it… domed… I stare at the king… my dad… with big eyes in shock at the terrified man holding his hands towards me afraid to move an inch.

"will you two calm down! He is just announcing we are home!"

Mom pouted at them with tears in her eyes.

I saw dad hug my mom in tears of happiness, he even needed Tom to help him from falling to the ground… I was so shocked at the whole Royal status and I guess I was in mild shock over a king crying his eyes out hugging his wife shaking like a leaf. Even Tom had tears down his cheeks as he stood and gently held my dad from falling…

Yep, my first cry was made in to a I am home statement... after everybody calmed down me included. I heard mom and dad talk about me biting the doctor after I was born instead of crying and mom bragged about me not crying out loud since I was born. Until I got home.

For the first time I sensed danger and looked towards the castle. I see the big wooden door got kicked open like a blanket in the wind. the crash sound as the door hit the side pillars echoed around the yard. I see a big maid standing there looking around at the guards and maids making them flinch at her eyes looking at them angry.

"Who made baby cry!"

I heard her call out still looking around. I saw the guards backing away from her and the maids just looked down at the ground surrendering to whatever fait had in store for them. She started walking slowly towards us and I glanced around me. Tom and Dad had hidden behind mom. Mom was still just smiling at the big maid coming towards them looking around at the guards with a look that could kill.

"Hello Miska… I am home."

Mom smiled towards her with tears flowing down her cheeks

That's the boss… my mind twisted and turned at all the evil plots she could do to me… I must be nice to her be on her good side. I am so doomed. I see Miska was done inspecting the guards and maids and walked faster towards us from mom's words.

"Telly did they make you cry…" I saw Miska said looking firmly at my dad and Tom.

Mom walked up to her and buried her head in her arms… from this point on I was hugged from both sides for what seemed an eternity.

"sweet child… I thought we might lose you to the darkness. I was so worried."

Miss boss lady said pulling us gently away from us and sat down on her knees before lifting mom on her lap like she was a little child. Miss boss lady was huge at least 2 heads taller than the largest person around and she was not fat, but she had muscles that even a Knight envied. As I looked up at my mom tears got dried gently by a handkerchief that Miska used while holding her in her arms.

"I was scared to… and I almost died one night but Austin saved me." Mom cried in her arms

"who is Austin? I need to thank him personally for saving my lovely queen." Miska asked smiling and cuddling her hair.

Mom lifted me up smiling at Miska holding me like an offering up to her face. As I got closer to Miska I notice she had grey and black ears unlike mom's brown fox ears.

"this little squirt saved you… he don't look strong enuf to save a fly." Miska smirked towards me.

She moved her hand to touch my cheek… yep… you guessed right I bit her finger… I am doomed.


I let got when she gently pulled her finger away and gave her my death steer from calling me squirt and weak.

Yes, I know, not my smartest move… she looked down at me after holding her finger in her mouth for a second. She was about to point at me and start yelling but she flinched when our eyes meet and pulled back her finger. At this point my mind went black and I just kept staring at her angry.

"I am sorry I called you weak Prince Austin. That was not my intention… friends?" Miska asked me looking sad down at me.



My spaced-out mind when to auto mode again as she asked to be friends… she is not going to kill me for biting her finger? Friends? Eh… Yes! I looked at her pleading with big eyes and a smile. Miska looked at me stunned and I saw her blushed a little.

"I am sorry Miska. I should have told you he bites. And I haven't feed him. Austin! don't bite Nana!"

"nana?" Miska looked at mom stunned with big eyes.

Nana means Nanny, right? Like if mom need free time…? Ooh I hope she can forgive me for biting this might be trouble…

"yes. Miska I get the feeling you two will get along well when I need free time." Mom giggled at her.

Miska looked down at me worried sucking on her finger… I am doomed!... I need to win her over or she is probably going to do a murder plot against me.

"you sure we will get along child? Every child I tried to hold always cries nonstop until I give them back." I saw Miska squirm as she spoke to mom.

Jackpot I might be saved. I smile at mom's brilliant idea suggesting she be my nanny.

"pff… he is my child. he would not fear you like other kids. he only bite your finger because he is hungry or his teeth ich. Beside I am sure he is sad that he got grumpy and bite nana." Mom tickled my nose making me giggle.

"here. Hold him and you see that he is sad that he bite you." Mom stood up from her lap and held me to her as a sacrifice again.

I see Nana (Miska) slowly moving her hands to pick me up. Please be friendly and do not do a plot twist… I will not bite… again. She gently picked me up and moved me slowly in her embrace glancing from time to time at mom she held me in her arms shaking afraid I would cry?... she is afraid of me? But she scared all the guards and even the king… baby charm work… I see Miska look nervus at mom.

"I think he might start to cry… you better take him." Miska looked at mom. Hmm I need to protest and make sure I be friends with her… I got it! Nobody would dare move a sleeping baby. I smiled at mom that was looking at me and closed my eyes.

"cry you say? But he have already fallen asleep in your arms Nanna." I heard mom giggle at her.

"What!" I heard both Nana, Tom, and dad say at the same time. They were loud and made me open my eyes looking straight at Nana who twitched when I did. Crap I need to be cute… I make a big yawn I her arms and stuck my thumb in my mouth and closed them slowly… hope that works…

"h…he is sleeping." I heard Nana whisper. Yes… Baby power charm works!

"told you Nana. Come let us get inside." I heard mom giggle at her.

I felt Nana stand slowly up and started to walk. I heard my dad complain about not getting to hold me. This feels safe. Being held by nana felt soothing to. She had almost the same smell as mom, but mom's smell always knocks me out in a daze. Like this I can glance around as we walk. I see a large hall with painted pictures of people. It is like take out of a movie. I am so stunned as we keep walking on the red carpet down the hall. I glance around and see mom and dad walking and talking while he is holding her arm like a gentleman. He glances over to me from time to time looking sad but keep walking until we reach a big room with fancy couches and chairs.

Nana stands as mom and dad looks at her holding me.

"Nana you can sit down." Mom giggle to her.

"but I am in my work attire child it would not be proper of me." I heard her whisper nervus to them.

"well, your choice. but I think he will wake up if you just stand there." I heard mom giggle at her.

My que. Thanks mom… I open my eyes and see Miska looking nervus at me.

"child. baby… baby is awake." I see Miska eh… Nana whisper nervus at mom.

"told you. You should have sat down." I see Mom giggles at her.

I think my mom likes to tease her… she knows I understand her, so she is doing this on purpose. I look up at Nana and see a red face looking down at me blushing.

I accidentally found my ultimate weapon! This weapon made Nana knees so soft that she slowly just sat down on the carpet just looking at me biting her lip with a smile.

When I looked up at Nana blushing, I accidentally tilted my head asking why her face was red. I am calling it the Ultimate head tilt of cuteness!...

Yes, I know I might lose my ultimate weapon later, but that reaction was so funny I started laughing at her. Thank the divine goddess of luck that my voice have not fully grown so I could laugh like I did in my head. But apparently my giggly baby laugh super weapon was born! because Nana spaced out looking at me and started drooling. It made my mom laugh too when she had hurried over to see what made the mighty Miska crumble to her knees and saw me tilting my head at Nana's red face.

So, when Nana started drooling and my mom giggled at me and picked me up nana could not handle the cuteness of baby me and had slowly falling down sideways and ended up on the floor looking up at the ceiling in a daze. My mom heard someone and quickly placed me on top of her.

"don't move." Mom winked at me and placed me face crawling on top of Nana.

I saw her rush over to dad who was giggling at her and as she sat down, I heard someone came in the room their faces turned straight like nothing have happened.

"what happened?" Tom came rushing over to Miska looking worried at her and looked over to Tally.

"she could not handle the cuteness." Mom giggled to him

I heard Tom ask what cuteness? When I notice Nana was starting to come back to her senses and looked up at me in half a daze.

"knock her out dear." I heard my mom giggle towards me finding it funny.

"gagu." I said to Nana as she looked at me smiling at nana with big eyes blinking at her.

That is how ultimate knock out was born… yee I know they are not real attacks, but this was fun for me okey. You try being cuddled in a blanket all day and see how you are when you get the freedom to move your arms.

Tom lifted me gently up as he smiled at me handed me over to mom. He walked over and helped poor nana into a chair looking firmly at mom.

"sorry. I have just been cooped up in that hospital for too long and could not resist." Mom giggled at tom.

I heard mom started to explain that after she read a lot to me, I could understand her. At this point I accidentally yawned…

I woke up in Nana's arms and she looked nervus at me. She stood up and walked around the big room alone. Not that I mind but when she was walking around nervus like that it was not comfortable. She was about to pass a bookshelf and I saw a book with symbol's I have seen before.

"gaaa?" (that?) I pointed my arm at the bookcase and spoke.

Nana stopped in her track and looked confused at me but walked over to the bookcase. And started pointing at different books and looked down on me. I shake my head at every book until she hit the one, I looked at. I did not shake my head but reached both arms to it. She placed it in front of me and I tried to open it, but she walked over to the couch and sat down holding the book.

"you can understand me?" Nana looked at me I just stared back. Not sure if I should tell or not.

"your mom said you could understand her. Do you understand me too?" Nana asked me looking confused at me. She was about to look at the book maybe thinking she had imagined the whole thing. I needed help to open the book, so I nodded at her. She looked at me stunned.

"can you read this?" Nana pointed at the text under where it said Divine Nature. That text looked like hieroglyphic or some other langue. So, I shake my head.

At this point mom walking in and sat beside her drying her hair with a towel. Nana explained what happened and showed her the book. Mom took the book and asked me if I could read this. Pointing at the text saying Devine Nature. I nod at her and they both looked at me in shock. That was only normal English where I came from, but this world used it as mom explained to Nana. Devine text of the Gods. My opinion was that the gods got lazy and just used another langue already made when they created this world. Occam's razor! I thought to myself easiest solution is often the right one.

Mom opened and the book and flipped true it before turning it to me.

"can you do this? Is this what saved me from the hospital?" mom looked at me firmly.

I glanced over at the book and started to read. -Devine healing mist of nature. To cast think of the goddess of nature and channel your magic power in your arm or magic wand. If it helps you may also use chant. There was some chants written in the langue of this world, I guess. Mom and Nana was glancing at each other and was looking at me. I saw them but I was stunned at the text's words of magic and healing. I could understand that text like nothing and it was like my head already had found the way to cast it… myself was just stunned at the word Magic.

"child he is probably just fascinated at the book and keep staring at it." I heard nana say

Mom I saw mom look a little sad, so I snapped out of my daze and held out my arm like they were giving me something. I focused the magic on the palm of my hand and started to think about the nature and life in it. A small green mist grew out of my hand and hovered over the palm of my hand. I looked up and smiled to mom. Both looked at me like someone had wacked them on the head with a hammer…

"you two don't mention this to anyone. And you will learn to read and wright before you do anything else." Mom saw I looked at my palm smiling before she spoke.

"you want me to teach him to read and wright?" Nana asked confused slowly coming over her shock.

Well Nana had her work cut out for her and my days was filled with food, sleep, and study. It did not take long before mom started to feel I studied too much. and started bothering me when I was self-studying trying to wright the symbols, she would tickle me and when I giggled, she would pick me up and hug me and cuddle with me. When she had her daily dose of cuddling, she would put me down or lay me to bed depending if I manage to stay awake. Nana was the same. I could not get any work done.

This kept going for two months and at this point I had started to get enuf strength to crawl. I started to hide around the castle trying to hide from the two-baby sick woman trying to find me. But they always found me no matter where I hid.

Dad found me behind the couch one time. He stepped on my tail! He picked me up and comfort me ln his arms when he noticed he had stepped on me. He asked me why I was hiding behind the couch.

I just pointed towards the door and when he glanced over, he saw two shadows hiding.

"you hiding from mommy and Nana?" he asked me I nodded to him wiping my tear away.

"remember your tail when you hide son" dad whispered in my ear before he leaned back smiling at me. I smiled back at him and hugged him tight. he sat down on the couch and I fell asleep sulking in his warm hug. He have the same smell as mom. So, it was easy to fall asleep. And well… my tail hurt…

After that I got good at hiding and they used longer to find me. But after a month they found me fast, so I just stopped hiding 3 months into my study. This time I just crawled up to mom and started stood up holding her food with one arm and the other arm that was holding my tiny pencil and book I just stretched out to be picked up. Mom placed me on her lap and I just opened my notebook and started to work. I had made some progress, but it was hard to remember the words in my head.

The two-baby sick ladies interrupted me from time to time to cuddle and hug me, but they stayed chatting by them self for the most. Of the time they even helped me from time to time. After 2 months of this routine, I sat on Nana's lap this time. Yes, I had to change between them, or they would interrupt me and pick me up to cuddle. I pointed at paper like normal when I needed help but nothing… I looked behind me and saw mom and Nana sleeping. I crawled down from their lap and wobbled behind the couch and knocked gently on my dad's work office door. Yep, trying to walk. Fell a few times but let's not go into that… you probably heard me curse true that ordeal when I manage to walk backwards at step on my own tail… yee like I said let's not go there…

(goosebump flow true my poor tail)

I heard him say enter but I just looked up at the door handle that I could not reach. I heard him stand up and walked over. I step to the side with a hand on the wall to keep me standing remembering that one time I walked past the door and the last thing I remembered was well… the door open before I woke up in my mom's arms and dad looked pail sitting on the other side of the table.

Dad opened the door slowly looking down on me probably to check where I was… he saw me standing there and smiled when he picked me up. I held up my book and pointed to one of the letters in it. He was about to ask something, but I just pointed at the couch I saw him look over and sight at them before he walked inside his office gently closing the door behind him.

He sat down in his chair and made some room to me on his left side. So, he could continue to work on his right side we sat like that for some time and I noticed he was calculating some numbers. You're probably wondering how I could read numbers?... well, I guess it is true when they say math is a universal langue, I could use my old-world math in this world… Yes! finely a break…

When dad stopped working, I pointed at my book and he made the sound A to me. It continued like that until I hit the letter D. Dad flipped back to my first page in the book and where A was and said it to me

"Daaa…" dad spoke to me and I knew what he was getting at… I am not that dense of a toddler…

I stretched my arm over and tapped the paper he was working on with the back of my pencil and turned back and looked at him firmly…

"eh… right your mother told me you could understand us… nyaw" Dad said to me looking sad.

nyaw… did he just say that cat fraise sigh(aw) to me?... no, I must be mistaken right?... please…

I just leaned over and tapped his paper again. making him giggle at me.

We work like this for a while longer and I have come to the letter L. I looked over and waited for dad to finish his work when I notice 32+32=62 I leaned over and tapped it with my pencil and looked at dad. He looked at me before he took a new paper and placed it to me. I wrote slowly 32…+ 32… =64

I look back at my dad who was tapping his right-hand fingers counting. He used an eraser and corrected it. Then he hugged me and nuzzled me.

"okey enuf work for today. It is important to get something to eat and rest your mind to." He smiled and lifted me up and walked towards the living room.

he walked inside and stood behind the couch and said good morning to them and giggled to them. I saw both mom and Nana woke up in a daze tapping around on their laps panicking a little when they didn't find me. They looked up at us when dad giggled at them and smiled relieved when they saw me. Dad invited them to dinner, and I was served mushed baby food for the first time. It was not bad but once you are used to eating one way, changing back is hard. And less tasteful…

when we were done eating and mom cleaned me… yee tried holding the spoon myself and I realized my hand to eye coordination suck… we sat down in the living room and Nana had me on her lap reading the book from the hospital out loud to me. Mom and dad had snuggled up on the other couch and was also listening to the story. After a while, my stomach hurt. It was not a lot but enuf that Nana noticed and took me for a walk stroking my back she explained to me that it was because of the food and they would feed less next time. It was like she had read my worried face and explained it to me. I relaxed and she hummed a song to me. Thank you, Nana… was the last thought I had when the pain subsided, and I fell asleep on her shoulder.

The next morning, I woke up to mom cuddling my hair in her arms. Dad was still sleeping but he woke up when the sunlight started to shine true the windows. We eat breakfast and dad explained that I would be working with him 1 hour every morning from now on after breakfast dad took me to the office and helped me with my work and I pointed out some errors in his calculations. After an hour mom or Nana came and picked me up even if dad pouted that we were not done yet. He liked having me there. He got to sneak in some cuddle time when I helped him with the math…

Mom and Nana played with me the rest of the time. They took me outside dressed like a fluffy pillow… yee apparently it was winter, and I was to occupied by my work to notice… we played in the snow or would go say hello to the guards… apparently Tom had spread the news of my biting, so they did not move their fingers close to my head. Mom let them hold me and tell me stories so long they were not to bloody… Mom don't ruin the stories… Nana loved to read to me and mom… and I heard mom say she remember that story from her telling it when she was younger… I learned that Nana was actually my aunt in law, but my uncle got the darkness from a darkness beast before they could marry but to mom, she was already family, so she lived with them… note to self! what is a darkness beast! …

This went on for almost 4 months after that mom and Nana started to teach me table manners and how to say hello in a polite manner to people even if I haven't spoken a word yet. I figured since I was almost 1 year old, they were going to have a party.

Did I mention that they started me on solid food… Yeey…Not!... Nana and mom took turn walking me around the first day. Even dad walked around with me the second day… that day was worth it… maybe… I got to eat that peach fruit again, it was so good and that's why I got stomach ache…

One afternoon we sat in the living room and listen to the rain and dad had light the fireplace to make it more cosy for us. I crawled down from aunt's lap and got my notebook.

I walked up to the table and looked at them and saw they were looking at me as I stood straight.

"Mom, Dad, N…Nyanyaw… I…I Lowe nyaw." My face turned peach red and I dropped my book and just sat down on the ground hiding my face in my hands.

Mom came over and picked me up and hugged me sitting on the floor. I glanced up and saw mom had tears flowing down her cheek smiling and kissing me… yee I been practicing my speech in secret… and trust me that was hard. I almost got cough but by Nana, but a maid called Cora started saying word at random out in the hall I was practicing. She smiled to me and winked when Nana came and picked me up. Another time Steff the cook watched me when my mom had to go and ask dad what he wanted to eat. Holding two menus he noticed what I was doing and kept a look out while sat in my Tail pincher chair… yee that thing pinched my tail hair many times… Steff actually noticed and put some sort of patch over it that made it stop doing it, but the name stuck in my mind… Vengeance will come Tail pincher!...

"y…you can speak?" mom asked with tears and a stunned face.

"yes… little…me practice." I smiled to mom still red in my face.

"you did good sweetheart. Thank you!" mom said and hugged me.

Dad came over and hugged me too. He had tears flowing down his cheek, but he smiled and had a red face. I glanced over at Nana she had spaced out from the baby cuteness. I tested if she would snap out of it, I made a funny face to her and she went into a daze in the kitchen. Well… let us just say that's how Evil Tail pincher was born… that thing flew fast across the kitchen… sorry chef Steff…

Mom and dad finally released their prison hug… just one more to go… better to get it over with. I walked over to Nana and pulled gently on her skirt apron.

"nyaunty Nyanaa I nyot… good?" I put my sad face on and looked at her.

Oh… my divine nature I should not have done that… the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes was her diving towards me as I froze up… I waited for that big impact, but I only felt her hugging me ever so lightly… I open my eyes and saw she was actually hugging me… did I break Nana…

"I am not your aunty dear…" I heard her say sniffling as she was still hugging me.

"yes! you are. A little formality don't matter to us." I heard mom say to her

"but…" I heard her say bending back to look at us.

"no! Lamely is lamely blood or nyot!" I pout to her angry as he was biting her lip looking at me with tears.

"you hear him family is family blood or not. Are you really going to break his young hearth?"

I glanced at my mom still pouting. She smiled and winked at me.

Before I know it, I got held tight… Nana is… back… ouch. Nana would not let go of me the rest of the day. Lesson learned dial down the cuteness… my back cannot handle it. But I got my reward. mom gave me the book with conditions. No magic outside without her around and no magic around the staff. And I had to promise to be careful casting spells. Trust me there are more conditions… I just compiled them like that for now… even Nana spoke out thinking it was a bit overprotective… mom had grabbed another book and gave it to me. It was a thick book

"magic… for bl…beg inners." I read the title out loud.

"yes. Magic for beginners. You will read that book before you use any magic." Mom looked firmly at me.

"I get t…twos?" I looked at mom smiling. She sat down in front of me and Nana.

"yes. But the beginner book is for you to learn both magic and reading skills. And you have to think safety first. If you hurt anyone with this, you will get punished. Sometimes even a king or queen cannot guarantee your safety from someone that is angry. Do you understand?" mom looked at me firmly.

"yes momma." I say putting down the Divine Nature book to the side and grab the beginner book and look firmly at her.

Mom smiles and hugs me before she walks and help dad of the floor. They sit down in the couch and dad is in a daze smiling. Nana lifts me up and sit down on the couch and places me on her lap with the beginner book. She start reading the first chapter to me slowly and holds her hand under every word. She makes me reread some lines in the book.

The first chapter was about safety and it had a story of a young prince that was good with magic and liked to show off to people. One day he cast a fire magic from a dare to hit a barrel, but he missed and hit a store behind him. The store exploded killing the mother with her two children that was helping out in the store. The young prince ran home to his castle and hid behind his father the king. But the father of the store wanted justice and raged up the castle with the whole town following. No matter how much the king tried to plead to them to spare his child's life, the young prince got killed by the angry mob. This was the kings only son and his wife had passed away. The king and the father of the store could not bear the pain in their hearth and chose to end it by rope or sword.

Mom had walked over to me and picked me up as Nana finished chapter one. I looked confused at her.

"how about you and I go to sleep dear." mom smiled at me and used a finger to wipe tears from my cheek before she laid me gently over her shoulder.

"sad story." I just said to her as she walked towards the bedroom.

She laid down in bed holding me in her arms and cuddled my hair.

"why do you need to learn spells?" mom asked me looking worried at me.

"I Nyad them to fight darkness…" I said looking up at her.

"does this have something with the time I was sick?" she looked worried at me as I look back at her.

"be strong dear… I Lowe you." I said back her own words from the hospital to her with tears running down my cheek.

At this point dad came in and laid down with us looking worried at us but did not speak.

"I had the darkness… didn't I?" Mom asked me I just nodded quietly.

"what happened? Can you say it?" mom asked holding tight in her arms.

"you were dying I… called and screamed but nyowone come…" I said closing my eyes feeling my tears flow from my eyes I felt my mom hug me and dad held my hand they stayed like that until I calmed down. I used my other hand and wiped away my tears…