chapter 47: ingredient search PT.1

okay lets head the city and find a fusion core and some xiotextien" they nodded their heads and we walked out of the village.

as they walked out of the forest they saw a group of four human's, "hey look there's some freaks go get them" some Amazon warrior girl said, but then a bulky guy put his arm out "look, there with 2 other human's, they must be slaves"

they all were about to get in a fighting stance but I put my arm out telling them to stop "your right that's what they are, do you have a problem that miss" I gave her a serious look.

she tightened her grip on her rifle before losing the gun "no, actually were freak hunters and are looking for sum, have you seen any wild one's" she said nonchalantly.

"no I haven't, actually there's a hord of zombies in the forest right now, there so strong they took out 4 of my group and hurt my friend here, thats why I'm carrying her, if I were you I'd run as fast as you can from here like how were doing" I need that village so ill kill you if you don't leave.

I looked at there gear and they only had a rifle and a three bats. the bulky guys face was shocked and he said to the amazon looking girl "I think we should go mia" she nodded her head "I agree"

I signaled the others to walk behind me and we started to walk again away form them.

the girl looked over to me "hey wait up" she ran over to me and bowed "thanks for telling us about the danger" I looked at her and gave her a devastated look like one who watched his friens be eaten infront of him

"id hate to see someone suffer the same fate as us, id be a shame if fellow survivers died to those bastards" "were staying at a little apartment building thats fensed and fortified. there's about 17 peoples, if you ever want to join up with us go to the shallow inn, its 3 km to the south of here" she said running to her group and leaving with them.

as we walked and I knew no one else was around I said " 'few' that's finally over with" "can I ask a question, master why'd you lie to them like that?" Yuna wanted to know my reasoning.

"they could of jeopardized my plan to leave here, if they didn't leave or believed me I would of killed them" its simple right.

"oh okay, that's simple, but you could of also used them to help you find these items, if they had any we could of looted there base if you offered us up as wild beastmen you captured" the others looked at her then at me and saw I had a disguised look on my face.

"sure your plans reasonable but that's something I jusy can't do" no why should I just sacrifice my people to gain something, this isent chest and im not just some king peace ready to lay my own soldiers down for my survival.

"this isn't chest, don't talk like your all just disposable pawns, because your not and I don't want to here somthing like that again" they all took my words to heart.

"yes rin"

as we entered the city we were greeted by some unwanted attention, a few zombies were present but thankfully no hords were anywhere.

"okay battle training, yuri and Yuna take the bats and kill atleast 2 zombies, as for yuu... just take the rest out and make sure they don't die" without complaining they ran forward and bagan their assault.

I pulled out a pistol and was ready to assist and practice shooting if necessary. have I ever shot a gun... nope but this might be my first chance.

there were 12 zombies and yuu quickly ran forward and killed 8 of the zombies quickly, as for the others Yuri was aproched by one and he swong the bat hitting it in the head, stunning it not killing it tho, he jumped back and for the next few minutes he would hit it in the head and jump back and then repeat. this lasted for the next 10 minutes.

as for Yuna, she ran past one and kicked its feet triping one and then she smashed the bat against its skill killing it after a few hits. as for the second one she used her mana and enhanced the bat and her strength and then used water magic to shroud the bat and then make a spiked water club and then bashing it against the zombie making it fall to the ground and she bagan to rock its world by sending it off to the afterlife.

Yuna finished quickly and now we were waiting on Yuri to finish his little fight, I was messing with the gun spinning it but then suddenly the trigger was pushed down and the bullet hit the zombie's kneecap making it fall to the ground were Yuri then destroyed its head in two hits.

"thanks master" he waved to me, and I was completely frozen and thinking about what if that hit one of them or if it me.

[ 12 zombies killed 600 exp gained ]

"guns are no joke, imma just put this away" I said opening my bag and placing it in there.

usually power cores are in generaters or at most hotels and motels for backup power so I should go to that camp they were talking about later, right now I need to go to the flower shop and grab a few plants called xiotextien.

[devour] the I separated the corpses and distributed there mist balls based on there work, yuu was happy and the other two were glad to do this if they got more, or atleast that's what they told me.

neko didn't mind, she wanted their zombie cores and I gave her all 12 after which she made me feed them to her. she's a handful.

"okay the shop should be up here" I opened the door and the whole shop was empty, I looked at Yuna " can you find the xiotextien and put it in this jar" I handed her a jar and looked around, I found nothing specal but what I saw surprised me. the owner was in the other room and he was hanging from a nuse, with a kicked chair under him.

"poor man" I turned around and headed back downstairs to them, as I arrived Yuna handed me a jar filled to the brim with two plants, and she told me they both were on the list, I put it in another bag and gave it to neko to carry.

2/10 ingredients found, "okay were gonna head to that place the amazone lady told us about" "why are we going their" yuu asked politely.

"im gonna steal their power core" "oh" neko turned to me "can we kill them" I shook my head "no" "thats not a good idea" "fine".

we walked for what it seemed to be two hour, we kept running into groups of zombies and I would do the same thing as before but as as the larger groups appeared neko got annoyed and me and her double teamed a group of 50 while the others sat on the sidelines and recovered.

neko leveled up 1x the other two leveled up 3x and yuu level up 5x, I used the system to free destrubut there points and they all were excited about the sudden power up, In total we defeat 121 zombies stage 0 and I gained a total of 7300exp and I was close to leveling up.


as we got to the entrance of the gate I saw the amazon lady and yelled "hey, I found you" while waving my hand. she immediately saw me with neko on my back and let us in.

as we entered I told her that were her to stock up on supply and she led us to a trader, "so you guys planing on staying" "yea mabey for a day, we need to go back to our base soon before are boss gets angry with me and my companion neko" she nodded her understanding that feeling.

"okay well we don't have any available places but you and your slaves can use that tent tonight, its a new slave tent and only one slave currently resides there, but I don't think she mind sharing, if she bothers you we'll beat her and make sure nothing like that happens again so don't worry also her hands are cuffed so a problem like that is low"

"okay thank you, were very thankful" she shook her head "think of it as a I owed you one payed off, you warned us about the zombies and a hord appeared not so long ago, if you didn't tell us we'd be dead" did I save them?

I walked to the tent with the others and we placed are bags on the floor by the wall, I saw the slave and it was a fairy, she was cuffed and also across the room scarred. thankfully her wings weren't cut off, ill free her later.

"hello there, were not gonna do anything to you, were just gonna spend the night in this tent with you, if you don't mind us being here" she didn't respond but ill take the silence as she didn't mind.

as we sat down next to eachother we began to talk to eachother about the mission and ignoring the fairy slave.

"okay so we got the 2 plant's, you three will stay here with neko so nun of you get bullied and or get hurt by the human's while I go and look to see if they have anything on the list besides the power core" "rin we can take care of ourselves, we can help" Yuri said "too big of a risk and were in human territory so I need this to go perfect or ill need to kill everyone of them in the base, which one do you prefer yuu, yuna, Yuri, neko because if you want to ill do it" Im gonna see there response and how they do under presure when it comes to lives.

the fairy look at me and she was shocked that I planed on killing every human here, but she didn't speak she only sat up and listened.

neko bluntly said "im down for killing them" yuu said "I think we should try and avoid fighting them but they might become a threat to us later but they might become allies so I say let's go with few first option, also Yuri shut the fuck up and keep your mouth shut form now on, don't pester master because you think you know anything" yuu said seriously to her brother, unlike him she actually knew the risk and was gonna lay low like her master asked so nothing bad would happen to him and them.

Yuna said "just like yuu said, we should try and avoid bloodshed because they could be possible allies for you master"

"sorry master I wasn't thinking strait" Yuri said "its fine but think of everyone else and what the predicament were in, before you ask somthing like that again" he nodded in agreement.

"I dont like it but if anyone ask about you three tell them that your the slaves of me and neko, okay also neko if you meet any trouble don't try and kill them off unless they pose a threat to any one of are lives" she nodded in agreement and I stood up and looked at the fairy.

black and green flames shrouded my hands and I pointed at her "tell anyone about this and your dead" I said before making them disappear and she simply nodded her head.

I walked out of the tent and I looked around the merchants areas. now that I think about it did Jenny ever start dating that fairy damon from her class.

I haven't checked my messages since the day I left for the camp and I guess its time to check... holy shit why do I have over 999+ text, shit so many people keep blowing up my phone and I didn't notice. rin scrolled down to his phone and checked his messages from Jenny.


the first unread one was,

Jennifer ito: brother you said im gonna need a partner and I found one.

Jennifer ito: me and Kyle are now dating, yeaayyyy. also damon confessed his love for the girl you infront of the class, but when he looked he couldn't see you anywhere because you left, but he still wanted me to ask if you'd go out with him.

Jennifer ito: brother hey how's it going you doing alright, how's the camp going, oh yea I dont think they have outlits for your phone to charge, oof imma still text you incase tho.

Jennifer ito: hey rin my wings, horns, and tail is coming in really fast, mia's missed you and also im staying with my girlfriend untill I learn how to put away and summon my wings like you do also I have the same exact ones like you, down to the last detail from my horns to my tail and wings.

Jennifer ito: brother, brother, brother its been a week and I've learned to transform/hide my wings into that tattoo like you also I mastered that transform and cloak manuscript you gave me before they even grew in.

Jennifer ito: brotherrrrr I miss you ;w; I know it's been two weaks since I last texted, how are you oh and my electricity has gotten to the first stage and im at the peaks also im now working in my other affinities also I've been making mia do this with me and she broke through to the first stage too.

Jennifer ito: were now gonna work on are shadow affinity text you later brother. also my mana color is pink and red while mias is pink in purple for some reason.

the messages keep combing but then the last one is

Jennifer ito: brother we miss you, whenever you get this text me immediately when your back, tell me your alright, please I beg of you, whenever you find you way back text me.


I'm still wondering how did I get this message from in the void, mabey some frequency hit me when I left the void and I got it. shit this is confusing lets just see whats happening infront of me first, I need to save my battery for when I enter my realm.

walking around for the next hour rin found 4 more items and they were specal rocks which he put inside his bag.

as for what he traded with, he traided them some vile of his blood which he labeled it as healing potion and he told them he found and stole them from a witch doctor. of course they used it to make sure it was real and it healed a injered slave and we left before the aphrodisiac took effect.

I entered the builden and talked to the group which was with the amizon lady and when I got my chance I found the power core and took it from the backup generator behind the builden.

( 7/10 items founds )

I dont think they accept silver and or copper coins so my realms currency is usless here, what they used before the crisist was paper bills called dollars.

I left without being suspicious and I entered the tent and gave the Jared stuff to neko while distributed the others in an other bag emptying mine again.


night time came opon us and I secretly told the fairy about the location of the village and how to get their, but I also bluffed telling her that I cursd her and if she sniched on us she'd turn into a monster, she was a fairy and knew about a curse like that so she agreed to secrecy.

it was early in the morning and I used my skill to cloak her and I also freed her of her shackles, I used my blood and made a little smear on the wall and made it look like a little fight broke out and she escaped. I also left a letter with my blood drops on it and it said "that bitch jumped us in our sleep were hunting her down and ill kill her. sorry for your loss in profit but that slaves only gonna go to the afterlife when I'm finished with her"

we didn't even go to the entrance we literally hoped over then fence and began traveling to another sight were the ingredients will be.

an hour passes and we were walking throgh the streets and I felt a freezing gust of cold air, we continued but as we turned corners I saw ice spikes stabbed into zombies and humans alike and a little boy about my hight but taller just standing in the middle of there and frost and ice surrounded the layout of the area.

he turned to me and are eyes meet, he looked at something and then his eyes meet with mine and a promt showed up.

[ another system holder detected, right now system holder is friendly and passive towards you ]

"hey there friend, your just like me" his eyes gleamed with excitement and happiness and he ran over to me and stoped inftont of me and looked at me up and down "wanna be friend's"

did I just run into this worlds protagonist

'damn it, please dont make me into his side character or antagonist, i just wanna be a neutral mob that's not any'