chapter 81: series of events Pt.2

[Sarah's PoV]

as I saw lotus enter into the room I wanted to punch him so badly, he doesn't realize that every time he came and restored himself, I did as well and since were connected we feel the same exact thing as the moment happens, now imagine what it's like having sex with our sweet Emily and cumming before it even starts and or when she barely even touches you, SHE BARLY EVEM TOUCHED ME!

I'm pretty sure she thinks of me like a fucking creep who gets off on just looking at her now, ahhhhhh!!! it's so embarrassing, especially when you're in class and you're trying to be a normal fucking student and then *BOOM* a random moan just comes out of nowhere and or you spurt your love nectar out.




"I'm gonna kill him! he's so dead. . .I'm gonna kill him" she thinks but then as she heads to class after soaking the nurses bed and chaiging clothes "whoever gets that bed have fun with all my essence and aphrodisiacs I left up there hehe" she walked off with a grin.


being in the theater for a few moments she was getting impatient and as soon as he got there and joined them she ran up and punched him so hard in the gut he reacted in a split second by grabbing her head and smashing her head against his knee after taking her full blow to his gut.

"FUCKING EMBARRASSING" she yelled out making the othe gaze at them like "what the bloody hell is going on???"

the room became a icey Wasteland as the two clashed against another and shiro held her and the one named Quin held him back.

as the ice overtook the room the warlocks put up a barrier around the spectators and pulled out some popcorn somehow to watch and shared with the others at the glorious and almost start of a epic battle.

meanwhile telepathically they were arguing and mostly she was yelling at him and he yelled back how he needed to punish vonya which she understood...NOT!!!

she complained and asked how the hell he managed to go two days strait and he didn't know either, but it felt so damn good that he wasen't questioning it

***one epic word battle and a barrier began cracking later***

"fine I forgive you" she said outloud.


'you better not do it again or I swear to gods I'll beat the devil out of you and imma dry you out and keep going at it till your on the verge of I'll even go after your passed out you lewd ass Demon don't test me!


also I want to be compensation, tonight were having sex and you can't say no, because that being unfair to me and also it was FUCKING EMBARRASSING, so take responsibility for bullying your guardian!' sarah said telepathically to him.

he sighed and agreed, the ice dissapeared and it was still cold like hell froze over in there, but atleast the ice dissapeared...thats all that matters hehe.


after that lotus slept the entire two classes and he finally realized why his energy was drained and he was so tired.

he hasn't been doing his conditioning training from the system and well It was kinda finished yesterday night and he only completed it like 3/7 days so meh he gained somthing better from not doing any of it plus his endurance/VIT, DEX, and AGI increased by 3 a day, so he had gained 6 from pummeling vonya and he though it was worth it. . .even tho he could of got more from the system training.

Sarah was more forgiving unlike moon who held onto grudges and so she planed on helping out a sister...okay never mind!. . .she was gonna help out Chloe for what they talked about the other...other night about seducing lotus and confessing.

but lotus was sleepy so this was time for her to try and be more alluring and get his attention more without that indifferent and un-standing out look that lotus actually liked.

* * * * *

she poked him and with a sweet smile she asked if he wanted to use her lap as a pillow while she looked at yuki and she gave her a thumbs up back.

he accepted it and giggled as he crawled close up to her face making her blush and crush even more.

she thought he was going in for a kiss and she was puffed out her lips and closing her eyes but he moved passed her and wispered.

"don't fake a smile, your cuter when your more honest with yourself, also thanks, I'm really tired and your it's kind of you for offering this" he lays his head on her lap and immediately passes

[ side mission completed ]

< 20% bond increases >

[ race: Skull Habuku

name: Chloe

level: 26 (recently increased by 2 level)

stage: 1 (she's already passed stage one...oh no)

Bond 212% (she was at like 50% or less last time I checked)

their plan was working and soon they'd all be dead and lotus could go home. . .or the other way around, because this upcoming week was their feeding week were they'd go on the hunt and where they had to consume fleash and actually he's kinda hoping to purify Chloe with his darkness or blood and maybe convert her into a demon as well


and maybe the others as well...but then again they could be faking it all and just waiting to eat his flesh maybe,


also Chloe could be just waiting till she could kill and eat him as well, like a tasty treat just for her after all it wouldn't be surprising, thats happened before with those kinds of races.

ugh this is a problem Johnny warned me but I didn't listen and my attachment and feelings to the magus's are getting in the way.

"what to do? what to do? 'sigh' how do I tell her how I feel and also make sure Johnny dosen't find out about this or he'll scold me for being an idiot?" he said outloud on accident followed by.

"I just wanna fly away now, it would be much easier than being a high-schooler again, what a bothersome situation I'm in" he complained and he felt someone suddenly rub his his head.

his eyes opened and he saw Chloe had a pure smile "then let's get away from her, he dosen't need to find out" suddenly he started blushing as well, but by the way she looked at him she didn't hear him talking about assassinating her and her people.

lotus stuttered as he was about to ask what she heard but she stoped him "I wouldn't normally make the first move, but there's no way I'm letting you get away, so lotus do you want to-. . . do you want to" she spoke passionately that all of his hearts raced.

lotus was losing himself in the moment, he had never been asked out and or has even dated someone before, but he was litterally being asked out right now, this was so sudden and he wasn't prepared yet.

Sarah felt her red mist like hearts race as well and she knew the system's plan had succeeded, its time to move onto phase two of the mission, just as long as he accepts, but from the way it looks he might decline and run away in embarrassment like in one of those senji romance dramas, lotus you fuck up imma kill you

lotus froze and in the span of two seconds he had a super fast conversation with himself like a speedster, her face was getting more blushed and she mustered up the courage to say what she wanted to say.

"I'm taking you out tonight, You don't get to say no" she said indiffrently but with a heavy blush, she went rogue and abandoned her and yuki's plan, this was all Chloe now.

lotus being the incubus he is, was overjoyed by her confession, she was so adorable while being nervous that he could help but tease her a tiny bit "do you think you can handle me~" his sudden change and personality surprised her.


he grinned as he said that and he slowly sat up moving closer to her and lifting her head up with his finger on her chin.

his whole personality was about to shift into the sadist domain were he'd tease her to the extreme but then again being a sadist was Olivia's thing not his, so he resisted doing that...for now.

he chuckled a bit "if I don't get to say no then let's make this a fun night, hehehe I hope you enjoy dancing with the devil because he's not letting you get any sleep tonight" he said as he leaned in to under her chin and about to do somthing to her neck.

but as she heard that and felt his breath against her neck, she let out a gently noise which sounded alittle erotic, so he backed away since he teased her enough.

"but don't you think its way to early for that" she said shyly as she misunderstood him and thought of somthing lewd.

"huh???" he looked at her confused and then as he realized that the way he worded made it sound lewd, he giggled.

"your such a pervert Chloe, I just ment we'll have alot of fun on our date haha I'm not a horny dog you know" this cracked him up and he was enjoying messing with her alot,

"umm...I'm not a perv your just misleading, tu tonto" she said with a cute pout, but now as they were like this and it was like a romantic atmosphere was there, Eve creeped up on them.

"hey love birds 'wispers in his ear' lotus I'll be cheering for you at your match, don't dissapoint me or I'll send the footage to your sensai...Elane was it?" she said with da grin making chills go down his spine.

"no. . .please dont, you know she'll litterally kill me right, she already found out about me not training and if that gets released to her she'll litterally force me to 100x the amount of training" he said a little terrified because of how Elaine was acting more harsh to him lately.


maybe she's just more stressed or somthing and taking it out on others, meh I'll try to help her later and or as soon as I can atleast.

[ side objective acquired ]




system approved....incubus power plus DM has been sealed for a week and due to this, the system has gifted you a temporary hide feature you can't chose...the wings, horns, tail have been sealed inside of demonic magic seal tattoos just like your wings but locked by the system,


also you can now only use core mana and you look like your human, but your actually just a sealed away incubus who the system can barly contain for a week due to the immense racial power of the incubus>

after getting the notification he felt his his horns wings and tail were burning up like they were on fire making him wanna scream out in pain, and then he felt markings appear on his body, which if looking at him closely you can see the new tattoos on the tip his forhead were it entered the hair and on the waist were it looks like a short bone whip is wrapped around him because of how long his tail was.

after the extraordinary pain he lets out the breath of air and he realized he was by himself and Eve and chole were 10 meters away from him as the dirt was scorched and the grass dried out and turned black or to ash in a 2 meter radius.

some other students including yuki's group were close by looking at him and then your boi Johnny appeared running up to lotus.

"bro cool off!" he said with a mocking grin and a droplet of water hit my head making him look up.

above his head was a giant ball of water and I looked back at Johnny who had a sinister grin as he lowered his hand "no! stop!"

[ angelic and water manipulation ]


the holy water ball hit him and exploded without damaging him somehow, but it soaked him and everyone nearby including Johnny himself.

after that the water that flew into the air came back down as rain and you can say all the lesser demon's weren't haveing a fun time because of this angelic fool.

"hahahaha, get wet boys" he happily said as he jumped up, meanwhile lotus stood up and took off his shirt while giving Johnny the cold eyes.

[ ice manipulation ] technically a bo-staff but either way the staff was that of the base to many weapons like a scythe, spear, helbrid, Warhammer, waraxe, and many other also the bonk stick, and many more.

"I won't kill him, just one hard bonk" he said as his eye twitched and he had a menacing smile.


after appearing behind Johnny and hitting him over the head with his staff one very hard time, he then scolded him and a few other joined in for making everyone wet and especially since its cold out here and it's basically winter,


plus all those demon's got irritated by the touch of anything holy or angelic, especially holy water so they wanted to fight him now.

"idiot, next time you do that I'll beat Your ass to a blood pulp, you stupid fucking angel" one of them says and a figure appeared behind him at a high speed which half of the class could follow easily since it was a normal speed for them.

lotus jumped at him and smashed the staff strait down onto his head without holding back and it knocked the student out.

"filthy halfling! calling yourself a noble demon is already enough to make me want to not like you, but threatening my friend makes me want to. . .hehehe I'm legally not allowed to say" he said in a cold tone as he had a psychotic grin and was ready to hurt and or torture him, but the staff shattered.

lotus became a force to recon with because no one possessed any sorts of heat magic like fire and he's already threatened to freeze everyone there, also the wing and tail tattoos made him look like a street fighters low-leveled gangster mob.

"lotus come on we should go class is over, and whats with the attitude? are you okay bro?" both Chloe and Johnny toughed him to go,

"pathetic Demon's, your just like mutts but worst" these demon's really aggravated him and his thing against Demon's was getting worst the more he saw them belittle everyone for no reason.

"okay lotus lets go, or do you wish to be punished" yuki said tring to make him leave but he just looked at her and pointed his palm at her like he was gonna shoot a ki blast.

his eye's glew crimson and he was about to release a demonic blast at them, but then suddenly he couldn't use it and his eyes immediately went back to dark green.

[ Deminic power is unavailable, if you keep acting up system will send you to the punishment zone for 24 hours ]

his bloodlust was leaking out of him and his intentions to kill was now showing when he raised his hand up and towards someone in his way. . .but thankfully something happened and no attack came and all the intent to kill disappeared.

"tch, stay out of my way Sarah" his personality was even more bi-polar than Aurora's today for some unknown reason, most likely a incubus puberty thing...even tho incubi and succubi become adults at sixteen, they still are in a perberty state were they go through changes for a hundread or two hundred years.

"Sarah?" Shiro who was paying attention more then them was learning and observing more about the two, but this was no time for those two to fight because they would freeze everyone here without hesitation or not purposely.

"hey can you put a shirt on lotus" kai said as he looked deeply at the tattoos, lotus personality switched again for like the seventh time today.

"then stop looking at me pervert 'humph' only Chloe's allowed to check me out" he said looking over to her with a seductive half-smile like that Salvatore guy from VampD.

she was blushing as she looked at his compact body and visable muscles which gave him a one of those perfect summer body's and this half-smile and wording was teasing her and so new to her, it made her heart fluttered.

seeing this, Eve could wait to bring them to his match to surprise him and also visit her little brotherb later at because she heard him call out for rex or one of them the other, other night.

"okay everyone but lotus follow me, I have somthi g to show you all and he said he'll come after" she winks at him and eventually they followed her.


at the arena there was a huge crowd of people on some sort of bleachers and most of the avalable staff were there to monitor it, including Ms.Emily.

Aurora was already on one side and waiting for lotus, but then someone walked into the cubic area.

"oh so it looks like you came, little flower" she said grinning

"why wouldn't I come, after all if it's fighting you I wouldn't miss it for the world, you mutt" he jested, but that made Aurora mad since someone they know called her and her people that before.

"your getting on my nerves you pathetic flower! and I'm not holding back and when were finished I'll show you the difference between master and servant, also the difference between what you called a mutt and a peasant like yourself!!!" she wasen't gonna hold back and she was gonna gave a heard time holding back, especially since she was back at 100%.

"If I'm a present lets be it together dogy" he knew how to anger her because it was easy and she was now inraged.


meanwhile sitting in the crowd was Eve and all of the other's, including the warlocks and Johnny, also all of his first and fourth class.

"what the hell???" Chloe said as she looked at the werewolf and her lotus about to fight "haha lets make a bet, there's three rounds and I bet 10 gold coins on lotus for the first round" Eve said grinning.

"bet" all the warlocks did the same and they challenged a whole lot of people on the opposite side plus the entire wolf community except kai.