chapter 105: lotus, son of Khorne and Jösephinetle, and the return of his real power

Its all gone.

I have nothing left.

My power.

It's all gone.

And here I am floating once again.

Inside the void.

The only thing I have left Is... well kinda what I'm floating in, here I am again just floating in the nothingness called the void.

Should I go back? or should I just stay here for a few centuries? without my power what use am I?




Wait a fucking second! hahaha without my power I'm everything! I'm finally free! now I can't be bound by anything! no more responsibilities! no more lust, fuck eveything I can finally do whatever I want!

My name is lotus Ito- well actually I guess I should use my real name for once,

My name is Ten and I'm a darkness.

To be exact I'm the tenth darkness.

Hahaha finally freedom.

[ Body Restore ]

[ Your real power has been unsealed from the goddess seal ]

[ You will no longer have the goddess of love blessing nor curse anymore ]

[ Your other half has been fully unsealed ]

[ Welcome back son of Khorne and Jösephinetle ]

His darkness body suddenly started condensing and bones, fleash, blood, it all started forming, restoring his incubus body.





Actually I have two sisters, so I had to come back anyways. . .

He looked to his left were the fifth darkness hiro was just floating along with him "bro I gotta go, you probably know were to find me if you need anything" Ten said and he looked at his body and sighed.

"Huh? oh right, see you later, actually I'll see you in few days" he said waving bye and Ten dissapeared.

Ten appeared in the same hallway which he left from out of before, it seems Ten had spent a few years in the void because a few hours passed out here in the real world.

The sun was still shining and the storm was raging as it was still the third day of the full moon's.

It's still Friday and Ten... Well now lotus again looked at the hallways which was full of naked unconscious people, just like he left before he went into the void..

Lotus felt hungry so he decide to have a little snack.

He went down and took a bite out of a human famale and then switched to her partner before getting back up and leaving.

He then checked his system and needed to know if what the system told him was true.

[ Name: Lotus Ito

Race: Demon - Royal Incubus

Clan members: 4 Survents: 4

HP:2,730/2,730 MP: 2,760/2,760

Hunger: 65% DM: 0/50

Class: lesser incubus

Title: lesser blood knight

Level: 25 XP: 19,615/25,000

STR: 182 DEX: 215

AGI: 182 VIT: 273

INT: 276 CHR: 96]

< 0 unused AP(UAP)>

< 0 blossom pettles >

Manipulations and skills:

[ Lvl 8 darkness manipulation ]

(lv up progress(٪11))

[ Lvl 1 Blood manipulation ]

( lvl up progress (%1))

[ Lvl 1 blood bank ]

( lvl up progress (%81))

< 10ml: full with human blood >

[ lvl 1 incu-lust ]

(lv up progress(٪01))

[ lvl 9 dream walker ]

(lv up progress(٪87))

[ lvl 1 cloak ]

(lv up progress(٪1))

[ lvl 1 transform ]

(lv up progress(٪1))

[ lvl 3 beast ]

(lv up progress(٪98))

[ Lvl 4 Devour ]

( lvl up progress (%2))

He looked at his status and they were the same except the new titel.

But when he looked at his manipulations and skills he saw that if it wasn't missing it was reset and only four stayed the same.

He couldn't belive the screen infront of his eyes, so he focused and once he looked deep within himself he could only see a new demon crystal which was his core...But that was it.

Only his demon crystal core was there and a whole five crystal cores were gone, no nature, wood, electric, fire, ice... They were all gone.

He felt enraged at the sight of this news and a darkness aura formed around him like raging black flames.

[ dark-aura ]

His eyes looked crazed and he ginded his teeth as he was extreamly pissed of right now but then he calmed down immediately.

"Okay look your still an incubus which suck like hell, but come on man, you only need Mia and Jenny, that power. . .All we worked for. . .It means nothing" he said as he actually cared about losing all he had

"Shit who cares if some goddess took back some stupid Power or blessing which she gave to the incubus's, I didn't want it anyways" he pouted.

" All that matters is that you have your own power now and all you had before can be replaced" he said calming himself.

"Also I'm a darkness, I'm not really ready to accept the others as apart if my family yet but still, as long as I who I truly am nothing can get to me and bring me down" he said as the loss of his power already had discouraged him.

"Yeah" why is he talking to himself.

He head foot steps run at him from behind "die Demon" a rouptious voice said and as they got a meter away from lotus he instantly reacted by turning swiftly and throwing a kick to his head.

The man dodged but then lotus's tail hit him, taking him by surprise and then lotus high jumped, kneeing him in the head.

The man stumbled over and he fell back and lotus landed ontop of him making him sqeel as lotus landed on his stomach.

"Shut up" lotus then kicked him in the side of the head and knocked him out.

Lotus looked at the boy and it was a naked werewolf who must of been affected by his miasma back when he had his power and needed to collect all that essence.

"Your fault for being in this hallway when I clearly turned it into a sex den, also if you're still awake and faking it, tell Aurora I said hi" he got off of the wolf boy and started walking to the staircase.

Lotus was also naked as his body was basically disintegrated when that power was being ripped out of him forcfully and some other half of him seal was unlocked.

He then focused for a second and his incubus clothing reappeared and he hid his wings in the tattoo as he casually walked around without bothering to hide his horns or tail.

He continued walking untill he got to trinity's room where he just walked in and saw her still aleep on the couch like when he left early this morning.

As he was in there, he was finally safe and he desided to examine what he had to work with now.

He had gained blood magic and a few racial...quirks relating to his father Khorne the blood and war God,

He lost all his mana crystal cores which allowed him to use different elemental magics.

Anything relating to love and lust was stolen or taken away leaving him to start all over, also his love and lust was lessened to make room for blood and war.

And now this happened.

[ Transform - [-25MP every half hour ]]

[ Cloak - [-25MP every half hour ]]

Lotus snapped his fingers and he his features then became hidden.

"Every day I spend using these two together I'll use 2,400MP, I'm going to need to rethink a new way of collecting mana or else I'll have to deal with another one of those hellish lust-drives" he complained.

"Also I really want to fight something, you know what? when the storm leaves, I'm going on an adventure, Sarah or Moon can take care of my school situation, I need to do something to keep my mind off of this shit" he said as he planned an adventure.

"East or West? I'll just deside on the way" he was planning on leaving the kindom.

He then looked over at trinity and decided that he kinda wanted to go see someone before he left.

He left and went to the room were he equipped his soul cloak and flew to the next building.

He entered the building and went to the fourth floor were he knocked on the door and someone opened it and she was pretty tired.

"Hey Maria~" he said as he steped foreward and kissed her. She was shocked to hear his voice and or see him but then as soon as his lips pressed against her and she heard that voice, she reacted by kissing him back.

"So you missed me so much you're finally visiting, haha it's only been a week since you left lotus" she said with a smug look as she grabbed his waist sensually and pulled him inside the dorm room.

"No I just came back on official business but it went crapy, so I came to see you afterwards" he complained.

"pfff~ how crapy was it, it couldn't be that bad" after she said that, lotus then leaned in close and wispered.

"Run away with me for a week or two" lotus said and then he took a step away from her "come with me on a quest, just the two of us" he said reaching his hand out.

She looked excited as she reached her hand out... but then she became hesitant and pulled back and her smile fadded.

"Sorry I can't, you see... I'm actually a guard, stationed here to look over someone" she said as she really wanted to go.

"So who are you guarding~?" he asked and she shook her head "I can't tell you that" she said but he was persistent on taking her with him for this.

"Come on you can tell me, after all I may be able to help out, I am a reliable person" he said as he stoped forward and had a childish grin.

She hesitated but then said "it's Shiro..." his face turned sour as she said that name.

Lotus was still angry at her for tapeing him up while he was yuki yesterday, and she was particularly at fault for him completing the essence collection mission.

"I marked her already, if any danger comes to big sis shiro as long as I'm in this realm then I'll be able to instantly transport to her location to help her with the best of my abilities... even tho it might have repocutions on my body" he said honestly.

"Really? You can do that?" she asked and he smiled as he leaned in "I can do alot of thing, come with me and I'll show you, also I promise that everything I say isn't a lie, pinky promis" he said immaturity as he stook out his pinky.

"come on, let me steal you for a little bit~ They won't even know your gone" he said tring to convince her to come with him.

she accepted it and laughed "your such a kid, I will take you up on your offer lotus" she said followed by becoming excited "so when do we leave?"

"After the storm" he said and she raised her brow "so tomorrow then" she simply replied.

"I guess so" he said but then she pulled him in "well that good news, because this leaves time for us to contine were we left off three weeks ago" she said seductively as she was coming onto him.

She kissed and he kissed her back and they both moved to the couch were they passionately made love.

*** 1 day ago***

Yuki jumped and hugged Shiro as she saw her, Yuki didn't know why she did it but for some reason she just felt like hugging Shiro after not seeing her for almost a week.

[ ~~~to be continued~~~ ]