chapter 120: it's a bust at the dinner party!

His eyes jolted open as he gasped for air and he felt the inside of him spike rapidly out of control trying to gain access to air "shh~ stay still" a feminine voice said hugging him and pushing him back down.

He looked and it was Maria and they were both laying down on his bed...back home? shadowfall?..during the day?

He sat up immediately and he felt pain all over his chest and it surged through his body, he was naked and his incubi clothing was in his hair clip.

He saw that his upper body was damaged severely and there was a note on his wall which had a kitchen knife stabbed into it keeping it up.

He got out of bed and as he walked to his wall he read the note that was up there.

Note: hey little bro, it's Marcel your oldest brother aka the second darkness ^W^, after saving your from those savages I took you home to the void to check your condition, and I gotta say your almost at stage 1 and it's only been a month, haha I'm so going to brag about that to the others, keep up the training, oh and as for one of your hearts that got destroyed, it's healing so rest alot or you know you'll be like an old human with a heart attack haha, also you were asleep for a while in the void so after having you there I brought you back home to shadowfall...take care... also I know all about Maria and she's a keeper trust me~, but she's not a good vessel as she's too resilient...loves little Ten and stay safe~

The note ended there and he was confused, he then looked down "¿when did my heart get destroyed?¿" but then he yawned which hurted and then he went over to his desser which he got a set of casual teal clothing.

Lotus then put the cover back on Maria and he walked out of the room and he saw Mia get up there and she looked at him with a look of disappointment "so where'd you run off to this time?" her tone was upsetting and as he heard that from her and finally saw her again after like a year but also not a year... he spilled it.

System and darkness details aside, he only spilled that he left the kingdom and how he had a replacement take his place, he was captured, he had a scheme and corrupted hundreds and even killed a few people after finding out he was an incubus and he was currupting everyone, and then he just slightly cried as he plead for forgiveness as he had been so selfish and self-centered, leaving everyone behind and also not being like he was supposed to be just like he promised mom and dad and them.

She was shocked as during all of this even his transformation dispelled and she pulled him into her room as he had a little brake down infront of her.

She hugged him patting him to say it was alright even tho it wasen't alright, she wasn't worried about alot of the stuff he said, but him being captured, inslaved, and even how he put his own life at risk frightened her and despite knowing it was in their blood to be kinda chaotic, she didn't want this.

It was a rough hour for the both of them and she had originally ment where was he becuase Sarah was supposed to be helping her cook as aiko and nekabu were over.

But now Jenny had to do it and they had a confrontation, she ended grounded him from doing anything stupid like that again and leaving the kindom without proper reasoning and notice...and etc.

also her transformation dispelled and she ended showing that she was already awakened and he shouldn't be doing some stupid stuff which he usually did.




After calming down she also looked at his hair and realized how long it got, she then made herself and him transformation human style and then they both went down stairs to meet the two guest. also Maria came down and joined as she came too check on him... he really had her worried for a month.

They were confused on who the chick was but then he told them it was his friends from back when he was on the long mission.

The dinner party was fine, but nekabu kept glaringing at lotus with excitement and also was dumbfounded as he found someone with a double scent just like him.

for some reason the systems cloak wasent working and he immediately knew he was an incubus and not some other race with a double scent.

It was like love at first sight...but instead if it being was racial profiling as he immediately knew the boy infront of him was also an incubus.

But nekabu didn't know if he was thee pure-blood or not, to him lotus looked like another halfling with a stronger scent and power, and assuming from the two around him they were both halfling succubuses too.

As they were eating lotus was quiet as his speech was still set to enochian only for now...he needed more time to get readjusted.

Also nekabu planned on asking lotus if he knew or wanted to help find their pure blooded incubus brother too.

Meanwhile lotus was in the dark though as he wasn't paying attention and he didn't have mothers blessing like nekabu so his senses was stronger but also more dull in some he was a bit dulled down to what his people were like before the gods help.

Meanwhile Sarah when she found out he came back she went back inside of him going into a very deep sleep...she really needed it.


(Going back to Rin)

It was over and eveyone was kinda doing their own thing but as Rin walked upstairs...but he was followed by nekabu?

Rin was just going to lay back down but as he was in the middle of the halway he felt someone touch his shoulder, he jumped as someone startled him.

He turned around quickly and I was nekabu, the hot boy who was only a few centimeters taller than him.

"Hey Rin, I feel stupid for not realizing sooner even after we hung out for days~" but as Rin finally smelled it, nekabu had a double scent, the second was plain but the first reaked of incubus.

Nekabu looked at him and his eyes lit up in a scary way as they became sharp like a knife. this frightened nekabu and he back up putting his hands up as well.

"Don't worry I won't tell anyone I swear!" he said as he had an innocent look and then lotus started walking to him and he continued back up till he got to the edge of the stairs.

Lotus could simply push him right now and he would fall down the strais, but as lotus kept glaring at him he suddenly started to laugh as his eyes softened.

"Brother your pretty tall...'mumbles' tch and hot... why are you here, is there something wrong?" lotus said as then backed up so nekabu did fall down the stairs.

"Don't you remember? your sisters invited me and aiko over for dinner this morning?" he said and Rin rubbed his chin "I see, so your a friend of Sarah's then?" he mumbled to himself and then looked up at this stud.

"Hey you think we can talk, I have something serious to discuss with you, this involves another incubus" he said and Rin's face tuned solemn.

"I'm not sharing" he said and nekabu tilted his head "huh?" generally confused Rin's face darkened "I'm not letting another incubus lay their hands on the ones I claimed!...that includes you!" his eyes slowly started turned crimson and nekabu backed up and shook his had.

"I'm not like that I promise, I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to help me and our angelic sister find more incubus's" he said and Rin's menacing expression faded as he rubbed his head.

"I guess looking for our brothers would be worth a shot? I can make sure to be weary of. . .fine I'll help also I have no sister that's an psychotic angels" angel's a no go, even if mother love or father war had children and he was their kin... he only cared for succubus's and incubus's.

"I see you Don't like angel's, well thats understandable I feel weary and also afraid when I'm around them too" he said and Rin gave him that look as it was the other way around for him...Domination was all he cared for if he were to take on or meet an angel.

"Okay so the incubus we need to find is a pure blooded incubus, we need to find him before we can look around for more of our brothers. unlike us demi human's, he's a real full blood, I know it's amazing right~!" he said super hyped as he was able to talk with a fellow half incubus's.

'He didn't say royal?. . .he said pure blood so it must be somebody else and not me' he thought to himself.

"I'll help you but I've had a horrible week so maybe next week after classes and the weekend I can walk around the city with you on the search of brothers...also I know a sister kin who might just be able to help us" he said as Lilith must have some sorts of information to help them.

"Sounds awesome! I can't wait~" he said and then Rin stated walking away "hey where are you going?" "I'm going to train? why you wanna train with me?" he said and then nekabu's face lit up "of course~!" he then followed Rin into his room.

As they got in there it many scents lingered through the air and then he looked at Rin who started mediating.

"So...Why are you mediating?" he asked "I'm cultivating my magic, it's important that I can improve as quick as I can" he said but then nekabu's face lit up.

"You know magic, i know a little but but can you teach me something!" he said surper exited and Rin sighed as he patted infront of him for nekabu to sit.

"Do you know how to manipulate your blood, or even your lust" he said opening his eyes and then nekabu nodded his head.

Rin's hand formed claws and it surprised nekabu and then he cut his hand and he used his blood forming a blood shard.

"Try shaping your blood or even try just making it float, it's relatively easy concept to pick up, just imagine your blood not as blood but as an extension of yourself" he said and then the liquid blood shard hardened into a Cristal which cost him around 250 HP just to conjur out.

"Oki doki, I'll try my best. . .. . .but can you cut my hand for me...sorry" he said afraid of the pain and also he couldn't use claws since he's still at the pawn-stage.

Rin slowly cut his hand making him swear as his sharp claw sliced his flesh.

Rin then licked nekabu's hand as a peace offering, for making him do this.

Nekabu face burned up as he was madly blushing as soon as Rin's tounge licked his wound taking his newly bled blood.

Rin then started mediating and he placed small blood crystal that was about his palm sized next to him for neko to eat later.

Black mist then covered the room shocking nekabu, but them he remembered his words and he tried the best so he could to manipulate his bloodn like Rin said to.

It floated up a tiny bit but then exploted making him have to restart.

He did this for ten minutes before feeling wosy and then coving his hand with a napkin and just laying there on the floor falling asleep, almost instantly.

[ nekabu's VIT increased by +2 ]

This was the start of bloody fine partnership between incubi and half-incubi


The door opened "aiko's leaving, sorry to do this but it's a school night so I gotta kick you out nekabu" Mia said but then she felt a shiver Run down her spine as she looked down at Rin and the black mist covering his room.

"¿What the hell?¿" this was her first time seeing the traces of his darkness like this.

But then as she was content on how strange his magic was, someone slid past her and it was Akio "I'll be taking him, bye Ten" she picked up nekabu and just left.

She sighed and just left as that was over with and that boy who smelled of incubus was gone for today.