chapter 137: re-take over pt.2

Crawling out of the snow crater Rin didn't have a lewd or horny look, but instead his look was that of a predator.

He had found a way to suppres it for six hours as he transfered it all to Moon, but it would be 7x when it came back to him since he over ate and collected so much death essences.

Elaine saw her sword and it was shattered and he was circling the sex-craved Demon's.

The Demon leader finally noticed him but it was too late as he was in perfect position.

He wasn't facing the school.

Crimson flaired off of him like raging flames and slight ticks of black as well and then he had a psychotic look I his face as his eyes lit up and the inside of his mouth glew red.

The Demon knew exactly what he was doing but and he started charging up a blast. now it was all to see who was faster him or Rin.


Slowly bubling



Snow above melted into water droplets which evaporated


Snow started evaporating around the two


The other two Demon's noticed his presence and then started changing at Rin.


It was too late

[ overdrive Blast ]

Taking a stong step forward and taking a deep breath he then opened his mouth and shooting a large blash of demonic chaostity shot thought all of them.

With 3 meters in width and hight, he moved his raging blast-beam and he killed everything including all the poor trees that was infront of him as well as the barrier.

He exhausted evey last drop of demonic and available core mana, as well as his darkness juice which he mixed in and also his own life force..

[ HP: 0/3840 ]

Nothing was left and he completely destroyed the barrier to the school as well.


With everything dead and everyone left speechless, he fell to his knees and everything fadded to black.

But the thing was that monsters still roamed the first floor.

* * * * *

Akio saw her baby brother do something completely stupid again, as that was something that was supposed to kill him, but she knew that he was alive, a suicidal technique like that wasn't enough to finish off her baby brother.

She was about to shift and collect him to take him home to the void, but then monsters came out from the first floor and started moving twards Rin and before she could react, someone kicked the wall completely busting a hole throught it.

It was Olivia and she jumped down onto one if the monsters digging her tiger claws into it and them completely ripping the head off of the green chubby monster.

She jumped off of it and landed on all four with her tail lashing, teeth baring and widened eyes glowing silver. showing her hostility

She was aproched and roared sending a wave og ground spikes made of ice stabbing everything infront of her.

But then she dissapeared and reappeared next to a thin monster with a long head and she stabbed her hand right thought its head before dissapearig again and then as she did all the monsters around there started getting taken out one by one.

The only one who could see her was Sally nana, but she couldn't actually see Olivia as she was using phantom magic. Sally could only see the tracks on the snow.

And the snow made her naturally blend in so it was like she was invisible.

One of them got to Rin and grabbed him as it tried taking a bite into his tasty and sweet smelling flesh, but then she reappeared and a blue mana outline shourded her body and she was super fast as she kicked the ground and jumped at him, kicking him and sending him flying away from her Rin.

She grabbed him as a quarter of the monsters had been killed by her, and she then dashed twards the school and then jumped three stories to land in that hole with all the students in there.

With diffrent colored blood coving her body her eyes were silver and she looked terrifying as she was releasing her overpowering aura which was enhance her even more than her enhancer magic.

She then started walking and she then stood infront of someone who she could trust "Elaine take him and hold on tightly" she put him in Elaine's arms and then she ran and jumped out of the building again to fight the monsters.

She dissaoeared using phantom magic, but some of the beastkin there with good perspection saw her tracks in the snow.

She circled around those who were looking for that sweet scent and Rin's pharamones not just made his target go bonkers but it also tuned him into a target for those hungry for it's origin, or the sweetest thing there which was most likely the tastiest too.




Grabbing one of the corpses she used a high level ice spell, well actually it was two grades above ice, she used cryo magic and she used [below zero] freezing the corpse to bring it into a state like Rigamortis.

It was frozen solid and then she grabed the foot of this acute monster, she then proceeded to smashed it over another monster and like a bat she was attacked untill it's brains went splat-a-tat!

But then she was grabbed by a monster and it bit her sholder sinking its yellow teeth into her, but then she twisted her body like a gymnast and she kicked it in the head Making it let go as its head was bleading just like her sholder.

She landed on her butt, but she then rolled over to get on her knees and then she jumped at it, useing her claws she slashed away at its face untill it died.

She moved off of it as she felt herself get surrounded and she felt something grabbed her tail and she then swiped at it cleaving its head off its body and then she felt her get grabbed by multiple monsters and even a frog tounge.

She thought it was the end but then pink hair came across her face and brains splattered.

A raging fire like aura came off of her as it was as red enveloped her body, and with one filled with bulging and vainy muscles 'Berserker magic' Olivia thought to herself but then in an instant the girl grabbed two monsters and slammed their heads together freeing her.

Olivia shifted her body and before the pink hair'd girl could even attack anymore monsters, all fourteen suddenly got killed and Olivia appeared meters away as fresh blood enveloped her.

Anita looked at Olivia dumbfounded at such speed which she couldn't even pull see.

There were twenty-six monsters left and then Olivia looked up at the whole, were the students were and her eyes widened as she Remembered something.

Her aura flaired up and she then disappeared, only one could see her moments and she was shocked as she just so fast.

twenty six were suddenly dead within just a few minutes.

She then landed reappeared on a cindered patch of dirt covered in snow and she looked to Anita whose berserker magic went undone.

"Anita I need to go to Saint bare! stay here and make sure no more get in!" she started running out of the schools campus to a orphanage nearby.




She arrived and as she got there she saw monsters ad well as a few angels trying to brake through the man made barricades and she got extremely pissrd and kicked the ground dashing at them.

She jumped and grabbed onto a angel and sliced its throat before hoping to another one and another and another killing seven angels in air before hopping down.

She then saw a fat acid Demon and she using the element of surprise she used the snow to her advantage as frost spiked came out from behind it and then stabbed into it infecting it with frost damage and slowly making frost cover it.

It froze as her attack killed it at first and them she charged the monsters slaughtering them and killing them dead.

As she killed them all she kicked the door down and rushed into the building to make sure they were okay and safe.

And they were.

* * * * *

As Mr.sungus cought news of what happened he entered the auditorium and then hoped out of the hole and Ms.Erica took care of Rin as he was the only injured one there.

Mr.sungus reached Anita and she explained the situation and he drew his sword and gave her his secondary weapon a short sword to fight incase anything came.

Meanwhile the city was attacked by farel Angel's, Demon's, and monsters, the streets were crawled with them.

But so was hunters, cultivators, mages, all the guilds in shadowfall that could fight and also all the citizen's that could fight as well.


Not long passed and as Anita and Mr.sungus took guard outside, inside was fulled with mermer but also small talk as most we're in a state of panic since it all began.

But then as it all seemed to be calming down everyone froze as they senses the strong presence of evil.

They all looked to the whole in the wall and staning right there. now entering the third floor was a tall grey skined creature, no gender, no hair, only cold skin and a frozen heart.

It's black eyes peirced everyone as the strongest windigo came in there.

It looked at them all but it didn't look at them like food, usually a windigo was only diving off of the desire to eat human fleash, boy, girl, child, elder, it didn't matter to them, they brought a snow Strom with them wherever they go and they prey on those stupid enough to leave their homes and stay off alone.

But this one actually entered a building and it looked as if it was going after a group of people which was against its primal nature.

But the it stook it's long claw like hand out and opened its mouth showing its sharp teeth.

"¡Hand over the darkness¡" it said sending chills down everyone's spines as it voice scared eveyone.

But then as no one said anything it was looking around for what it was here for.

But then suddenly someone walked forward "¡my little bother doesn't belong to the monster's, keep your filty hands off him windigo¡" aiko said as she slashed her hand forward and it suddenly fell out the whole in two pieces.

She then turned around and smiled at the students "that's the last of them~ oh and helps here" she said as behind her was the winter-sping sect arrives late.