Chapter 146: my secret Santa comes at nignt~

***A Week Later***

Going to the tavern and picking fights with the drunk was his only way of eating, he made a few move on Aurora again and she just flicked his head every time while just saying bad, it was like he was a pet wanting attention in her eyes and he found it annoying.

But besides that he just trained his darkness becuas he was bored, the guardian's and Mel called for him a few times but it was just to help out and he did some chores becuase he was bored.

He started helping the serventd around the castle and it was mostly cleaning, he just needed something to destract himself, other than the nightly fights of personal training.

* * * * *

[PoV change]

With his hand on the wall next to her head, he grabbed her chin and stole another kiss from her.

She tried pushing him off her but his hand intertwined with hers and the mood got heated as his kiss was passion and his soft lips were against hers.

As the kissing seemed like forever, she finally gave in and she joined him. she wrapped one of her arms around his neck as the other was holding his hand, she could feel her heart throbbing.

Reality shifted and they were in a open feild, they were rubbing but then he shifted and was at a tree many meters infront of her.

She picked up her pase and as she got to him he grabbed her, they twirled around and fell, but then they both fell and watched the clouds and talked.

It was as if the light fadded and the stars appeared, as she pointed to a consolation, he moved over and kissed her again.

Braking the kiss he had a devilish grinned and she got flustered "we can't" but then his eyes lit up "it's too late for that dear" he got close to her and wispered "I do as I please, and I'm taking you hear and now" with lustful eyes she watched as he unbuttoned his shirt and she followed. . .

But theneverything fadded as she heard her doors opened and a male voice came to ear.

Waking up already annoyed, she looked to see who it was and if it wasn't anything important, she was going to punch someone.

* * * * *

[ PoV change ]

Wearing his soul armor while in Darkness form he finished cleaning a hall by dusting and wiping everything.

"Is the armor nessesary? misterTen" a maid said as she was next to him "you asked me to put on clothing, is this not alright" he asked as he looked at his battle attire bit then he look at here with a tired expression "Also, I know I said to drop the lord part, but I didn't mean call me mister, after all I'm pretty younge to be called mister anyways right?" he complained.

"I'm sorry lor....Ten" she said nervous and then he smiled and clapt his hands together "that wasn't so hard, now was it Julia" he said in a delighted tone and she didn't know how to feel.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to call you by your name like we're equals? normally those of high status like you, take offense to it since its coming from the mouths of a peasant woman like me" she modestly said hinting their was like a hiarchy here just like in danafall and the rest of his realm.

"yep yep, I don't like the higher status anyways, so just calling me Ten will make me comfortable, ookay~" he said being cutesy and she held back her laugh as he striked a peace pose like sailor Mars.

"Now that we have that out of the way, what do you have in mind for clothing?" he asked and a smirk came on her face "follow me~".


As the two girl's were walking around the building one was angry while the other one looked down due to so much work.

"What's wrong Aurora?" Mel asked as she yawned "that idiots been annoying me so much, but when I need him he just up and dissapears leaving me with that silver girl" silver burns her and her kin, an the work that needed to be done requires them to touch so she had a bunch of burns and blisters on her that slowly healed.

"Sera?" Aurora nodded her head as Mel/melti said the girls name "but she's a sweetheart? she-" "she's a complete asshole" she interrupted Mel and then frowned "plus she wears something that I find annoying, stupid fucking silver!" she was about to go on a rant but then they both passed by open doors that led into the courtyard.

As they did they both stoped as they saw a lady cutting the edges to the bushes, just grooming them, and next to her was a man in a fine suit and he was a darkness too.

"Rin?" they both said as they just saw him doing stuff the servents normally did, they were there for quite a while and they watched as he passionately worked.

The maid complemented his efficiency and speed but then she fell silent as she realized who was there, she bowed and greeted her lord but was then asked what he was doing.

Apparently the two found out he's been helping the servents and others with their duties around the castle, this brought them both to diffrent conclusions but none said anything as they were just going to wait until he was finished so he could join them.


As time passed and he finished he looked over to his new friend Julia and wanted to get praised more for his hard work but then as he looked to were she was he saw her with her head down and in a respective stance as two women were next to her.

His tail swayed around exactly and he ran over to them with a smile on his face "heyoo~ what's up gals" he said hyperactive but then he saw the two look at him strangly "is there something wrong?" he got confused.

"You motherflipping ditched me to play servent?" Aurora said as she squinted at him but then Mel grabbed his hand "thanks for helping around here, now lets go, we have to go into town again" she said as she started pulling him along.

But as he did, he waved bye to Julia and then he walked next to Mel and Aurora, he didn't get why he needed to come along with them since one was a litteral power house but he just went with it.




no, why, how?, did I end up in this situation.

Girls are exhausting, why am I carrying all thir stuff? I should of just slept in today...

Forced into doing their bidden and not able to refuse since ones a bitchy wolf and the others a Demon lord...or Devil lord.... I don't really know.

Now that I think about it, I've never seen a devil in shadowfall, mostly all the Demonic creachers I know are regular Demon's or halfling Demon's, but either way their still Demon's.

and what makes devil's so good anyways, so what if they can control their impulses and are more like somewhat better.

There just a bunch of. . .Ahhh!!! no why should I care! their all the same anyways! bla bla bla their all hellish thingy's!

He argued with himself in his head but then he heard moon 'Demon or devil it doesn't matter, as long as they taste good that all that matters' he said and he had a point.

'But which one tastes better, now thats something we should try to find out' Moon said but before he could continue, Rin shook his head "I'm not sleeping with a devil, bleh bleh bleh" he said to himself and the two turned around looking at him.

"What you say?" they both heard a portian of it, he gave them a stern look "I barly even like Demon's, how's Moon going to ask me to do anything with a devil!" he passionately said and the two got confuzzled.

"You don't like Demon's?" "pervert, are you thinking of hitting on these innocent devil's?" they asked him but then he looked away "no way, how could you assume that, dose it look like I'm that sort of person!" he said but then she nodded her head "you hit on me multiple times".

"That's because your cute, and your nothing like them anyways, for all I know one of them could be a spy or bad!" he said and she blushed as he called her cute, but then Mel poked him.

"I doubt there'd be any spys in my territory, all the known Demon lords and me have a treaty" she said "well, that's reassuring, but I'm still on guard" he was suspicious of everyone because he didn't know if any of them had anything to do with the other nine royal families of the underworld.

But then she poked him again "you said she was cute but what about me? am I cute?" she asked and he chuckled and leaned closer to her "no, your someone who looks like they need to be ravished" he picked on her with his words, but as he said that her hearts thumped. He then backed up "can we go now" meanwhile he left both of them blushing and a smirk came on his face as thats the expression he was hoping to see.




In the end he got a slap from both a werewolf and a Demon lord, it seems like his teasing was a bit too much...he regrets it, Mel was way too strong.

As he was back in his room he decided to switch forms tonight since he didn't really feel like staying in his dark form right now.

And as he slept he felt something softly shake him but he refused to wake up or atleast open his eyes.

But what he felt was soft and despite his lezyness, he grabbed onto it and hugged it going back into a deep sleep.


Waking up he felt his big bro bulging and it was rubbing against something, meanwhile his fingers were wet and rubbing something mushy.

He opened his eyes and be saw the back of someone's head, black long neck hair and theybwere wearing formal clothing.

His couldn't tell because of the blanket, but hw knew his big bro which was out and her soft hand was rubbing his slowly cock. as his hand was rubbing her hairy but mushy wet pussy.

He then grinned as a maid snuck into his bed, wanting to fool around, and since he was partially a sex Demon, he subconsciously did naughty stuff out of his nature while not even being awake.


His other hand was under her and he then moved up hugging her and grabbing her small boob "your such a naughty girl, I guess it's up to me to teach you a lesson for sneaking into a Demon's bed" he kissed the back of her neck making her sqeal, but she covered her mouth.

He then nibbled her neck and sliped a single fighter into her pussy "a virgin huh? hehehe" so tight and it just coils around his finger not wanting him to get threw.

He instead stared rubbing against her walls and then he went back to her pussy lips, rubbing at a fast pace while increasing in speed.

He released his nibble from her neck and he left a hicky on her, he then chuckled as she was trieng so hard to hold it all back, but he could feel her getting wetter and her scent was so string with lust it was like he was in a bathroom with mixed baths.

It wasn't long before she came and she moaned loudly.

He found it adorable and be was about to fuck her when he suddenly felt what he she released,

A Primoral-grade essence of the first order, it was such a strong essence he didn't know if he was able to eat it or even absorb a portion of it.

Primoral-grade - it's the 6th tier, it's the above sky-grade and below the immoral grade. it usually goes, low -> intermediate -> advanced -> earth -> sky -> promoral -> immortal -> apex and like two more...

He smiled as it was someone powerful "thanks for the meal" he attempted to eat the essence and it didn't really work put so well.

Everything fadded to black.

***A Week Later***

Every single night this happened, it was the same girl with long black hair and after he made her cum everything would go black.

He didn't know who it was but he suspected one of the three femail maids he was always around since they looked a bit similar to her.

But also as the week passed he was with Aurora and melit a lot, and he found himself more energized and hyper, he was always full thanks to his secret Santa, but he always ended up blue ballsed so when he woke up to a empty bed he ended up sexually fustratied.

Sexual fustraited in both a bad and good way tho.