When Everything was Revealed

Chapter 6

Time had shown half past eleven in the very late evening. Finally Julia Dewi reached the front door of her apartment. The key was driven into the hole. The hand pressed some buttons stuck on the front door. The door was opened instantly. A pair of feet stepped into her apartment, changed her shoes with the casual slippers worn daily inside the apartment.

The hand searched for the electric switch. When the switch was pressed, the lights turned on and the whole apartment became bright. How astonished Julia Dewi was when seeing the existence of an unexpected guest inside her apartment! Who's he? The door was locked with the high security system and this is on the eleventh floor. How could he get in?

Slowly, Julia Dewi stepped back. Both of her hands and feet started to tremble. Hah? Isn't he Aldo, Aldo Morales? He's Wie Wie's colleague at the hotel! How can he know my address and how could he get in here? What's happening here?

"No…! Help…!!" Julia Dewi's screaming voice started to be heard. However, the apartment rooms next to hers absolutely did not show any reactions, absolutely were not opened or showing the signals being opened by their inhabitants from the inside.

Julia Dewi had not closed her door when she came in. She quickly ran outside. Yet, out of the blue she felt like her body was stuck on the place by a kind of queer and strange power. She utterly could not move. Slowly she turned back again. How startled she was seeing a kind of black light coming out from Aldo Morales' hands! The black light twisted from her waists until her feet. That was the thing making her not able to move.

"Help…! Help…! Help me…!" shouted Julia Dewi again.

"Nobody will hear you, Dear Julia…" said Aldo Morales with his spooky smile. "I've blocked this whole apartment into another separated dimension with the dimension outside. If there's someone who can hear your screaming, that means that person also possesses the same power with mine."

"What do you really want?" shouted Julia Dewi again.

"Where's your lover? Where's Erwie Vincent? Where's he?" Aldo Morales' big and heavy voice was heard.

"He's gone home! He isn't here!" shouted Julia Dewi again.

Out of a sudden, a yellow light belonging to Erwie Vincent appeared out of nowhere. The yellow light turned round and round in the whole apartment and eventually it whirled around Aldo Morales' body. Aldo Morales had not got any opportunity to repel Erwie Vincent's attack. His black light dimmed instantly. At once, Julia Dewi was free from his black light twisting. The yellow light instantly changed back to Erwie Vincent's figure standing inside Julia Dewi's apartment.

"Who's he, Wie…?" asked Julia Dewi clinging to her prince's left arm. She was still seen being breathless.

"No idea…" said Erwie Vincent giving a protective behavior towards his lover. "What's obvious is, he's got a kind of frightening dark power. His whole body began to turn black."

"I'll take a revenge for Stella! You guys have killed her! You've killed her! I won't forgive any of you!" Aldo Morales' screaming was now like a monster's screaming rather than a human's.

The black light was directed to Erwie Vincent and Julia Dewi. Both of them avoided aside. An energy explosion occurred to the apartment wall. Julia Dewi turned back and her eyes got bigger seeing a big black hole on the wall.

"From where are you so sure that I've killed her?" asked Erwie Vincent again.

Aldo Morales was again seen smiling spookily.

"From her scar, Erwie Vincent. I know three of you possess the same power as mine. I know solely by using that power, you can create the scar like the one on her chest. I know three of you have killed her! Lucky me because 3E are now in solo in their own ways, not trio anymore. Thus, it'll be easier for me to get rid of you one by one," said Aldo Morales directing his black light again to Erwie Vincent.

Erwie Vincent knew he could not avoid again. Both of the hands were opened and his yellow light popped out to Aldo Morales. Two lights with two colors clashed in the air for quite a few moments.

"Stop it, Wie… You mustn't use your power alone, Wie. You can… Oh no…! Stop this right now…!" shouted Julia Dewi helplessly.

"He won't listen to you, Jul. Person using dark magic as his shortcut, doesn't have any sense or logic anymore. He's no longer a human! He's turned to a devil!" said Erwie Vincent.

Yet, Erwie Vincent realized that he was getting weaker and weaker inasmuch as he was solely alone. The length of his power wave became shorter and shorter. Aldo Morales' black light was getting nearer and nearer to him. He started to feel overwhelmed.

"What should I do now? What should I do right now? There must be something I can do at the moment… There must be…" Julia Dewi's mouth was seen mumbling in the middle of her fear and panic.

"Thanks a lot, Jul. I know I have no more chance to repay all your good deeds to me, to reply all your feeling to me within this one year. I can only say thank you. I'm sorry… I'm sorry, Jul…" Erwie Vincent's helpless tears were seen at the edge of his eyes at the moment.

Aldo Morales' frightening laughter was heard throughout the black dark night sky outside.

"No! No! There must be something I can do!" shouted Julia Dewi.

Without thinking much again, Julia Dewi Sofia Luvin landed a kiss on her prince's lips. Erwie Vincent was astonished for a while. Yet, in the next seconds, he closed his eyes as well, melting himself together in his love feeling to the girl who was kissing him at the moment.

Oh, Buddha… Is this the so-called love? I'm absolutely fearless. I'm not afraid even though I know this devil's black light is nearer and nearer to me. I feel courage. I'm sure, although Erick and Erdie aren't here, there's somebody else who is willing to face this together with me. That person is Julia Dewi Sofia Luvin. Oh, Buddha… Is this the real love? I've never felt this before when I used to be together with Stella Kuangdinata… Oh, Buddha… If this is the real love, I sincerely hope that this Julia Dewi will become my first as well as my last harbor.

Not having been thought before, the yellow light strengthened again. Of course a pair of Aldo Morales' eyes got widened watching the sudden change which he had never realized before.

"What's this! Why does this happen? This is impossible! No, it's impossible!" Aldo Morales' screaming was getting louder and deafening.

The yellow light became stronger and stronger and finally reached Aldo Morales' body. Aldo Morales was flung behind and hit the wall behind him. Red fresh blood was seen squirting from his mouth.

"I won't be standing still and keep quiet only until here, Erwie Vincent. After recovering from my injuries, I'll search for you again and take Stella's revenge! Keep that noted!" stuttered Aldo Morales.

Aldo Morales' whole body turned back to the black light. The black light flew outside from Julia Dewi's window apartment.

"Thanks, Jul… Thanks very much, Dear… With your love, you've saved me…" said Erwie Vincent weakly with his calm smile also being feeble and frail.

Sobbing bitterly, Julia Dewi seized her beloved prince to her hug. She looked very afraid of letting him go again.

"I was very depressed before. I don't have any supernatural power to save you. I merely have my love, Wie. I didn't know whether it could work or not. But, unknowingly my heart urged me to do so."

"Love can indeed defeat the hatred, Jul," said Erwie Vincent caressing his princess' head. "Hatred can't be over if it's replied with hatred again. Hatred can solely be over if it's replied with love."

Julia Dewi slung her prince's feeble right hand on her shoulders. She made him sit on the sofa in her living room. Her living room was now like a shipwreck rather than a real living room. Julia Dewi took a glass of warm water and gave it to her beloved prince.

Erwie Vincent sipped it little by little.

"Why… Why did Aldo Morales say three of you had killed Stella? What was really happening, Wie? How did this Stella pass away actually? Until now, you haven't told me that," said Julia Dewi starting to be confronted by her curiosity.

Erwie Vincent gazed throughout the window. In his mind, he had indeed promised there would be no secrets at all between him and Julia Dewi. Eventually, he turned back to his beloved princess. His mind automatically flashed back to the past.


Medan, middle of January 2013

The puff of wind in the middle of January kept blowing.

Sabrina Marcelina was seen sitting alone in the terrace of the Eternal Solidarity studio building. Occasionally, her soft crying sound could be heard. She took several sheets of tissue from her bag and wiped her eyes from where her tears kept nonstop rolling down.

Melisa Rayadi paid attention to her silently from the gate of the building. She frowned her forehead. She glanced at her watch for a while. It's still three o'clock. The practice usually starts at seven. Why does Sabrina come to the studio so early? Moreover, she's also crying… What's actually happening? Melisa Rayadi could not hold her curiosity anymore since she smelt something fishy here.

"Sab… Sab… Sabrina…?" Melisa was somewhat doubtful disturbing Sabrina Marcelina who had been engrossed in her crying. Her soft sobbing was still heard.

"I come merely to prepare some stuff and appliances for your practice tonight. I won't be practicing tonight. I don't gain any spirit for the practice tonight," said Sabrina Marcelina still wiping her wet eyes with tissue.

Melisa Rayadi could already guess what actually had caused Sabrina Marcelina to lose her spirit like that. She sat in front of Sabrina. She sighed her long breath as if she had got an asthma.

"You think it's only you who lose spirit due to being rejected by the person whom you've been expecting, don't you? So do I…! Yet, I still have to join the practice professionally insofar as I'm a part of the Eternal Solidarity team. In the other side, this feeling is killing me softly because every time after practice, I have to see him fly to another girl's embrace. You think it's only you who are depressed and suffering here, don't you?" said Melisa Rayadi spilling out all her nerves and discomfort.

"How can you know?" asked Sabrina Marcelina a little bit astonished.

"How can I not know it?" Melisa smiled wryly. "With Erdie, aren't you? I'm with Erick."

Sabrina Marcelina leaned back to her chair. She sighed her long breath again. She felt her tears rolling down again from her eyes. Again her hand took the tissue and wiped her eyes. Melisa Rayadi saw a lot of tissue being used by Sabrina Marcelina that evening.

"So, Erick also loves another girl, doesn't he?" Sabrina Marcelina's stammering question was heard here.

Melisa Rayadi nodded her head unexcitedly.

"Same with Erdie then. Evidently, he loves another girl as well. I thought our friendship since our junior high school can lift up a bit my position in his heart. What do I get finally? He loves that Stella Kuangdinata more than me…" said Sabrina Marcelina weakly.

"What…?" Melisa Rayadi seemed to be struck by high-voltage electricity. "The girl whom Erick loves is also Stella Kuangdinata!"

Sabrina Marcelina instantly turned to her conversation partner. Her tears dried up immediately. She looked full of spirit right now. Her eyes were shiny again, filled up with a hope, a hope that she could prove that deceiver girl's infidelity and get Erdie Vio back.

"Are you sure, Mel?"

"Of course I'm sure… Erick has been telling me many and many times about that girl, without even once considering my feeling. I'm 100% sure that girl's name is Stella Kuangdinata!" said Melisa Rayadi starting to feel annoyed right now.

"I'm also sure that the girl being loved by Erdie is also Stella Kuangdinata. He's also been telling me about the girl many and many times without considering my feeling at all!" Sabrina Marcelina sighed her long breath. She was greatly astonished on her seat.

"What's the meaning of this? Without realizing it, they've been deceived and finally dating the same girl, haven't they?" Melisa Rayadi kept shaking her head.

"Okay… Okay…" said Sabrina Marcelina and out of the blue, she got a brilliant idea. "Why don't we gather Erick and Erdie with that Stella Kuangdinata together in one spot, Mel?"

"Hmm…" Melisa Rayadi was seen thinking for quite a few moments. "Okay then… I want to take my revenge from the deceiver girl! I want to know what her purpose actually is by doing this!"

"It's obvious that tonight she'll be dating either Erick or Erdie. It's impossible she'll be dating both of them simultaneously. Is that right? When she's dating with one of them, we ask the other one to come to the same spot. Then, we can get our revenge, Mel! What do you think?"

"Yeah, not bad… Then, I'll go home first and prepare my practice attribute," said Melisa Rayadi getting up from her seat.

"Yeah, so will I… I think I've gained back my spirit to join the practice tonight…" said Sabrina Marcelina ogling her meaningful eyes.


At last, the time being looked forward to had come. When the dragon's body turned to sleeping top movement, the dragon danced briskly with its high speed. Then it was continued to kuo ciang long movement. Shortly afterwards, the dragon started to roll up itself and eventually entered the final post.

The music entered the final phase. At last, the background music and the dragon's body stopped.

Sabrina Marcelina and Melisa Rayadi gave each other their codes with their eyesight. Three E seemed to be busy with their own cell phones. Sabrina Marcelina approached Erdie Vio, and Melisa Rayadi approached Erick Vildy while pretending to sweep the floor.

Erdie Vio was seen pressing his cell phone quickly, but his expression completely did not show smile.

"If you want to go dating, you can go. It's okay. I can take a pedicab ride home," said Sabrina Marcelina in cold and flat tone, without any emotion.

Erdie Vio raised up his head from his cell phone and turned to Sabrina Marcelina arranging the stuff and appliances back to their places. Out of a sudden, his face without smile changed to his usual broad charming enthusiastic smile.

"Sending you home is just sending you home… What's the difficulty from that? Why are you upset like this?" said Erdie Vio a little bit kidding.

"No…" Sabrina Marcelina's heart was melted by her prince's charming smile. "I mean, if you've got a date tonight, I don't want to disturb. I can take a pedicab ride home together with Melisa. My house and hers are quite near to each other."

"No…" said Erdie Vio still with his smile full of spirit. "I've got no date tonight. I just send you home. Don't be so long… I'm waiting for you at the front yard."

Erdie Vio began to put on his green jacket. Taking his green helmet, he went out of the studio.

Sabrina Marcelina felt a bit strange at the moment. Soon she took out her cell phone and sent a Blackberry message to Melisa.

"Erdie doesn't have any date tonight, he told me. He wants to send me home. It's strange, isn't it? What's going on here? How about Erick? If Erdie doesn't have any date, that means it's Erick who's going to have a date tonight…"

Melisa Rayadi frowned her forehead reading Sabrina Marcelina's Blackberry message. She turned to Erick Vildy at the moment. In fact, since a few seconds ago, Erick Vildy had been staring at her. When they eyes bumped into each other, Erick Vildy put on his red jacket and took his red helmet from the helmet shelf. Erick Vildy walked towards her.

"Want to go home already? I send you home or what?" asked Erick Vildy in his flat tone, without any emotion.

"You don't have a date, do you?" asked Melisa trying to smile relaxingly. Oh, just because you don't have a date tonight, you offer me a ride home! Who do you think I am, Rick? Chatting friend? Additional tire at the back of your car? Oh, gosh…!

"No… I'm free tonight… You follow me or what?"

"Oh, it's okay, Rick…" said Melisa Rayadi still with the similar smile. "I've made an appointment with my fixed pedicab. If he comes later on and in fact, I don't take his ride, he'll be disappointed."

"Oh, okay… Alright, then… I'll go first… See you tomorrow…" said Erick Vildy smiling a bit wryly and then, he had vanished outside the studio building.

Sabrina Marcelina approached Melisa at the moment.

"Erick doesn't have a date tonight and neither does Erdie. Is it because that Stella is unwell tonight so that she can't be out of home?" muttered Melisa in her confusion.

"Yeah…" out of the blue, Sabrina got a new thought. The new thought instantly broke into her mind. She pulled Melisa Rayadi's sleeve strongly so that they were now paying attention to Erwie Vincent's figure who was somehow busy with his cell phone and had not left the studio building.

Melisa Rayadi's eyes were broadened at this moment.

"So, you mean that Stella Kuangdinata will be dating with Erwie tonight? Is that possible, Rin?" Melisa Rayadi covered her mouth with her left hand.

"May that be only my imagination… May that be only my intuition… May that be not true, Mel…" said Sabrina Marcelina starting to be tense at the moment. "But, it's not wrong if you trace where Erwie will be going tonight, is it?"

"Hah?" Melisa Rayadi's mouth gaped instantly. "It's me who will be tracing him?"

"Yes… The fact is, I've promised Erdie to follow him home. Just like this, Mel… You follow where Erwie is going tonight. If he's indeed dating this Stella Kuangdinata, you phone me immediately. Okay…? I'll try to find a reason to make Erdie go there as well. Meanwhile, you must try to find a reason to make Erick go there too. Is this plan okay?"

Melisa kept thinking for quite a few moments. Actually, she was a bit unwilling to interfere with others' problems. However, this was also connected with the guy whom she loved deeply and she had been expecting since she was a kid. Willing or unwilling, she had to unveil the deceiver girl's real fact. She had to open Erick Vildy's eyes tonight and get that guy back.

"Okay then... It's me who will be tracing where Erwie is going tonight. I'll report it to you soon," said Melisa sighing her long breath again.

"Come on, Mel… Keep up your good spirit… I'll be waiting for your news, okay…?" said Sabrina Marcelina vanishing out of the studio building instantly.

"Why haven't you gone home, Wie?" asked Melisa with her louder voice insofar as there were only her and Erwie Vincent in the studio building.

Erwie Vincent replied her question merely with his cool and relaxed smile.

"A date, isn't it?" asked Melisa with her playful grinning smile.

"It's not been the time yet, Mel," said Erwie Vincent shrugging his shoulders and smiling relaxingly again. "When the time has come, I'll introduce her to all of you, okay…?"

Erwie Vincent put on his yellow jacket. He took his yellow helmet from the helmet shelf and went out. Shortly afterwards, it was only Melisa Rayadi left alone in the studio building. Melisa Rayadi switched off all the lights. She started to trail where Erwie Vincent was going after she locked the front door and the front gate.


Melisa Rayadi got off the pedicab. Erwie Vincent selected a café with the garden concept. The garden café was seen quite romantic if it was reckoned as a dating place. It was indeed true that Erwie Vincent was a gentle and romantic guy when dealing with love and feelings. Melisa Rayadi got into the café. In the garden café, it was not very crowded. There were only two tables filling up with two couples spending the night under the romantic dim illumination.

When seeing Erwie Vincent sat in front of Stella Kuangdinata, quickly Melisa Rayadi took out her cell phone. Shortly afterwards, she was seen pressing her cell phone very quickly. She sent a Blackberry message to two people at once.

"It's been clear, Rin! Erwie Vincent has also fallen into the deceiver girl's trap! What an ill-mannered girl she is! She thinks she can dominate three princes' hearts at once! You bring Erdie here and we can teach her some lessons!" Melisa wrote in her Blackberry message to Sabrina Marcelina.

"Rick! Rick! The pedicab I was riding broke down in the middle of the way. I took the second ride from the second pedicab and now I get lost at Dr. Mansyur Street. Could you please come here and pick me home?" Melisa wrote her Blackberry message to Erick Vildy.

Erick Vildy reading Melisa's Blackberry message instantly got onto his motorcycle again and rushed to the spot written in the message.

Meanwhile, Sabrina Marcelina turned round and round her brain finding a perfect reason to bring Erdie Vio to the spot meant by Melisa. Thinking over and over, finally she decided to use Melisa as a reason.

"Die Die… Die…" said Sabrina Marcelina pretending to be tense.

"What's up?" Erdie Vio was also astonished and he rode his motorcycle to the side of the road.

"Melisa told me…" said Sabrina Marcelina forwarding her cell phone a few centimeters. "Melisa said she's lost until Dr. Mansyur Street. The pedicab puller doesn't recognize the way. She's been calling Erick many times, but Erick doesn't answer. I wonder something bad can happen to her."

"Gosh! How can the pedicab puller be so stupid, getting lost until there!" said Erdie Vio a bit grumbling. "Erick doesn't answer the call, does he?"

Sabrina Marcelina shook her head. She had calculated precisely. Erick Vildy was certainly riding his motorcycle to the spot meant by Melisa in her message. He would not stop in the middle of his way just to answer any call, would he? It was quite right… When Erdie Vio tried to call his eldest brother, he did not answer the call.

"Okay then… We go there for a while. Just take a look if there's anything we can do to help. Arriving there, we can try to reach Erick again," said Erdie Vio putting on his green helmet again.

Shortly afterwards, Erdie Vio's motorcycle had run again in the middle of the crowded traffic.

Melisa was waiting inside the garden café. She intentionally took a further seat from Erwie Vincent and Stella Kuangdinata so that they could not recognize her. Eventually, after fifteen minutes passed by, she heard Erick Vildy's motorcycle get into the front yard of the café. She had recognized well Erick Vildy's exhaust pipe sound, so from far away she could know already whether her prince had come or not.

Erick Vildy's tall and robust figure was seen entering the garden café. Melisa Rayadi's eyes got widened because the eldest brother came to the café together with his youngest brother. Sabrina Marcelina standing behind could see instantly where Melisa Rayadi was sitting. Yet, when she wanted to call upon her prince and show where Melisa Rayadi was sitting, she saw her prince's eyesight had turned pale. Sabrina Marcelina was shocked at once realizing that both Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio had seen Erwie Vincent and Stella Kuangdinata inside the garden café. Melisa Rayadi was also seen sitting tensely on her seat watching the scene.

Erick Vildy's emotion rose up to the top of his nerves! Evidently, this is the reason why I can't post any photos about us to the social media! This is the real reason why until now I may not announce our relationship to others, and even to my two siblings! Of course you can't, Rick…! The one she's dating secretly behind you is your own brother! Your own sibling…! No…! Why must this occur to us? Why…? Why…?

Erdie Vio's emotion also rose up! But, of course he was not as angry as his brother who was indeed emotional and aggressive. Evidently this is the reason why I may not post our intimate photos to the social media… Evidently this is the reason… Now I begin to understand. I started to be suspicious with all her reasons which sometimes were not synchronous one another. Once upon a time, she said her parents didn't really approve she was dating in a very young age. In another time, she said she was still young and wasn't very sure whether that feeling of hers to me was really love or not. Die… Die… What a stupid man you were, could be deceived by a younger girl like that. In front of you, she shows lots of love and intimacy. Behind you, she has another affair with a man who's actually your own brother! Why must this happen…? Why must this occur to us, 3E? Why, Buddha…? Why…?

Erick Vildy took several big steps forward to the table where his second brother was sitting. Erdie Vio followed him. Melisa Rayadi soon joined with Sabrina Marcelina. From far away, both of them were waiting for the battle which had drawn to a close.

In no more than one minute, Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio arrived at where Erwie Vincent was sitting. A pair of Stella Kuangdinata's eyes gaped widely. She nearly got choked. Her whole body started to be hot and cold simultaneously. She began to be sweating with her trembling pairs of hands and feet.

"Rick… Die… Actually I'd like to wait until everything is clear. But, because both of you have come here, I think I'd better introduce her to you… This is…"

"Her name is Stella…" said Erick Vildy with his anger reaching to the top of his brain. The tension became more and more intense.

Of course Erdie Vio and Erwie Vincent got greatly shocked. How can their eldest brother be also trapped inside Stella Kuangdinata's grip? This was absolutely beyond Erdie Vio's prediction! He fell into an awful and terrible big hole of surprise this late evening!

"Yeah… Her name's Stella, Wie…" said Erdie Vio finally. "Her name's Stella Kuangdinata…"

This time those were Erick Vildy and Erwie Vincent who got immensely astonished inasmuch as their youngest brother also got trapped inside Stella Kuangdinata's clutch. Erick Vildy staggered back several steps. He could not accept these betrayal and lie!

"We've known her, so you don't need to introduce her to us anymore," continued Erdie Vio again.

Erwie Vincent still tried to smile relaxingly and clarify all this confusion.

Erick Vildy and Erdie Vio opened their intimate photos with Stella Kuangdinata in their cell phones. The cell phones were thrown onto the table simultaneously. This time it was Erwie Vincent's turn to gape his eyes widely seeing the photos saved inside his two siblings' cell phones. He also staggered back several steps. Out of the blue, he felt that the girl in front of him was so ill-mannered, so despicable, and so disgusting!

"Aaiihh…!" shouted Stella Kuangdinata trying to cover the two cell phones on the table with her two hands. "It's all over… Finally, all the game has been over… Everything is over…"

"Don't say anything again! Don't say more! Everything needn't be explained again!" uttered Erwie Vincent stepping back again several steps. "This is indeed a game for you, isn't it? The game has been over, and then the audience are dismissed. They absolutely don't have to know how the game is over, do they?"

"So, three of you are blaming me, aren't you?" Stella Kuangdinata suddenly raised up her head and stared at the three siblings fearlessly. "It's you yourselves who ask me to keep these relationships in secret, right? Isn't it, Rick? You asked me to keep our relationship as a secret from Erwie and Erdie before you yourself are ready for a commitment. And so did you, Wie… Alright… Just admit all your calculations these times behind your two brothers. If you don't study overseas, you'll declare our relationship in front of your two brothers, family, and friends. Is that right? If you study overseas, our relationship will vanish and be gone with the wind, and you absolutely don't have any moral responsibility to me. Is that right?"

Erwie Vincent got immensely shocked listening to Stella Kuangdinata's lies one by one. She absolutely could not be helped anymore.

"I never said that our relationship would end when I studied overseas, Stel. I said you'd be following me when I studied overseas," said Erwie Vincent not being able to believe that this girl was the one whom he had been dating for the past one recent year. "Why can you create such a lie? How can you easily mix the lies within the truths? Why can you turn to such a despicable and disgusting girl, Stel…? Who are you?"

"And you, Die…" said Stella confronting the youngest brother without caring of the second brother anymore. "You also asked me to keep this relationship in secret from your two siblings, didn't you? With the reason that your dad and mom perhaps didn't really agree that it was you who got a girlfriend and got married first, you asked me to wait within an uncertainty for the past one recent year. You'd just like to search for your own safeness, wouldn't you? Don't you think that you're selfish? You're all being selfish!" now, Stella Kuangdinata was pretending to be a victim and diverted all the faults back to the three Makmur siblings. "You guys only want to search for your own safeness! You've never considered about my position and my feelings! If you guys can do so, why don't I deserve my own safeness? Is that right? If I lose one of the three of you, at least I've still got the other two. Do you think so?"

A bit of Stella Kuangdinata's cynical and disgusting smile was seen. Erick Vildy could not stand with her politics and hypocrisy drama any more. He landed a harsh and rude slap to the deceiver girl's cheek. The deceiver girl's body turned round and stuck to the glassy wall at her left side.

"Just reckon that's my present as you've been accompanying my lonely times for the past one recent year. We've been equal, okay…?" saying this, Erick Vildy vanished out of the garden café. Melisa Rayadi chased after him.

Erdie Vio was smiling broadly, but his smile was full of cynical insult. He took Stella Kuangdinata's used glass from the table and poured the rest of the content onto the deceiver girl's head. However, the deceiver girl merely kept quiet and did not give any response.

"That's also my gift inasmuch as you've been accompanying me for the past one recent year, Stel… Thanks very much for your really satisfying service…" said Erdie Vio. Then, with his queasiness and qualmishness up to the climax, he passed by. He was seen holding Sabrina Marcelina's hand and both of them vanished out of the garden café.

Erwie Vincent was seen smiling relaxingly. He could be able to control his emotion already. He was not as emotional and temperamental as his two brothers. He walked to the cashier counter and returned with a bill in his hand. The bill was thrown onto the table.

"Game over already, right?" Erwie Vincent smiled calmly again. "Before going down from the stage, don't forget to pay the bill first, okay…? Or else, you'll be asked to wash the dishes later on."

With all his queasiness and qualmishness, Erwie Vincent passed by. Shortly afterwards, Stella Kuangdinata did not see 3E's figures at the garden café anymore.

Just wait and see, 3E! Not only not accepting your loss because three of you have been defeated under my beauty, you've also insulted me in such way! I won't stay quiet and still being insulted like this! I'll take a revenge! I'll make three of you crawl in front of me begging for mercy! Just wait and see…!