When We Parted

Chapter 8

The night had come… Erdie Vio's apartment seemed to be elegant and luxurious in the middle of the residence center in Singapore. From his apartment, the Marina Bay Sands Hotel, which was the Singapore's landmark, was visible. Erdie Vio was still in the bathroom cleaning up himself. The sounds of the shower and the flowing water were heard from the bathroom.

Minute by minute passed by. The door of the bathroom was opened. The tall and robust figure stepped out of the bathroom. Erdie Vio got into his bedroom and put on his dark green pajamas. He was about to take some warm water from the kitchen when suddenly his phone rang.

"Hello…" said Erdie Vio.

"This is me, Die…" Mr. Qenny Winston's voice was heard. "There's one restaurant which would like to put you as their advertisement superstar. I've sent the contract to your email. You read it first and tomorrow morning, please tell me your consideration, okay…?"

"Actually I've been sleepy and am about to sleep not long after this. But, for my beloved Mr. Qenny Winston, I've got no more choice. I'll read and consider about it okay…?" said Erdie Vio with his adorable voice.

"Yeah, I know you're kind to me as well… Consider it and see you tomorrow," sneered Mr. Qenny Winston also with his adorable voice.

The communication was disconnected. Erdie Vio turned to the kitchen and brought a glass of warm water with him. Shortly after that, he was already sitting in front of his computer. The email was logged in and the PDF contract was downloaded to the PC. Erdie Vio opened the PDF file and browsed the writing printed in both Mandarin and English. At the end of the contract, the director's name who would hire him as his advertisement superstar was also listed there.

"Business in Asian food… With many branches in Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. There are also Japanese, Chinese, Indonesian, and Thai foods… A lot as well… But, this name of Hasan Alex Winarta… It sounds… sounds… sounds quite familiar to me… It seems that Dad has ever told me about this name. Nevertheless, it seems that I've forgot the details of the story…" Erdie Vio seemed to have a kind of monolog with himself.

Thinking and thinking, he finally decided to take out his cell phone and phoned Mr. Faiz Makmur in Medan.

Mr. Faiz was a little bit curious why his youngest son could phone him in the late Monday evening like this. He turned off his television for a while and answered the phone.

"What wind brings you to phone me tonight, Die?" asked Mr. Faiz a little bit kidding.

"I've also been phoning Dad and Mom these times, haven't I?" Erdie Vio was also kidding. "How's Medan, Dad? Everything's okay? Mom's also okay?"

"Okay… Smooth – as smooth as velvet. Mom is still in her regular social gathering. What makes you phone Dad in this late evening? There must be something you'd love to ask. Right?"

Erdie Vio burst into his usual crispy laughter.

"You've got it right, Dad… Just a small case, Dad… There's a restaurant director who would like to hire me as his advertisement superstar."

"That's great! What are you confused about then?" asked Mr. Faiz.

"His name, Dad… It seems that Dad ever told me about his story, but now I've forgot with the details of your story at that time. His name's Hasan Alex Winarta. You know him, don't you, Dad?"

Mr. Faiz snapped his lips and then he uttered, "Oh, that Hasan Alex… Yeah… Yeah… Of course I do know him."

"Who's he, Dad?" Erdie Vio began to be confronted with a lot of curiosity.

"Yeah…" Mr. Faiz's skeptical voice was heard here, "He was in the same class with me during our college time, when I haven't got my palm oil business like in the present. He used to work in the bank. He was indeed competent, intelligent and knew a lot of things. His working achievement was mainly satisfying and I've got no idea how he was working at that time, and only in five years he was somehow promoted become a branch manager. When he knew about my palm oil business, he came to home and offered me a kind of cooperation. At that time, your mom rejected wholly. Your mom said she believed less this Hasan Alex Winarta because it was much impossible he could be promoted as a branch manager solely in five years of working. I just followed your mom's perspective. As you know, your mom's prediction is mostly 80% correct."

"So, you didn't cooperate with him, did you, Dad? So, what happened next?" asked Erdie Vio again.

"Two years after he came to home on that day, I heard again that he had already become the highest director in the bank, with his highest and biggest stocks in the bank," Mr. Faiz's cynical laughter was heard here. "He was great, wasn't he?"

"Wow, amazing! What tricks did he use so that he could possess the highest stocks in the bank?" asked Erdie Vio.

"It was all merely rumor… All was only told and said by people, Die. I also merely heard from what others said. Some people said his wife was the biggest stockholder's daughter. He deceived his father-in-law so that all his father-in-law's shares fell into his grip. His father-in-law eventually passed away due to heart attack. There was another rumor saying that he corrupted the bank's money to be used into the other businesses. He gained a lot of money to buy all the stocks from other stockholders of the bank. When what he'd been doing was figured out, of course it'd been too late!"

Erdie Vio kept nodding his head, "Nobody could do anything to him anymore inasmuch as he'd been the biggest stockholder already. Is that right, Dad?"

"Yeah… He deceived most of the stockholders there. The missing money, I've got no idea how he was doing it, was blamed to some of the stockholders there. In the depressing and frustrating situation, he offered to buy their shares. The frustrated and depressed stockholders were definitely very happy getting some fresh air, thinking that they'd gained some solutions to their problems. In fact, they were got rid of slowly and certainly. That's why I say, Die… That Hasan Alex isn't a simple person. He's got a lot of mysterious sides which you must be aware of."

Erdie Vio kept nodding his head.

"And the last rumor was the most shocking. I also heard he was using a kind of dark magic and supernatural power – same with your powers, but this power of his was black – a kind of dark power – to smoothen his way when he was corrupting the bank's money so that what he'd been doing wouldn't be figured out very quickly. That's what I've heard…"

"Really? Is that right, Dad? Are you sure with the accuracy with this last rumor?" Erdie Vio frowned his forehead.

"Sure 70% only, Die… His first son got three daughters who were still in their primary schools, Die… In the last 2016, his daughter-in-law and his three granddaughters all died in a plane crash," said Mr. Faiz intentionally emphasizing his sentences.

Erdie Vio sighed his long breath this time, "A kind of sacrifice, wasn't it?"

"Just be careful then, Die… Read your contract carefully first. If it's not suitable or not the same with what you're expecting, just reject it… Please… try your best, not to deal with this person too often. I'm also a bit scared. Suppose today you were only an ordinary guy who didn't possess any queer and mysterious power, I wouldn't allow you to deal with him, Die."

"It's okay, Dad… No problem… I'll be as careful as possible. Night, Dad… Bye…" said Erdie Vio.

"Oke, Die… Bye…" said Mr. Faiz.

The communication was disconnected. Erdie Vio concentrated back to the contract on the screen of his computer. A bit of wry smile decorated his face. His eyes were seen packing with a series of new ideas and challenges.


Singapore, 10th April 2018

Erdie Vio stuck his head into Mr. Qenny Winston's office that morning. He saw a middle-aged man in his early fifties sitting on the sofa in the manager's office that morning. Erdie Vio showed his broad smile that morning. He guessed this middle-aged man was certain to be in the same age with his dad. He ought to be Hasan Alex Winarta whom his dad told him about.

"Okay, Mr. Hasan Alex… This Erdie Vio has come," Mr. Qenny Winston would like to introduce both of them.

Nevertheless, Erdie Vio had first stretched his right hand in front of Hasan Alex Winarta.

"Morning, Mr. Hasan Alex Winarta…" said Erdie Vio.

Mr. Qenny Winston felt he had been preceded by his protégé. He could only snap his lips and sat back on his seat.

"Oh, do you know me, Erdie Vio?" asked Hasan Alex putting his spectacles a little bit lower.

"It's written on the contract, Mr. Hasan Alex," Erdie Vio's broad smile was seen again. "Introduce myself, Mr. Hasan Alex… I'm Erdie Vio… Erdie Vio Makmur…" said Erdie Vio slowly and also emphasizing his surname.

Hasan Alex's eyebrows rose up a little bit. Yet, in the next seconds he had already burst in his crispy laughter.

"No wonder since you came in here, I've been thinking that your face is quite familiar. In fact, you're Faiz's son… Faiz Makmur, isn't he?"

You don't know that I'm not his biological son. And, you can still easily say that I look the same with him. But, that's great if we look nearly the same. That means, inevitably, Dad and I are destined to be father and son.

"Yeah… The world is such a narrow place, isn't it, Mr. Hasan Alex?" Erdie Vio smiled again.

Of course Mr. Qenny Winston was slightly astonished knowing that this Hasan Alex Winarta was Erdie Vio's father's friend back in Indonesia. But, to neutralize his own astonishment, Mr. Qenny Winston merely giggled by his own.

"Evidently, you've known each other. Thus, I think our discussion and negotiation will be much easier. Is that so, Mr. Hasan Alex?" said Mr. Qenny Winston slightly stuttering.

"It seems that you agree less to my contract, Mr. Qenny Winston," said Hasan Alex to the point. He smoked a cigarette in front of Mr. Qenny Winston and Erdie Vio.

"Not really, Mr. Hasan…" said Mr. Qenny Winston trying to smile as neutrally as possible, "but the five-year contract with merely 50 thousand dollars, I don't think it's wise…"

"Okay… Let's listen to Erdie Vio's view and consideration. How is it, Die? The five-year contract with the payment of 50 thousand dollars, you don't reckon it as a small payment, do you? You still have the other contracts, don't you?" said Hasan Alex exhaling out the cigarette smoke wherever he liked.

Mr. Qenny Winston started to cover his nose as he could not stand the cigarette smoke.

Erdie Vio looked relaxed and enthusiastic with his full spirit.

"I'm fine with 50 thousand dollars, but per year, Mr. Hasan Alex. Just fancy about the shooting… Very tiring… You've also got branches in Indonesia as well as in Malaysia, haven't you? So, I have to do the shooting in three countries, don't I?"

Mr. Hasan Alex nodded his head.

"It must be very tiring, Mr. Hasan Alex. Fifty thousand dollars per year, you can tie me up for the next five years, no problem with that… What do you think?" asked Erdie Vio still with his cool and charming smile.

With that cute handsome good-looking face, you're just like your father, want to intimidate me, Erdie Vio! Father and son are alike! They're just the same! Okay… Wanting more payment, that's fine! But, you must sacrifice more of your precious things. Definitely, I don't want only your cute handsome good-looking face.

"I hear that you've got a girlfriend already, Die. In the very young age like this, you've already found your mate quickly. What a lucky man you are!" said Hasan Alex again. Obviously he had got his hidden intention by diverting the conversation topic to the other direction.

Mr. Qenny Winston got confused because Hasan Alex suddenly changed their conversation topic.

"What do you mean, Mr. Hasan Alex?" asked Erdie Vio.

"It's too high if you ask 50 thousand dollars from me, Die," said Hasan Alex bursting into his crispy laughter. "Too expensive… It's only a kind of advertisement superstar. And whenever there's a new product launching or a new branch opening, you'll be invited as a guest star. That's all… The contract doesn't mention that you must dine only in our restaurant. Not like that…"

"When I've signed a contract with your restaurant and there comes again another contract from another restaurant, do you mind if I also accept it?" asked Erdie Vio forwarding his face a few centimeters.

"Of course I do, Die…" Hasan Alex laughed loudly responding Erdie Vio's question which he thought as a joke.

"That's obvious, Mr. Hasan Alex. You don't only buy my time, my energy, and my popularity, but you also buy my freedom to accept the same offer and the same type of contract from the other companies. Mmmm… I think… I think that 50 thousand dollars has been final, Mr. Hasan Alex."

"Okay…" said Hasan Alex clapping his hand once. "Thus, I'll pay 50 thousand dollars per year, but I don't only tie you up in my contract. You perhaps can involve your girlfriend as well, Die. With two people in one advert, I think that's much better, isn't it?" asked Hasan Alex exhaling out his cigarette smoke again.

Mr. Qenny Winston was shocked inasmuch as this Hasan Alex was demanding more than before.

"So, you're reckoning that I alone can't raise up the popularity of your restaurant, aren't you? Do you know how many my fans wholly are and from which countries they come from?" now, it was the turn for Erdie Vio to talk like a thorny rose although his broad charming smile was still seen.

Obviously, Erdie Vio knew that this Hasan Alex had got his hidden intention by trying to involve Sabrina into his contract. Erdie Vio was not an innocent young lad having involved in the entertainment industry for merely two to three years. With his more-than-three-year experiences, he was obviously clear that the entertainment industry was truly cruel, especially for the young girls. Clearly, Erdie Vio did not want the same thing happening to his sweetheart.

"It's not like that, Die… I…"

Erdie Vio instantly interrupted Hasan Alex's conversation, "Fifty thousand dollars per year, back to my beginning offering, Mr. Hasan Alex. That's final. You can go back and consider it first. Mr. Qenny Winston will be waiting for your good news. Okay…?"

For many and many times, Mr. Qenny Winston was amazed with Erdie Vio's wise finishing steps to put all of his problems to an end. Sometimes, Mr. Qenny Winston did not have to go to the front zone insofar as Erdie Vio would often involve himself instantly in various discussions and negotiations with their clients. Suppose all the artists under his management were all like this Erdie Vio, he would not have to be very stressful, would he? Unfortunately, they were not…

Hasan Alex's face was in full red color. Mr. Qenny Winston just kept quiet. He turned to another direction. He himself actually was not really interested in continuing the discussion about this unprofitable contract. Hasan Alex seemed to be a selfish wealthy businessman paying attention only to his own joy above others' suffering. How selfish he was! Yet, he never thought before that Erdie Vio would behave so aggressively to his father's friend. Mr. Qenny Winston started to wonder in his mind. Are they really friends? Or else, is this person his father's enemy in the business world back in Indonesia there?

"Alright, I'll consider it first, Die… If there's no call from me within this one week, that means our cooperation has been cancelled," said Hasan Alex without any smile right now.

"No problem… Not this time, perhaps next time," said Erdie Vio with his snapping smile.

Hasan Alex got up from his seat after pressing his cigarette strongly onto the ashtray in front of him. After he disappeared from the office, Mr. Qenny Winston quickly turned on the air-purifier in his office. He really could not stand anymore the cigarette smoke which made him sick and dizzy.

"Perfect, Die… First I thought you could not refuse this unprofitable contract inasmuch as he's your father's friend. Nevertheless, in fact you're full of surprise," said Mr. Qenny Winston with his feminine movement.

"The most unprofitable business is the business with our own friends, acquaintances, and family relatives who have no shame at all. I often bumped into that kind of experience when I was helping out in my dad's company. Because he's my father's friend, I have to give him a friendly price as well, don't I? Wait…! Suppose all the businessmen were thinking like that, all the companies in the world would turn into the social organizations."

Mr. Qenny Winston burst into his crispy laughter, "Oh… Not only in Singapore, can we bump into that kind of people in Indonesia as well?"

"Of course… There are many people like that… Spreading everywhere… So, to this kind of people, we needn't hesitate. That's why I was wondering why you were still soft, gentle, and a little bit hesitated to him just now, whereas you knew the contract he proposed was absolutely unprofitable."

"He can be said as our client, Die…" said Mr. Qenny Winston a little bit sorry at the moment. "It's impossible I had to show my angry face and talk to him arrogantly only because the contract he proposed was unprofitable, is it?"

"You know what?" Erdie Vio forwarded his face to his manager's face, "He can be as rich as he's now, because when he was the same age as I am, he ever corrupted the money from the bank where he was working. Later on, he somehow turned to the biggest and highest stockholder in the bank, only in seven years. Can you be as great as him?"

Mr. Qenny Winston's mouth gaped widely right now.


"Of course it's true. What do I get from my lies to you? I don't get anything, do I?" said Erdie Vio again with his typical smile again. "When I knew about this Hasan Alex's past stories, one thing just stuck into my mind, Mr. Qenny Winston."

Mr. Qenny Winston turned confused, "What's that?"

"James Huang corrupted the company's 40 thousand dollars, you instantly cursed him with no mercy and even wanted to bring him to the police station. This Hasan Alex ever corrupted the bank where he was working for more than 100 thousand dollars, you could still be soft and gentle and a little bit hesitated to him. This world is indeed unfair, isn't it?"

"They both obviously have the different cases, Die," said Mr. Qenny Winston feeling a little bit guilty at this moment.

"Yeah, I indeed know that Hasan Alex Winarta and James Huang are two different characters with two different past stories, so they've both got two different cases. You don't have to explain that to me again. This afternoon I'm going to Kuala Lumpur with Sabrina. Some relaxation for both of us… When is my next show? You said you'd show me my next schedules, but you forgot at once due to that James Huang's matter," said Erdie Vio with his skeptical tone. This world is indeed like this. With money, the wrong can be turned to right. Without money, if we aren't careful enough, even when we're right, we can be turned to wrong.

Mr. Qenny Winston patted his forehead for a while. He opened his files in his computer again.

"Oh, next Friday, Die…" said Mr. Qenny Winston. "Actually tomorrow you've also got a show, but yesterday evening, the people phoned me and said the show had been postponed until next Saturday owing to some unprepared operational matters. So, until the end of this week, you're free."

"Okay! Very steady!" shouted Erdie Vio delightedly, with his full enthusiasm. "That's why I love you full, Mr. Qenny Winston. See you…"

Erdie Vio vanished out of Mr. Qenny Winston's room. Mr. Qenny Winston sent away his leaving in his snapping smile.


Medan, middle of January 2013

From the outside, the luxurious villa belonging to Mr. Faiz Makmur in Cemara Asri residence looked very elegant and gorgeous. Of course, as a palm oil businessman, this villa was not his merely residence asset. In some places in Medan, in the other towns and even in Singapore, Australia, and America, Mr. Faiz also bought some residence assets which he would pass down to his sons and grandchildren when he had passed away someday later.

Some gardeners were seen working in a very wide garden. Some officers were also seen cleaning up the swimming pool. Some maids were also seen feeding the dogs reared by Mr. Faiz.

"Do you see the big mansion? It looks like a castle, doesn't it?" those were the gossips around the neighborhood about Mr. Faiz's family.

"That belongs to Mrs. Florencia Quincy Makmur. Her husband can be said to be successful in his young enough age."

"Yeah, coincidently he inherited a very large plantation farm from his parents in Pekan Baru…" some other gossips were heard like this. "His faith is indeed lucky… He grew palm trees on that plantation farm and since that time, his business has been skyrocketing until now. Farms are everywhere. Assets are also everywhere. Even houses are everywhere."

"I hear that at the time when their triplets were born, their living has been getting better and better and now, they're above anybody else."

"Yeah, those triplets indeed bring luck and prosperity for the couple, don't they? Moreover, three of them are also very cute and handsome, and they're still single! Gosh! Suppose there's a chance, I'd like to introduce my single daughter to one of the Makmur triplets."

"It's definitely impossible!" some other gossips were heard like this. "Business people befriend with business people as well. It's impossible they want to befriend the moderate social status like us. Our business, compared with their palm oil business, is like comparing the earth and the sky. Haven't you heard what old people used to say in the past? Dragons with dragons, phoenixes with phoenixes. It's impossible that a dragon or a phoenix wants to befriend a crow."

Those were the gossips being heard around the neighborhood. Nevertheless, inasmuch as they were too busy with their own living, it was very seldom for both Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia Quincy to care about those gossips.

This afternoon, 3E were having their lunch together, after going home from their colleges. Erdie Vio was seen bringing a stack of his thesis papers, which were done only until a half. He sat down at the dining table. Some maids took out the vegetables and the other dishes from the kitchen. Three E were seen not talking to one another. Three of them were still shocked and they had not accepted some facts being revealed recently.

"I've told Dad and Mom," said Erwie Vincent breaking the ice for the first time, "I'll move to Dad's another house in Malibu Indah residence. Starting from this afternoon, I'll be staying there."

Erick Vildy sniffed for a while. Erdie Vio smiled wryly.

"I've also told Dad and Mom this morning," uttered Erick Vildy. "I'll move to Dad's apartment in Cambridge City Square. For a while, I'll be living there until my graduation this coming July. After my graduation, I'll move to Aussie and look for a job there. I can't stand staying here anymore!"

"You think it's only you who can't stand staying here, don't you!" Erdie Vio started to act cynical. "I can't stand staying here, either. Staying together with a murder!"

"Who do you say a murder!" Erick Vildy began to lose his patience.

"I'm not saying anyone! I don't mention any name!" replied Erdie Vio violently as well.

"But, your words show as though you were the cleanest person here, as though you were the most impossible person to kill Stella Kuangdinata here! Please remember, Die! You've also got the same status! You also possess the same queer and mysterious power!" said Erick Vildy pointing to his youngest brother with his sharp eyes.

"Enough then! Until this stage, both of you were still quarrelling. We're the same with our murder status. What can you guys debate and quarrel about?" protested Erwie Vincent weakly.

"You're also the same, Wie, aren't you?" Erdie Vio still showed his same cynical behavior. "You must be suspecting that Erick or I have killed Stella Kuangdinata with that queer and mysterious power, mustn't you? Is that right?"

"Or else, you won't move to Malibu Indah residence!" sniffed Erick Vildy for a while.

"Oh, it's me who pretend to be the cleanest person here, isn't it? You both accuse me of killing Stella Kuangdinata, don't you?" said Erwie Vincent weakly, realizing that the friendship and the brotherhood among them had vanished little by little.

"I absolutely didn't kill her! The most likely to kill her is both of you!" said Erwie Vincent starting to lose his patience, although his voice was still gentle and hoarse wet. "You're the most emotional and bad-tempered, Rick! It's possible that you asked Stella to the studio and killed her there when you couldn't control your anger anymore."

"What did you say?" shouted Erick Vildy with his rattling teeth. He tried to hold his horses not to use that power anymore. However, three of them had promised Mrs. Florencia. No matter how hard they were fighting or quarreling one another, they would not use that power as their weapons.

"And you, Die… It's possible you instantly planned her death after you knew she'd been deceiving you for the past one recent year," said Erwie Vincent continuing his argumentation without caring about his eldest brother anymore. "Behind your humorous behavior these times, I don't know… I always think you've got your own perspectives and calculations which nobody else knows about."

"Oh, Erick accuses me of killing Stella and so do you. Now, you're also accusing me, Wie. Oh, I see…" said Erdie Vio also losing his temper. His way of talking was more and more cynical.

"When I figured out her lies and dramas for the past one recent year, I asked her to the studio and killed her there. Then, I left her body in the studio so that it could be found by Melisa the next day. Do you think a person with full of plans and calculations like me could do a blunder like that?" said Erdie Vio with his cynical smile and his meaningful eyes to Erwie Vincent right now, "Don't you think the one who's the most suitable to be the murder is you, Wie?"

Erick Vildy beat the table and stared his second brother with his sharp eyes.

"The calm river has sometimes got crocodiles in it," said Erick Vildy with no mercy. "Behind your cool and calm personalities these times, I suspect that it might be you the first knowing who Stella Kuangdinata really was. Silently and slowly, you planned her death and after you killed her, you left her body inside the studio, because you thought the riskiest place could be the safest place. Is that so, Wie?"

"Okay… Okay… Okay…" said Erwie Vincent nodding calmly and relaxingly. "Since Stella Kuangdinata's death, I've been feeling you guys' behavior changes to me. Eventually today you reveal it to me. Thanks for being extrovert and open-minded to me today, Rick, Die… Today, I'm getting more and more certain that my decision to move away is the right decision."

Erwie Vincent did not touch again his food at all that afternoon. He instantly went upstairs. It could be guessed that he might be arranging all his stuff and things and putting them into his luggage.

"You're also suspecting me as a murder, aren't you? So, why are you still standing here? Didn't you say you'd move to Dad's apartment in Cambridge City Square?" asked Erdie Vio with his sad and disappointed eyes.

"Same… Don't you also suspect me, who's the easiest to get angry, and who's the most temperamental, to sit in the first position to have killed Stella Kuangdinata? If that so, for what again do I have to stay here and share the same room with you?" said Erick Vildy also with his sad and disappointed eyes.

Erick Vildy also went upstairs and got into their bedroom. Erdie Vio was standing alone in the dining room, biting his own lips.

Shortly afterwards, the eldest and the second brothers were seen bringing down their own luggage and backpacks. Both of them arrived downstairs. Three E were now standing stiffly and silently in their own places.

Three of them turned round their bodies simultaneously. Three of them were now facing three different directions. Erdie Vio was still standing on his own position. Erick Vildy and Erwie Vincent walked to two different directions.

Three Makmur siblings' tears were seen rolling down from the edges of the eyes.

Erdie Vio's cell phone was vibrating in his pocket. It seemed that someone might be calling him. Yet, he did not have his mood to answer the phone call.