New Year's Eve's Songs

Chapter 11

What a beautiful scenery in the nature of gods who could only enjoy their own creations! So, all the creatures born in this dimension of nature possessed the ability to create anything based on their mind ability. Yet, this ability was different in levels. Each god or goddess had the different levels of ability, based on their good karma which they had collected.

In the middle of the ocean and white clouds along the boundary of the horizon, there was a country among the indeed beautiful countries in this nature of dimension – its name was Country Silver. Besides Country Silver, there were definitely Country Gold, Country Gem, Country Diamond, and Country Copper. Among the five countries, Country Copper gained the lowest position. The creatures deriving from Country Copper were frequently underestimated and taunted because they collected the least good karma. Frequently, the gods or the goddesses from the other four countries hired the gods or the goddesses from this Country Copper as their maids. Although it was like this, the law and the parliament constitutions were still applied smoothly among the five countries. Each country was led by a district god. The five district gods were put under control by a super god.

This afternoon, Silver God was seen enjoying his leisure time at his residence. The silver palace was seen standing elegantly in the middle of the magnificent, marvelous, and amazing heaven garden. Some seven-colored deer were seen grazing in the middle of the garden. The river with the rainbow reflection from the sunlight was seen flowing and splitting the heaven garden. There was a silver bridge curving over the river. Many trees and flowers in various colors, patterns, and forms were also found there. Occasionally, the birds' chirpings were also heard, connecting one to another, producing a marvelous melodious heaven music to the ears.

Silver God was seen in his long silver cloak as well, very shiny under the sunlight. Silver God served a kind of peach juice to his beloved Goddess Ruby. Goddess Ruby's cloak in the bright pink color, reflected a kind of energy and vitality under the sunlight. Goddess Ruby brushed off her hair to the back for a while before she sipped the peach juice made by her prince god.

"You've just been from the human world, haven't you? It's been several days I haven't been there. How is the human world right now?" asked Silver God relaxingly to his beloved goddess. The time difference between their world and the human world was indeed very far. Five weeks in the god world could be 500 years in the human world.

"It's already 2192 in the human world right now," replied Goddess Ruby with a lot of her worries. "They've entered into a really sophisticated era. The internet, computers and robots are everywhere. Even, to go to the farthest place, they merely require the time of several minutes. Yet, they haven't mastered the teleportation technique like us."

Silver God was seen smiling a little bit cynically, "Of course, if they can even master the teleportation technique like us, so what's different between them and us, the gods?"

Ruby Goddess smiled wryly, "Yeah, you're right… And now in the human world, they've been in advance developing the time machine technology to go through the space and time dimensions."

"Are they successful?" asked Silver God relaxingly again.

"Not yet though… Still in the stage of their researches I see…" said Ruby Goddess smiling wryly again. "But in the other side, they've been successful in developing the cloning-human technology."

"They tend to use the terms which are difficult to understand. What on heaven is that cloning, Ruby Goddess?" asked Silver God feeling a little bit irritated.

"Just the same as our doppelganger technique… For example, you've got the ability to triplicate yourself into the other three fruit-gods, haven't you?" asked Ruby Goddess still in her wry smile.

"I'm only kidding by doing that, Ruby Goddess," said Silver God with his eyes full of spirit and enthusiasm. "Because you know what? When you're not around, sometimes I feel very lonely. I've got no other choice but to triplicate myself into the other three fruit-gods and discuss anything with myself."

Silver God started to hug his beloved goddess from behind. Ruby Goddess smiled with her high spirit and immersed herself deeper into the warmth of the hug.

"You've got many maids and ministers in this silver palace of yours. When I'm on my duty, I think you can ask them to accompany you to have a chit-chat."

"They've got their own duties and responsibilities, Ruby Goddess. I don't want to disturb them anymore by asking them to accompany me to have a chit-chat. I reckon that duty of accompanying me has been your duty," whispered Silver God with his hoarse wet voice which was full of romanticism.

"You've known it, haven't you, Silver God? Super God charges me of taking care of the three lucky stars which can protect this Country Silver's security and stability," said Ruby Goddess with her soft and gentle smile.

"Yeah, I know… Super God has indeed asked me to keep all the soldiers in this Country Silver on alert. Only for a kind of preparation in case the Black Stone Demon attacks again with his rebellion. However, don't ever let the three lucky stars fall into that demon's hands. If that happens, all these five countries in this dimension of nature will perish. All of these will fall into that Black Stone Demon's hands!" said Silver God with his pair of eyes being very sharp with lots of his anger.

"If only he'd been a little bit more patient, perhaps today he'd have been appointed as Country Copper's security general by Copper God, and in the next life perhaps he'd be born to the higher four other countries. Yet, he's too greedy… Is his… Is his greed which has felled him down from a god to a demon, Silver God?" asked Ruby Goddess feeling a bit sympathy.

"All of these are the consequence of his greed, Ruby Goddess. He doesn't need any sympathy. He knows clearly the consequence of his greed and obsession. With the greed within himself, he led his past-time rebellion. Automatically, that has ruined many of his good deeds. Without any good deeds, whoever can't continue being a god in any nature," said Silver God still with his sharp eyes full of anger.

"But, among the three lucky stars, there's a green star which can neutralize any greed energy in the universe, Silver God. Have you ever tried that to Black Stone Demon?" asked Ruby Goddess again.

This time, Silver God was seen shaking his head relaxingly, "The green star can merely neutralize it – or to weaken and quieten it, but it can't eliminate it, Ruby Goddess. I've tried it. He's very weak under the power of those three lucky stars, yet after the effect has gone within the next seconds, he returns greedy and ambitious like usual."

"So, if the three lucky stars can indeed weaken and quieten it solely for a few moments, why is the Black Stone Demon so afraid of them?" asked Ruby Goddess frowning her forehead.

"Super God has ever told me, Ruby Goddess… The three lucky stars, for the Black Stone Demon, and also for us, are like the two blades. If the three lucky stars' power is combined with a kind of love and spirit powers, it can defeat and eliminate the Black Stone Demon, together with all his negative energy. If these three lucky stars are combined with a kind of dark evil energy, it can be used to conquer all this nature of gods. Hearing this story of Super God's I at least understand why the Black Stone Demon wants these three lucky stars so much," said Silver God again with his sharp eyes full of anger.

Ruby Goddess sighed her long breath. Silver God could see a lot of worries and anxieties in her eyes.

"I'm anxious… I'm worried I can't do this job of taking care of the three lucky stars well, Silver God…" said Ruby Goddess a little bit wryly.

"Don't worry too much. There's me behind you. We'll take care of this country's security and stability together… It's an honor Super God leaves the three quintessential lucky stars to be kept here in this Country Silver. Thus, we'll take care of them well," said Silver God relaxingly, full of faith within his mind.

Ruby Goddess again nodded her head slowly. Yet, anxiety and worry still gathered within her mind and soul. Again Silver God seized his beloved goddess into his hug.

Ruby Goddess turned a bit to the back, "Silver God… Sometimes I think… Sometimes I think… do I… do I deserve your love? There are so many other broken-hearted goddesses in this country when you decided your choice on me. Actually, do I deserve this love of yours…?"

Silver God hissed for a while and put his index finger onto his beloved goddess' lips. He landed an intimate kiss onto his beloved princess' forehead.

"In love, we don't need any reason. As long as you're sure with your feeling to me, I won't give up and step back," said Silver God with his relaxed smile.

"Yeah… I'm sure, Silver God," said Ruby Goddess after brooding for a few moments.

Silver God landed again an intimate kiss to his beloved princess' lips. Ruby Goddess tightened her embrace. Their pairs of lips linked and fitted each other in an endless and deep intimacy.


Singapore, 31st December 2018

The New Year's Eve had come… The shows welcoming the New Year were held in various corners of Singapore city. Coincidently, tonight Erdie Vio got a part filling up a New Year's Eve show held at Orchard Road. Sabrina Marcelina accompanied him that night. Sometimes they sang some love songs, youth songs, and social life songs in duet. Sometimes, when Erdie Vio sang his songs in solo, Sabrina Marcelina waited beside the stage, while chatting with the committee holding the show. When Erdie Vio had got his break sessions, Sabrina Marcelina would help him take his water bottles and the other appliances he needed.

Fifteen more minutes, it would come to the New Year of 2019. The fireworks party had spread everywhere in the town.

Sabrina Marcelina glanced at her watch for a while. She had known that Erdie Vio would sing two songs in this New Year's Eve – two songs he and his two brothers composed when they were in their senior high schools.

Erdie Vio also glanced at his beloved princess. He nodded his head showing he would be singing his two songs a while again. Sabrina Marcelina only replied his nodding with her relaxed smile.

Los Angeles, 31st December 2018

The New Year's Eve had come. From the roof of the hotel where he was working, Erwie Vincent could see the fireworks display in the whole town. Though there was little snow tonight, the cold freezing weather was around, was everywhere.

Julia Dewi brought Erwie Vincent a glass of champagne. They had promised to pass the New Year's Eve with champagne, welcoming the brighter future.

Erwie Vincent had a toast with his beloved sweetheart. The glass was put on the table. The feet began to step forward to the stage where several musicians were playing their New Year's Eve music.

Julia Dewi smiled relaxingly. She knew Erwie Vincent would sing a song within this memorable New Year's Eve.

Sydney, 31st December 2018

The New Year's Eve had come. Coincidently, Erick Vildy and Melisa Rayadi were strolling outside and having a sightseeing at the New Year's Eve show in the town center. The fireworks party began to be visible everywhere. Although there was more snow, the citizens were still seen in their full spirits welcoming the New Year.

Melisa Rayadi bought two sticks of roasted chicken. One stick was given to her beloved prince. Eating the roasted chicken, they held hands together, exploring the small crowded snowy Sydney paths.

A big stage was visible in front. The musicians were seen playing their New Year's Eve songs for the coming visitors. Erick Vildy released his hand. He instantly walked forward to the stage.

Melisa Rayadi smiled brightly. She knew Erick Vildy would sing a song in the New Year's Eve which was full of unchangeable memories.

Singapore, 31st December 2018

The music began to flow and Erdie Vio started to sing:

Beside my pillow, there are a sea of stars...

Turning your body away, there are a lot possibilities in the dream.

Person who's on an island, in the middle of the ocean.

The city hidden in the middle of the clouds…

Not hearing, not smelling something with no sound…

No snowy trail in my heart…

Sincerely, lower down the body temperature and turning off the light…

Roaming in the night…

Sinking and drowning in the morning…

Flying towards the rising door…

With whom can I find the same understanding?

Can't read, can't understand my eyesight…

Who's asking? Who's waiting?

There's no more living together…

Happiness without a sound…

Being lonely without admission…

The unnecessary depression…

The mind-battle inside myself…

The truth which looks too real, to be reckoned as an illusion…

The thought popping out, is too swift and boiling…

The sky is dawn already, and I'm still awake…

Los Angeles, 31st December 2018

Erwie Vincent was seen taking out his cell phone. After getting a permission from the musicians on the stage, the cell phone began to be connected to the sound system. Shortly afterwards, the music began to flow and Erwie Vincent began to sing:

I'm afraid of turning away,

Behind me, left a row of mountains and ocean…

The light from the lamp post in the dusk…

Shining upon my back, adding my desolation.

Alone in the pathway…

Slinging my luggage and walking forward…

The past which has been forgotten…

Forgotten, and just let it be forgotten…

The butterflies are flying to the cliff…

Searching for the delicate light of hope…

The story can't stop until this chapter seven…

Keep on writing and you can know your dreams are very long…

I'm afraid of being hurt…

For sometimes the unsearchable directions…

Life which is long, slow, but hasty…

Searching for a destination which doesn't exist…

I'm afraid of the world's madness.

Full of hindrances and obstacles…

The time was flowing turbulently…

Destroying my edge…

I really don't want to be like this…

Sydney, 31st December 2018

Erick Vildy was seen speaking to the some musicians on the stage. The musicians were seen nodding their heads. Erick Vildy took out his cell phone. The cell phone was connected to the sound system. Afterwards, the music began to flow and Erick Vildy began to sing:

Little bones, little colored stones…

Try to keep, try to keep you warm…

If you wanna know, wanna know your mind…

Leave it all, leave it all behind…

There are things that are better left alone…

So many questions out of your control…

I don't wanna know how this is gonna end…

Coz it won't stop the rain from coming down again…

And I don't need that superstition, fortune telling, future magic…

I live a life unpredictable…

I live a life unpredictable…

The first song had finished. Out of a sudden, the realization memory was divided into three parts. Although 3E were separated in three different places, they felt as though they were on the same stage and were singing the same song.

"New Year has come. We reckon New Year as youth… Within the youth, it's like spring, we're waiting for the flowers to blossom and for the birds to chirp out the sweet melodies. In this New Year's Eve, I'd like to sing a song about youth's spirit, encouragement, and the dreams in spring…" 3E's voices were heard simultaneously.

The full-of-spirit beating music began to flow. Three E started to sing:

Please follow the slow movements of my right and left hands.

Once again the slow movements of the right and left hands…

This song gives you happiness.

Will you love me or not?

Please follow the movements of my nose, eyes, and ears.

Being obedient, being cute and good-looking, keep changing the styles…

Youth is full of unknown guesses…

Little problems which appear, don't really matter…

Clean the shoes, change into your coat…

Wearing one carat of dreams…

My courage is full of encouragement…

Arriving anywhere…

The sunlight, can shine upon me, due to my confidence…

The center of the stage, can glow and sparkle, because of me…

The music stopped. The song had finished. The audience watching their performances in three different places, gave their applause in amazement.

The New Year had finally come. The clock struck at twelve at three different places. The fireworks party began to explode to the dark night sky. The rainbow colors were seen decorating the horizon with the dark night sky as its background.

Again the realization memory was divided into three parts. Each of them approached their sweethearts after the fireworks welcoming the New Year had ended.

"I think what you sang in your first song just now… just now…" said Melisa Rayadi running out of words to describe what was on her mind.

"What indeed?" Erick Vildy was a bit sneering.

"I'm less certain that the life is unpredictable like what you sang just now, inasmuch as I'm sure what will happen in the future all depends on our choices and efforts in the present time," muttered Melisa Rayadi.

"In your first song, I think… I think…" said Julia Dewi looking a little bit doubtful and indecisive.

"What do you think?" asked Erwie Vincent with his relaxed smile.

"I think… your real destination is… is…"

"Is my real destination this Los Angeles? Since I was little, I've dreamt to stay in US, Jul. But now, when I've been here for five years, I begin to doubt whether that's my real goal or my temporary desire," said Erwie Vincent still in his relaxed smile.

"Simple, Wie…" said Julia Dewi. "From where you come, you can return to that place. That's your real destination, isn't it?"

"From your first song, I can realize that you're so lonely, Die," said Sabrina Marcelina holding her sweetheart's hand on their way back to the apartments.

"Of course I am… When the dawn comes, I'm still awake. My bedroom used to have three persons, now there's only me left in the room. What do you think? How can I not be lonely?" said Erdie Vio with a wry smile.

"So, our decision to return to Medan next two weeks isn't a wrong decision, is it?" asked Sabrina Marcelina with her meaningful ogling eyes.

Three E were silent in their own positions. A lot of question-marks were surrounding the edges of their mind.


Morning time had again come to the whole of Country Silver. Ruby Goddess was awake at her residence. Since she was merely an ordinary goddess, her residence was not as elegant and luxurious as the silver palace which belonged to Silver God. Definitely, Silver God was going to take her to the silver palace. Yet, inasmuch as their marriage would merely be held next week, for a while she still had to stay in her usual residence.

Ruby Goddess opened up her window. Seen outside, Country Silver was already crowded with several gods and goddesses who were having their great enjoyments. That morning, Ruby Goddess decided to have a stroll outside.

The gossips throughout the Country Silver began to be heard.

"Look at Ruby Goddess… If I'm not mistaken, next week she'll get married with Silver God, the leader district god of our country," one gossip was heard like this.

"Wow…! The handsome and magnificent Silver God, who's defeated the other 1000 opponents, and later was declared as a district god and the leader of our country by Super God? That Silver God is very charming and his handsomeness is terrific!"

"But, this Ruby Goddess is also beautiful… Charming, gentle, and excellent… They're indeed suitable and fitted each other I think…" some other gossips were also heard like this.

Ruby Goddess solely kept silent and she did not care of those gossips.

"Gosh! What happens to you? I hear about this, okay…? She can be as pretty a goddess as she's right now because Super God has left her the three lucky stars to take care of. Without those three lucky stars, she definitely isn't as pretty a goddess as she's right now. Believe me…"

Ruby Goddess stopped her steps for a while. She turned around and quickly returned to her residence. Her strolling plan and then visiting Silver God all vanished into the air. She got into her residence, slammed the door harshly, and leant against the door.

Yeah… Yeah… I can be as pretty as I am right now because I was left the three lucky stars by Super God. Yeah… Yeah… Just say whatever you like… You guys absolutely don't know that the three lucky stars only want to be with the god or goddess they choose. Not all gods or goddesses can keep them. What you guys know is only gossiping…!

Ruby Goddess opened up her hands. The red, yellow, and green lights started to pop out from her palms. As the time went by, the three lights started to crystalize and form into the star shapes. The three stars with three different lights were seen drifting in the air.

"Hello, Three Lucky Stars…" said Ruby Goddess giving her greeting. "Could you guys show me who I actually am?"

The shadows of Ruby Goddess' past began to be shown. One by one of her nightmares began to approach. Ruby Goddess broke down in her tears. Lots and lots of guilt began to haunt her edge of mind. It had been several times already she asked the same question to the three lucky stars, but those three lucky stars still showed the same and the same image. Not only humans, but a goddess like her could not fight against the power of destiny, either.

I'm sorry, Silver God… I don't deserve your love, Silver God… I feel guilty to you… But, I myself can't ignore this feeling of love to you… I can't deny that I don't love you… What… What should I do? Three Lucky Stars… Could you guys tell me what I should do?

Again the three lucky stars showed another vision in front of Ruby Goddess. Ruby Goddess' eyes got bigger and bigger seeing the vision in front of her. But, in the next seconds she had already nodded her head steadily.

Yeah… I don't have any other options either… I must do it… I must do it, to redeem all my faults to Silver God in the past. Thanks very much, Three Lucky Stars…

With one sweep of her hand, the three lights became dimmer and vanished back into Ruby Goddess' hands.

There was a knock on the door. Ruby Goddess turned around her head for a while. She at least knew who was coming to her residence in that early morning.