I've Got a Deal with 2035

Chapter 19

Medan, 28th January 2019

"Rick, Wie…" texted Erdie Vio from Line to his two other brothers. The night before, they were so busy with their own love affairs that they were staying in three different apartments which still belonged to Mr. Faiz.

"Will we be swimming at Marriott this morning?" asked Erdie Vio again.

"Of course we will…" replied Erick Vildy.

"We will…" replied Erwie Vincent as well. "I arrived last night at the apartment at 11. Julia Dewi's parents come to Medan and they're staying at Adi Mulia. Julia's Mom has asked when we'll get married. I told her this year, Rick, Die… How about you guys?"

"Yeah, definitely this year…" replied Erick Vildy. "Last night I also accompanied Melisa's mom buying their Chinese New Year's needs. Her mom has also asked when we'll get married. Melisa was too shy to answer it. I said this year."

"I also told Sabrina's dad & mom this year, Rick, Wie…" replied Erdie Vio. "I've been dating with Sabrina for quite a long time, Rick, Wie. I don't want to show a kind of impression that I'm still hanging others' daughter's future in the air."

"Wkwkwkwk…" replied Erick Vildy.

"Wkwkwkwk…" replied Erwie Vincent as well. In Medan people's texting, particularly the youths, laughter was often described as 'wkwkwkw'.

"Okay… Let's meet directly at Marriott at eight later on, shall we? There comes again another job offering from a five-star hotel at Lake Toba. I'd like to discuss it with you this morning inasmuch as the people from that hotel will be waiting for our response until tomorrow evening," texted Erdie Vio again.

"Alright…" replied Erwie Vincent.

"Okay… See you at Marriott at eight later on, Wie, Die…" replied Erick Vildy.


Lake Toba, 3rd February 2019

Crowd and excitement filled up the event location which was arranged to face Lake Toba directly in a beautiful Sunday morning. Most guests intentionally stayed overnight at this hotel only to watch the dragon performance by 3E and friends from Eternal Solidarity.

"I heard that 3E have reunited again. This time, they'll be performing their dragon dance at this hotel," said one of the guests.

"Gosh! It's been a long time not seeing them in trio anymore. This time's like a dream comes true. I've heard as well… They'll be performing in the grand-opening of the fun land built at the top of the mountain behind this hotel. I've heard that this fun land's the newest one and its rides are much more complete."

"Gosh… The hotel & fun land management do know which celebrities are rising to the top nowadays, don't they?" there came the other comments from other 3E's fans coming to Lake Toba that morning.

"Morning, everybody…" said Erdie Vio greeting the audience that morning. Whoopee and hectic screaming from young girls and young women were heard. "Welcome to The Mist Hotel & its fun land grand opening. The building project of this hotel and its fun land has finally finished in last December 2018. Today is the grand opening which I'm dead sure has been waited by all of us…" said Erdie Vio with his shrill and melodious voice.

The audience's hectic whoopee was heard again. Even there were some of them lifting up boards with Erick Vildy, Erwie Vincent, and Erdie Vio's names written on them.

"3E! 3E! 3E! Cool…! Handsome…!" some audience's hectic and hysterical whoopee at the front rows were audible again.

"Yeah, as some further information for all of us…" continued Erick Vildy. Some hectic whoopee was audible again.

"For the guests staying in this hotel from last night until tonight, will get a 70% discount! Don't wait again, Ladies & Gentlemen… Check-in directly and enjoy all The Mist Hotel facilities which have been internationally-standardized."

"Furthermore, for the first queue of 100 people in fun land," continued Erwie Vincent, and again hectic screaming was heard, "will get a 70% discount + our merchandise + our pictorial books, only from 3E. Additionally, for those playing in fun land until tonight, will get a 50% discount + our merchandise + our pictorial books, again only from 3E."

Those sentences were instantly followed by hectic clapping hands and whoopee from the audience. Erwie Vincent & Erick Vildy laughed while covering their faces with the information paper they had just read a moment before. They were seen being shy and blushful with the hectic whoopee and excitement in the event location. It was merely Erdie Vio who looked more confident, and he kept smiling broadly in front of the audience shouting their three names.

"Erdie Vio's voice is indeed clear and melodious, isn't it? No wonder besides performing in trio with the other 2E, he also often performs solo as an MC outside there," commented one of the other fans.

"Each of them has got their own activities outside there you know… Erick Vildy is more into his singing. Erwie Vincent is keen on his dancing. Erdie Vio is more into his jobs as MC and he also plays films outside there," commented another fan of theirs.

"Wow… There are such perfect humans in this world, aren't there? Gosh…! I've been impatient wanting to watch 3E's performance this morning, after they've not performed in trio for quite a long time," uttered another fan again.

"Okay… What are we going to do at the moment?" yelled Erdie Vio triggering the loud whoopee from the audience. Some of them wanted to watch their dragon performance first. Some of them wanted to watch their singing and dancing first. The others wanted to have an interview with them first.

"Quite various demands though..." continued Erick Vildy.

"But don't worry, Friends… We'll perform everything today, perform the best of ours, only for you and The Mist Hotel…" muttered Erwie Vincent.

"Okay… We'll be watching first the dragon prosperous performance to open the show this morning. Here's the dragon prosperous dance by our friends from…" said Erdie Vio.

"Eternal Solidarity team…" said 3E in one voice. Three E then split up to their own places. Erick Vildy was ready with his dragon's head and all his protégés. Erdie Vio was ready with his dragon pearl. Erwie Vincent was ready with his dragon drum and his four background music players.

Silver God, Sabrina Marcelina, Melisa Rayadi, and Julia Dewi got ready in their own places, with their own background musical instruments. Suddenly the evening before, 3Y said that they had got their family gathering and they could not join the performance this morning. Actually, 3E's three lovers knew why 3Y said that they could not join the performance this morning, but three of them were unanimous to keep silent and not to say anything.

Ten minutes ahead were passed by the audience's watching the dragon prosperous dance by Eternal Solidarity team. Three E themselves were amazed by their protégés. This time there were absolutely no mistakes, both in the dragon maneuvers and in the background music rhythms.


Aldo Morales was staring at Stella Kuangdinata's photo, being alone in his room. Some tears dropped onto the photo. The mind could not stand flying backwards to the past, to the beginning stages of his introduction to Stella Kuangdinata when the girl was working as a prostitute in a night club in Manila.

"Why can you fall into the dark black world like this?" asked Aldo Morales frowning his forehead. He himself felt very perplexed. This girl was still a teenager and had not been 20 years old. Why could she be thrown until here to the world like this? Very perplexing…

"I was sold here by somebody whom I didn't know. He said he'd recommend me a good and qualified job here in Manila. I didn't know I'd be sold here as a lust slave," said Stella Kuangdinata laughing in her crispy way. Yet, her tears flowed down as well.

Relaxingly, Stella Kuangdinata pointed to the blood stain on the bed sheet.

"You're my first customer, Aldo. If you don't pay me in high price, I won't let you go easily. You must pay me very and very expensively tonight."

Aldo Morales got up again from the bed. He seized that girl to his embrace again and shortly afterwards, words were not required anymore.

Aldo Morales went back to reality again.

I love her much… I want her so deeply. She's very gentle, very delicate, and relies much on me every time she gives herself in me. For her, I'm willing to pay at any price. For her, I'm willing to sacrifice all my money and wealth. For her, I'm willing to rebel against Dad and Mom's words, and I'm even willing to sell my soul to the dark black magic. But, why did she go that quickly…? Why…?

Three E…! I won't forgive three of you! I won't let you go so easily like that! I'll do whatever to take a revenge for Stella! Whatever…!


"Okay… Next, we'll be performing a song… A song about every person's dream in this world, all our dreams," said Erick Vildy, and was followed by the hectic whoopee from the audience, "We're sure all of you have your own dreams… May this song bring all of us inspirations to keep on struggling for our own dreams."

The music began to flow. Three E's harmonious and melodious voices began to be audible.

No matter how heavy the rain is, we should still go home.

The shoes being wet because of the rain, dry it under the hot sun, then begin your journey.

The relaxing steps, being washed away in the mud.

The unlimited power grows…

We're distracted and worried because of the problems in our hearts…

Our body is racing with the time.

The future's best main actor…

Are you ready or not?

Bring the light,

Fly with me…

Feeling the wind speed whistling in my ear from far away…

Dreams are flying out the skylight, one by one…

Keep thinking to shuttle to the past time…

The dragonflies on the bamboos, begin to grow up their wings…

Flying to anywhere people would love to go…

Dreams are written on the diary, one by one…

One by one are close to the Nobel Prize…

As long as you dare to think, but can't make it come true…

At least you've got your own memories…

Three minutes passed by… This time, there were some viewers from the front rows raising up their hands and asked some questions.

"In the future, will you guys concentrate more on dragon and lion dances, or on playing films, or on your own songs?"

Erick Vildy answered, "In the future, we'll try our best to perform perfectly what you've mentioned. Because we know… Our fans' smiles are our smiles as well…" this sentence was followed by the hectic whoopee and clapping hands from the audience.

"Will 3E's next performances be films, songs, or dragon and lion dances?"

"We can't make sure first what that will be, but obviously, we can guarantee our next performances will be 3E's best…" said Erwie Vincent, and was also followed by the hectic screaming and clapping hands from the audience.

"By this reunion, does that mean that 3E will keep showing their next performances in trio? Will 3E always be on the top-chart of dragon and lion dances as well as songs in our country?"

Three E stared at one another while showing their own typical smiles. At last, three of them nodded their heads steadily. This time, it was Erdie Vio who replied,

"Yeah, we indeed can't make sure what will happen in the future. But, there's one certain thing. We determine to present the best performances of ours for all our fans until the distant time in the future. If the fans keep praying and hoping for 3E's togetherness, we'll always be together until 2035 later on. Who's praying and determined to be together with their friends, mates, siblings, and families until 2035 later on?" this sentence was followed by the hectic whoopee and clapping hands from the audience.

"Okay… This is our next song, we present the song to our fans who are praying and determined to be together with their friends, mates, siblings and families until 2035 later on. We also present this song to this lovely country. May this lovely country be always prosperous, safe, triumphant and victorious and keep improving until 2035 later…"

The music flowed out again. Three E sang their song harmoniously and melodiously. The audience who had mostly memorized the song, sang the song harmoniously and melodiously as well.

That's a promise, to cross over the mountains and the seas…

Predicting tomorrow's dreams…

I'm struggling to step onto the stars…

Taking the big steps and taking the lead…

Be quick in recharging your youth moments…

Working together to move forward…

I've got a deal with the year of 2035.

Dealing with the day full of cheerfulness and enthusiasm…

Wishing for my beloved beautiful and harmonious country…

High-spirited new world…

I've got a deal with the year of 2035…

Dealing with the new journey and the new beginning…

Establishing the twice of two hundred years heartily…

The main actors of the future are ourselves…

That's a poem about love and spring…

All the promises are coming true…

The chips in my mind will eventually connect everything…

Only faith will never change…

Miracles are constantly emerging…

We look forward to seeing you again at that time…


Mr. Fernandus Rayadi was reading his newspaper on Sunday morning when his wife threw a piece of invitation to the table in front of him.

"What's that?" Mr. Fernandus began to be curious. He opened the invitation.

"A dinner invitation at Marriott tomorrow evening. Tomorrow evening is Chinese New Year's Eve… From Erick's family, isn't it?" Mr. Fernandus began to be interested to the content of the invitation.

"Yeah… We must dress up as tidily and elegantly as possible. Tonight I'm going to buy some new party dresses for a while. My previous party dresses must have been worn out and they can't be worn anymore. Are you coming with me?" asked his wife.

Her husband sniffed for a moment, "It seems that you've agreed with our daughter's relationship with that young wealthy lad, Nina. You used to search for young lads here and there to be matched with Melisa. Now, I see you're different."

Mrs. Nina Melina also sniffed for a while and snapped her lips, "I tried and tried for Melisa's best you know, Dus. You're the same, aren't you? Having been searching for mediums here and there, asking here and there, whether Erick is an appropriate future husband for your daughter or not…"

"Same… I was also trying and trying for Melisa's best. I've come to three mediums and three of them gave the identical answer, good… That's fine… Moreover, he himself has also proven that he isn't the murder having killed that girl with a dark black power five years ago – that's fine then… I agree, though…" said Mr. Fernandus with his half grinning face.

"Very mysterious indeed… It's solely this time I hear that there's a youth, wealthy youth, very handsome, attractive and he possesses a kind of queer and mysterious power," said Mrs. Nina Melina.

"I hear that Erick's two siblings are also the same, Nina. Since they were kids, they've indeed possessed queer and illogical powers with three different lights. Obviously, no power from theirs is black. This one you see, on that girl's chest a black scar was found. Paranormal mediums also concluded that the young girl died due to a kind of horrible dark black supernatural power. It was such a horrendous incident for their whole neighborhood."

"Wow… I've solely known the outer skin, not included the bits and pieces. There was a young girl found dead on the second floor of the studio building belonging to those Makmur triplets. Your information is quite impressive, Dus…" said Mrs. Nina Melina a bit taunting her husband. She knew that her husband was fond of going around from one medium to the next. So, no wonder if her husband could know until its bits and pieces.

"Anyway… I've ever asked when he'll marry Melisa. He instantly said this year, Dus. This year, we're going to become a part from that wealthy Makmur family…" said his wife with her sparkling eyes.

Mr. Fernandus sniffed for a while and he turned to his wife with a serious stare, "Don't ever rely too much on Erick's family, I tell you. Our business is rather small, but it isn't that bad, though. Whilst it's small, we can still support this little family until this moment. So, don't ever count too much on that Makmur family, so that we lose our dignity and Melisa is also difficult to place herself in front of her parents-in-law. Do you get it?"

"Yeah… Yeah… I get it… But, wealthy and rich families who marry the standard families like us, tend to have a kind of agreement and lots of deals. Why can't I find any from this one?"

"Perhaps not yet…" uttered Mr. Fernandus. "Suppose there isn't any, that means Erick and his family believe much in Melisa. We mustn't make Melisa feel awry. That wedding isn't only between Erick & Melisa, but also between Makmur and Rayadi families. I myself try to avoid the things which can become problems and backfire in the future days, Nina."

"Yes… Yes… I know how to behave, even though…"

"Even though I know sometimes your mouth is like puncture and you can say things not in the perfect time and places. Am I right?" interrupted her husband with his grinning face.

"Yeah… Yeah… Yeah… I know that's one of my weak points and you don't have to repeat it again," said Mrs. Nina Melina snapping her lips. "So, talking and talking, do you want to come with me or not?"

"Yes… Yes… Yes… Coming, just coming then… Coincidently, my old party clothes have been worn out and out of fashion," said her husband grinning again.

His wife poked her husband's waist for a while.


Evidently, Tiogana couple were also talking about the same topic.

"Gosh… I'm worried, Louis. How about if Erdie's family proposes a string of agreements which we must sign and fulfill?" asked Mrs. Candy a bit worried.

"Then, we just look first, what their agreements will be, whether they can incriminate our family or not, whether they can complicate Sabrina or not. Just like that…" said Mr. Louis Willy realistically. "So, when you asked Erdie Vio when he'd marry Sabrina, what did he say?"

"He instantly said this year he's going to marry Sabrina, Louis. About Erdie, I believe in him 100%, that he purely loves Sabrina. Yet, with his father and mother. We've never met those Makmur couple, have we? Here comes an invitation for tomorrow's dinner at Marriott, I become a bit worried. Perhaps they'll be talking about a string of agreements and deals tomorrow evening."

Mr. Louis Willy burst out into his laughter, "Oh yeah…? Erdie Vio said instantly that he's going to marry Sabrina, didn't he? In that case, it's impossible that those Makmur couple will be talking about prenuptial agreements with us, Candy. They have to look at their son's dignity as well if they'd like to talk about some kind of prenuptial agreements. Is that right?"

Mrs. Candy was seen snapping her smile here, "Hopefully your prediction is right. If Sabrina's wedding is indeed very complicated and complex like that, I'd rather she had her relationship merely with an ordinary man, whose standard is the same with ours, but her life in the future won't be very complicated and complex."

Mr. Louis Willy burst out into his laughter again, "Just see tomorrow, Candy. Suppose there's really a prenuptial agreement from them, I want to see what kind of agreement they'll propose."

"Or else, that'll be very good… Is that right?" Mrs. Candy's snapping smile was visible here.

"Yes… According to the information I hear, Mr. Faiz and Mrs. Florencia Quincy Makmur adore their three sons very deeply. Whatever is said by those triplets, the couple will just follow and say yes. Anyway, if in this case, their triplets don't want any kind of prenuptial agreements because they believe 100% in their future wives, that'll be very good, won't it?"

"Yeah… Yeah… I think by having that kind of queer and mysterious power, Erdie can assure his parents to omit those prenuptial agreements. We've also got our self-awareness, haven't we? We also know how to place ourselves in front of them, don't we? Is that right, Louis?" said Mrs. Candy again with her snapping smile.

"Of course… When I tell my customers that Sabrina is going to get married with one of those Makmur triplets, many of them have congratulated me and I've got better business recently," said Mr. Louis Willy bursting out into his laughter. "This Erdie Vio really brings luck, Candy. If there's time, I'll invite him and his two other siblings to our shop, so that there will be more luck coming to our shop."

"Makmur triplets yeah… Mmm… Three of them are equally high, handsome, with their white skins, and their good-looking faces which become the targets of young girls. I become curious then. How about the other two siblings' appearances?" Mrs. Candy's gazing eyes were seen here.

"Tomorrow evening we can see three of them at the same time. Don't worry…" uttered her husband being engrossed again in his Sunday morning newspaper.


"Anyway, Ladies and Gentlemen… As the closing in this lovely morning, we'll present our junior brothers who are also under Eternal Solidarity team onto the stage. They'll be performing their song and dancing in quintet for all of you," said Erdie Vio.

"They're also very competent in dragon and lion dances, and their talents in songs and modern dances are also undoubtable," continued Erick Vildy.

"Let's welcome them with hectic applause, Ladies and Gentlemen…" said Erwie Vincent.

"Here they are, 5T…!" said 3E in one voice.

Hectic screaming and whoopee were heard from the audience packing the event location. Five T were seen going onto the stage and taking their own positions. Shortly afterwards, music began to be stomping and stomping. Five T sang and danced at the same time.

Don't be conceited,

Blood that is ready to go inside the body…

Reproduced after a few years of hard work…

Only enough to burst…

I have a secret,

Strange tricks, kicks, and disdain…

Typhoon world will be inspirational,

Not afraid of threats,

I thought it would be too bad to fall.

The whirl of the pursuit of dreams,

Never give up the attitude to control the rudder of this dream…

Only super strong perseverance can drown the impossibility…

Fearless pursuit of dreams,

Will defeat the defeat… Oh oh yeah… yeah…

Awaken the blood of sleep…

Yeah yeah…

Come on, come on!

Yeah yeah…

Determined to make a vow,

The world filled with smoke is so fierce…

Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh…

The match is so intense…

Oh oh oh oh oh

The match is so intense…


An invitation was seen lying on the table inside Mr. Samuel Luvin and Mrs. Isabella Huang's room. Mr. Samuel Luvin opened the envelope and realized what the content was.

"Tomorrow evening, there will be a dinner feast from Wie Wie's family at Marriott. If I'm not mistaken, tomorrow is Chinese New Year's Eve, isn't it, Bell?" asked Mr. Samuel Luvin.

"Yes, this morning one of Makmur maids sent that here, Sam. Will you accompany me tomorrow evening?" asked Mrs. Isabella Huang clinging tightly to her husband's arm.

"I will… Of course we will go there. This is our chance to know Wie Wie and his family closer. I've been very curious about the supernatural powers from three of them. I'll ask instantly about this to their parents tomorrow evening," said Mr. Samuel Luvin not being able to stop his curiosity anymore.

"People would like to discuss about marriage; you'd like to discuss about supernatural powers, Sam," said Mrs. Isabella Huang a bit grinning.

"Marriage? Have you discussed about this with Wie Wie and his family? How about Julia herself? Have you asked her whether she's been ready to get married with Wie Wie?" asked Mr. Samuel Luvin with his sincere stare.

"Of course I have, Sam. Julia herself is just fine. Thus I instantly asked Wie Wie when he'd marry Julia. Wie Wie said that this year they're going to get married and this morning here came a dinner feast invitation at Marriott tomorrow evening. I guess Wie Wie's family has urged Wie Wie to marry Julia as quickly as possible, Sam."

Mr. Samuel Luvin burst out into his laughter, "How can you be so sure?"

"Wie Wie's plan by bringing Julia to Medan is to introduce her to his parents, isn't it?" asked Mrs. Isabella Huang while snapping her smile.

Mr. Samuel Luvin kept nodding his head, "Oh yeah… You're right… But I still feel a bit doubtful with the childhood stories and supernatural powers which Wie Wie has been telling us these times. Tomorrow evening, I won't let that chance go by, Bell."

Mrs. Isabella Huang burst out into her crispy laughter, "Julia ever told me how Wie Wie and his two brothers eat when their food is the same. You must think that the way of their eating is very strange."

"How do they eat indeed? Is there anything which we should question from those triplets' way of eating?" Mr. Samuel Luvin seemed to be a bit dumbfounded.

"The food for three of them will be combined in a big bowl or plate. They'll be sharing from one same receptacle. Yet, they won't feed themselves. Each of them will feed the other two brothers and queerly, each of them won't get less or more feeding. That's what I heard from Julia, Sam. Quite queer and strange, isn't it?" asked Mrs. Isabella Huang to her husband.

"Wow… It's only the first time I hear a kind of triplets' story like that, Bell. It's a kind of bond or telepathy perhaps…" Mr. Samuel Luvin kept thinking about his wife's story.

"But the fact is, as what has been told by Wie Wie, Sam… They aren't biological triplets or brothers. They solely met one another due to a queer natural phenomena as well when Mrs. Florencia gave birth to her son. That's it…" said Mrs. Isabella Huang.

"And, they look nearly and nearly the same, don't they?" asked Mr. Samuel Luvin again.

"Julia has met three of them recently, Sam. If only the colors of their clothes and their daily-used things are not based on the colors of their supernatural powers, Julia said, from behind Julia can't nearly distinguish who is which E. Even, on the phone, Julia can sometimes misrecognize them because their voices are almost the same one another. What distinguish them are solely their characters, behaviors and personalities, Sam. Wie Wie whom we've known these times always talks calmly and relaxingly with his wet hoarse voice. There are two other Wie Wie's versions. The first one is a bit emotional, temperamental, easily-angry and easily-cooling down, with all his sensitive as well as sensible personalities. The other one is always cheerful, full of spirit and enthusiasm, is keen on talking and has quite high stage of confidence, Sam. That's what I've heard from Julia."

Mr. Samuel Luvin kept nodding his head listening to his wife's utterance, "Tomorrow evening will become an evening full of investigations for me then."

Mrs. Isabella Huang grinned again hearing her husband's joke.