
Its been one hour since Hermione and Ginny wait for madam Promfey.They were told by a fourth year student that madam Promfey haven't attend for work today.

Ginny kept looking around and stare at door for a long time.

"What take madam Promfey so long?"

Hermione didn't answer her and its became silence again.Hermione stare at the door,with her minds flying to somewhere else.She tried to understand what is happening,but she couldn't barely remember anything about that boy who they called Ron.

Suddenly the door are opened,ginny stand up,hoping that it is madam Promfey.But it turn out to be another sick student.Ginny hold it anymore,She reach Hermione hands and look at her.

"Wait here,I'll find that old woman"She then walk out from there,slamming the door.Hermione let out a deep sigh,thinking how alone she was right now.She felt more lonely but doesn't know what is missing.She then close her eyes,fall into a sleep.


I felt someone holding my hand.I opened my eyes,and surprisingly saw a black haired boy sitting next to my bed.I felt quite dissappointed,hoping it was someone I've been missing.A stranger that I missed.

"Harry,where is Ginny?"I just realise that its been a long time since Ginny left for searching of madam Promfey.

"She told me to keep you a company meanwhile she looking for madam Promfey.And if you don't mind,I brought someone with me."Harry said to me with fear in his voice.

"Who is it?"I ask him with curiosity.Then someone approached us and standing right beside Harry.The red haired-boy.I just realise that he look much alike Ginny.

I look at him and our eyes meet.His deep ocean blue eyes,staring at mine.I didn't felt any pain in my heads,that feels so weird.He also seem shocked cause I didn't avoiding his eyes anymore.

"I'll just wait outside."Harry gave me a small grin before tap the boy's shoulder.He then quickly left us,making it more awkward than before

We stay in silence for a while.Before he decide to say a word,breaking the silence.

"How are you,mione?"His voice sounds very familiar.Like a voice I've been growing up with.I say nothing first,still trying to remember anything about him.

He gave me an awkward smile before sit down on my bed.He adjust his position,straight looking to me before staring onto my eyes.I didn't look away,but stare him too.Its felt comfortable and I didn't even felt awkward anymore.

"Have I done something wrong?"He continue stare on my eyes,making my cheek turns to red.I finally decide to look away before answering him.

"I just..can't remember you."I whisper slowly.I felt dissappointed towards myself,cause I felt that I forget something very special.Or I just forget someone that is special.He just nodded to me and turn his gaze from me,to the floor.Suddenly it felt like the floor is very interesting.I look at the floor too,trying to know what is he looking at.He realise my action and let out a small grin.He turn back at me.

He straighten his back and slowly reach my hands.I shocked at first but just let it be.I weirdly felt safe with my hand on his.It felt like a familiar action.He gave me a small smile,before let out a deep sigh.

"Hermione,actually there is something wrong happening.But even I couldn't understand it.I just hope now that I am as wise as you,so that I can know what happened."He look me in the eyes before continue.

"Yesterday,I haven't saw you on the exam all the time.I ask Harry,but he doesn't even know it too.I finished my exam earlier than any people,that actually shocked me too,but I left the exam session and went to search you.I tried to ask teachers,but none of them saw you that makes me became more worry.I then thought that it better to find Ginny,as she is your bestfriend and ask her about you.But it came out dissapointly too,she also didn't know you.But she told me that you were studying in your room this morning.She also told me you ask me to wait infront of the class.But she couldn't deliver it to me this morning,since she busy helping Mcgonagall since this morning.I can't even sleep last night thinking about you,just you.Last night,you suddenly there in the common room.I didn't even know it but you mad at me."

He paused a moment.Meanwhile me,doesn't even remember any of this situation.The last thing I remembered is Ginny asking me to join her on breakfast.She didn't actually mad at him,she just felt confused last night.Everything turn out to be blur.

"I ask Ginny to tell you what?But I couldn't barely remember anything,Ron"His eyes suddenly turns wide and lighten up a bit.

"You just say my name!"He gave me a wide smile and let out some breath.I didn't even know how I suddenly know his name,even call him ron.I just let out a small smile.

"But that's the only thing I remember."I let out a deep sigh before turning my face back him.I buried my face on my hands and let out tear.It felt so sad that I couldn't even remember him.

He hold my shoulder and turn me to face him."Hey its fine,we now know how to get your memory recover."He hold my face with both of his hand,weeping my tears out from my cheek.I look at his blue comforting eyes.His lip curled into a half crooked lazy smile.Suddenly my memories come,I saw someone in my vision,he always there with me and Harry.That mystery guy just stand beside me.He sometimes hugging me,comforting me and even..kissing me.

I realise from my thought hearing his voice.

"Mione?are you okay?"I can see worry all over his face.

"I..I saw you!I remember you.Y-you always be with me and Harry."I slip it out from my mouth.I just hope that it could be helping.

"Merlin beard,mione!"he pull me into a tight hug.

"Thank god you remember..thank god."he whisper to my ear.He pull away and look me in my eyes.Before I can even react,he place his hand on my waist,lean in and kiss me gently.I stunned by his sudden action,I tried to push him but he hold me tight.We stay for a minute before he pull away.

With a heavy breath,he lean his forehead on mine.He look me in the eyes,and gaveme a smile.My eyes widen but relax after a few second,I just felt safe with him.

"I'm sorry but I- I miss you so much."He lean in again and kiss me so tenderly.