
"Harry!"Hermione tried to catch Harry.He moving faster.

"Harry!Wait for me!"Harry turned around and run ro Hermione.Take her hand and run again.Harry's face looked different.He looked nervous.Hermione tried to escape but Harry was too strong.

They stopped in front of a door.She finally realised that they weren't even in the West Wing,but somewhere in the Dungeon.

She pushed Harry's hand away before turning him around.Make him facing her.

"What is wrong with you Harry?We are not even in the right way to Mcgonagall office!"She shouted at him,making him nervous.

"Well,she asked us to be here.T-there is something important..very important to be discussed with us."He gave her an awkward smile,trying to cover his nervousness.

"Well where is she then?"She asks in a sarcastic way.

Before Harry could even answer,The door swung open.

Hermione turn to face the door,waiting for Mcgonagall to come.But she then hear a footsteps from her behind.Before she could even react,someone knock her out.She fell to the floor.The men take her hand and tie it tightly.She trying to escape when she was forced to get inside the room.Her eyes were cover with a black cloth,preventing her to see anything.

"Thank you Dean."Her jaw fell open hearing his name.What is Dean doing here?She tried to escape before the men caught her,holding her tightly.

"It's fine,anything for my Ginny."So that's why Dean doing this,to have Ginny.But how is she even have anything to do with this?Do they need a hostage?

The mystery men let out a chuckle.

"Of course,now Granger is mine,then Weasley is yours."

She tried not to cry even though she already shook by his words.She can only hope that Ron is here with her.

She hears footsteps,approaching her.Its stop right in front of her.

"Now you can't run my darling,not anymore"He touched her cheeks gently.Hermione shook her head,trying to shove his hands away.She then remembered about Harry.

"Where is Harry?And who are you?!"She shouted right on his face.She then regretted it when heard the men throw some glass.This man is really a psychopath.

He then laughed,louder than before.

"You can't possibly think that is Harry!You are the brightest witch in our years!And for all the reason,you are his best friend.''He laughed again and Dean joined him.

Hermione just give a annoying face to him.But inside,she couldn't even imagine how could she be so stupid.This all because of that dumb memory lost.

He gently strokes her hair,before pulling it,making Hermione scream.

"Let me go,you psychopath!"Her tears started to fill on her eyes.

"Oh really!well then what??you are going to live with that dumbass weasley?!"He shouted in front of her.

"Don't you dare insult Ron in front me!"She tried to fight him.

He then burst into laughter.

"You really make me mad,Granger."

Before Hermione could answer,He pushed roughly his lips onto her,making her fall to the floor.She tried to fight,but he held her face,preventing her from move.Hermione's tears now drop faster.She felt her pride have been hurt now.

He pulled away,taking a deep breath.He stayed in the position.staring at Hermione before letting out a chuckle.

"That feels good Granger,very good actually.You should feel it too."Hermione didn't answer,she felt humiliated.

"Oh wait,you should see my face.Maybe you would savour it a little."He then pulled her eyes cover roughly,making Hermione scream.But when she opened her eyes,her jaw dropped.She couldn't believe it was him.

It was Maclaggen.

"How did you do?What are you doing here?"Hermione speechless.She couldn't believe what happened.They already heard from her mother that Maclaggen died in the war,killed by one of the Death Eaters.

"Of course I'm here to take you,my darling.Don't tell me you believe that woman,she's just trying to get rid of me."

Hermione's eyes widen.She can't even think properly.Mclaggen rolls his eyes when look at Hermione's face.

"Did it important now?I think it's better to savour our time-"

"No!"Hermione realised that she was just about to pity him,but thinking about what he had done earlier,it made her heart ache.

He punches the floor next to Hermione's head.His eyes are all red now,he looks very mad.Dean moves a little from them,thinking that his crazy friend might explode.

He stared at Hermione's eyes.Hermione felt scared in the look of Maclaggen's face.

It didn't take a long time before he lean in and started to kiss her roughly.Hermione can't even fight when his hand started to moving all over her body.Her tears drop faster.She felt humiliated,embarrassed,hurt in the same time.She just close her eyes,there is nothing she could do anymore.

After a few minutes,Maclaggen pulled away from her.He took a deep breath before giving her a creepy smirk.

He laughed,seeing Hermione's face in disguise.She didn't cry anymore,all in her face was hate.She thought about Ron,she wished she could just die.She can't even think of the guilt that she had to bring after this.

"Now you officially mine Granger,I wanna bring it further,but I don't wanna force you!I'm pretty sure,after we live together,you're gonna crave for me."

Hermione's eyes widened after hearing Maclaggen's word.How could he be so psycho like this?

"Whatever you are planning Maclaggen,it won't happen!And it will never!"Hermione shouted at him.She couldn't stand it anymore,She rather died than live with him.Mclaggen burst into laughter at first but then changed to serious.

"Honestly Granger?Do you think I'll let that be?I will do anything to have what I want!And I never fail"He smirks before asking Dean to bring Hermione to the Courtyard.

Suddenly the doors burst and somebody yelled.

"Petrificius Totalus!"A girl's voice shouted.

Maclaggen froze,and fell to the floor.Dean tried to run but being caught by a red haired boy.Dean tried to escape before Ron punch his face,knock him out.Then Professor Mcgonagall come in with few students.They help Ron arrest Maclaggen and Dean.

Ginny ran to me.

"Hermione,are you okay?"She freed my hands from the rope.

"I'm fine-"Ron hugged me tightly.I hugged him back,buried my face on his chest.

"I'm sorry,mione.I'm really sorry.I shouldn't be so dick like that,I should be more aware.I should be with you I should really don't let anybody hurt you.Hermione I am-"

Hermione pulled from the hug,held both of his cheeks with her hands and kissed him so passionately.It didn't take long before Ron kissed her back.She pulled away and rested her forehead on his.Ron smiled and hugged her back.She saw Ginny roll her eyes.

"Since when was my brother being so romantic?"She teased Ron.but Ron didn't shy this time.

"Since Hermione is mine.''His eyes look straight to the frozen Mclaggen.Hermione grin and push his face,facing her.

"And I'll always be yours."Ginny laughs seeing her brother's ears turn to red.Ron finally laughs,feeling grateful in the meantime.

Hermione suddenly pulls away,her eyes widened.

"Where is Harry?''Ron looked at Ginny,not knowing what to answer.Both of them looked confused before somebody else answered it for her.

"Mr.Potter is in a good term,but I think you should bring miss Granger to the hospital,he already wait for you there.And we could discuss this matter after you have been healed."Professor McGonagall stare at Ron and Ginny.They both nodded.

"Then I guess I'll wait in my office tomorrow morning,rest well miss Granger."She said before turning away with the students,bring Mclaggen and Dean with them.

"We should meet Harry now."Hermione said to Ron and Ginny.They nodded and helped her to stand.They walked together with Ginny and Ron holding Hermione's arm,supporting her.Since Mclaggen knocked her out,her leg seemed hurt and it felt hard to move.

They walk together happily to the hospital wing.When they arrive,they see Harry standing in front of the door with one of his arms wounded and his robes torn apart.



Woo that's very bad Maclaggen.How dare you hurt Mione!They're gonna have to face Mcgonagall tomorrow!

What actually happened to Harry?

love Romione💜