Diagon Alley

We arrive on the finish of the tunnel.Our journey on the tunnel is silence as it can,everyone lost on their own thought.

I just kept remembering about George,who still skinny now.Ginny thought about Fred,her brother who told this way to her with George.

While Draco still felt amazed by how this tunnel still a secret after a hundred years,Blaise have the same thought.

Harry was the first one who step out,the tunnel end is a little small so they have to move slowly.

He help others and finally they out from it.They saw nothing but bushes.

"Now where is that Diagon Alley"Ron frowned.He started complaining as he always done.

"Be patience,will you?"Ginny snapped back at him.She push Harry away and stand at front.She whisper some spell and the bushes move itself,reavealing a dimpy light.

And there is it,we saw Diagon Alley.We stand near one of the magical shop,Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Ginny turn around,facing us before rolling her eyes at Ron.

"Happy?"She ask sarcasticly,Draco and Blaise started to laugh but hold it soon after accept a death glare from Ron.

"Absolutely"He said before walking out from the bushes.We follow him from behind with a smirk on our faces.

He kept walking and we just follow.Even Ginny didn't say a word until Ron turn around.He roll his eyes before turn his gaze to Ginny.

"Fine,where are we going now,Ginerva?"He said with a half crooked smile.

"Shut up Ronniekins,next time don't be an asshole and listen to me,got it?"

We can't hold it anymore and burst into laugh.Ron rolled his eyes before nodding to Ginny.She reply with a satisfy smile.

Ginny then ask us to gather around closely.

"Listen here carefully"She started and we all nodded.

"Its already 3.30 p.m,we only got 3 hours before we MUST headed back to Hogwarts or Professor McGonagall gonna send all auror to find us"

We chuckled before nodded at her.We breaking apart.Ron take my arms and started to move to our first stop,but Ginny hold us.

"Wait,We need to sepparate"She said with a smirk.

"Boys and girls"She said looking straight to me and Ron.Ron frowned.

"Hey,its for your own good.We want to surprise each other,so we got to buy our clothes and kept it as a secret"She finished and Ron just nodded.

"Fine"He mumbled.I hold my laugh as I'm looking at his annoyed face.

"This is ridiculous"Draco mumbled at first.

"No I meant Great,a great Idea"He said again after receive a death glare from Ginny.

"Okay,let's go then.Didn't wanna waste any minutes more,aren't you?"Blaise finally said and break the tension and prevent us from laughing.

"We'll meet here at sixth,don't be late"I said after the boys walk away from us.

"Said to yourself,you are woman"Blaise said as they all burst into laugh.

We couldn't care less,as I and Ginny link our arm and walking happily.Chattering about which shop should we go first and so on.


"Blaise,come here!"Draco shouted after Blaise refuse to help him carry the money bag.

"Just bring it,won't you?"Harry roll his eyes,annoyed by Draco's childish action.

"Shut up Pottah,mind your own business"Draco said with a smirk.

"Stop it already,better buy our clothes or they'll make us sleep in dungeons"Ron finally break the tension and drag all of them,entering the shop.

"So which one should we try first?"Blaise said as he look at many outfits with much colour.Some of them look fancy and his mind fly,thinking about Pansy.

"Maybe you should try that"Draco pointed to a pink pajamas with a blink on the top of it.

Blaise roll his eyes.Without they realise,someone walk out from the changing room.

"How about this?"Ron said,giving them a look on the tuxedo he just chose for himself.

Its a maroon and white tuxedo with a tie.He looks very fabulous with it.Not like when he wear his aunt teasie clothes in the Yule Ball.

"Woah mate,you look amazing"Harry said with a grin.Finally his friend look like a normal human being.

"You think mione will like it?"Ron said with a worry voice.How if Hermione hate it?

"Even in the Yule Ball,she still look at you.If this is what you wear,she won't take her eyes from you"Draco said with a small smile.His feelings for Hermione are still there,but he finally can tried to forget her,as Astoria got his attention now.

Ron shocked at first as Draco never praise him.

"Did you just-"

"But I'll look fancier than you of course."Draco interrupted Ron with a smirk.

"Fine"He mumble while rolling his eyes.

"Blaise,your turn"Harry said looking at Blaise who is hiding the suit he just chose.

"Show it to us"Draco said,trying to grab it from his hand.

"Woah,wait will you,you gonna ruin it"He said taking a closer look at the suit before turn his gaze to three men who is waiting for him.

"Fine,give me two minutes"He said as he walk to the change room.

After about five minutes,he finally walk out to them.

They look at him before clap their hands.The cashier hush them as they laugh become louder.

"Maybe that three minutes late worth this"Ron said as he look at Blaise outfit.

"Well,I am the Slytherin King.Of course it turns out great"Blaise proudly said to them.

He chose to wear a dark green tuxedo that fits perfectly with his muscular body.The bowtie on his neck,make it look more formal.He turns out being somehow look like an Italian Prince.

"Maybe you do look great,but I'm sure mine is better"Draco said with a smirk.

Harry rolled his eyes.

"Than go,Malfoy"He said with a grin.

"No,potter,The best comes at last"He said as he nodded at Harry to go to change.

"Whatever helps you sleep,Malfoy"Harry said before moving himself to the changes room.

As they wait for Harry to come,Draco tool this chance to flirt with the cashier.

He told her about how lovely she looks and do some pick up lines.

Blaise and Ron laughing from far as they saw the cashier took his bait.Draco suddenly turn around,with a smirk on his lips.

"Why you left her?"Blaise said as Draco took a seat next to him.

"I just wanna play,but it seems like she took the bait too much"He said with a smirk.

"He ask me to date her"He finish and all three of them laughing.

"I wonder what Astoria will said if she heard about this."Ron said,looking straight to Draco.He hold his laugh as Draco's face change and his eyes widen.

"Don't you dare Weasley,I'm just playing around"He said panickly and punch Blaise shoulder as he join Ron laughing.

"Fine,but only if you buy us firewhiskey"Ron said at Draco.Draco stare at him before nodded.

"Deal"He said seriously,making Ron laugh louder.He must be so scared that Astoria leave him.

"Woah,that's amazing"Ron's voice fill the room as he look at Harry.He smile shyly and walk to them.

"That will make Ginny melted"Blaise said nodding at Harry.

"Am I wearing it right?"Harry touch his tie again,worrying if he might be wrong.

"Relax,we are not Ginny"Draco said as he smirk and give Harry thumbs up.

He chose a nevy blue tuxedo that make him look dashing and hotter.It look very simple,fit with his personality.He look kind but at the same time like a business men.

"Now,its the time for Slytherin Prince"Blaise said as he saw Draco standing up,moving to the change room.

He just give them a smirk before entering the room.

After a few minutes,he comes out.His hair already fixed from a messy to neat.

The cashier's jaw dropped after seeing him.He look very hot and dashing,He look nicer but have some kind af bad guy aura.

"No need to say anything"He said before standing right infront of three men.

"I know I'm better"He finish with a smirk.

They just roll their eyes at him and make an annoyed face.Ron nodded at him finally,approving what he said.

"Maybe you are"He mumbled enough for Draco to hear him.He proudly smile at them.

He chose his favourite colour and a simple but fancy outfits.His tuxedo looks like a royal one as he got them fit perfectly on his body.

They finally pay for their clothes and move from the store.

Its only five and thirthy,so they planned to visit George and but some fire whiskey.

They finally arrive at the Weasley's Wizard Wheezes and enter the shop.

The shop have many visitor and they have to push themselves to find George.

They finally saw a tall men,with a red hair.

"George!"Ron said as he hug George.He hugged him back pull away before hugging Harry and Blaise.

He stare at Draco a moment.

"Uh,Hi?"Draco said shyly as they never being close to each other.Taking how he treated them before,he not sure whether George forgive him.

"Come here Malfoy"George finally said and pull Draco into a hug.He stunned at first before hug him back.

"Sorry,for Fred.I never got to say that before"He whisper to George.

He only nodded at him and tried to hide his sadness after the mentioning of his other half.

"Speaking of which,what are you doing here?"George said as they took a seat in his private room.

"We buying some clothes for the ball"Ron said as he show him the clothes.

"Without permission?"He said to them.Harry look worry as he might mad at them.Draco turn his gaze away from George.

Only Ron who nodded at him.

"That's great"He finally said making all of them confuse before burst into laugh.

"You use our secret passage right?"He said at them before they nodded.

"Hermione and Ginny with us too,Ginny show us the way"Harry reply to him.

"Do you think they already finish?"Blaise ask them,thinking about the girls.

"No,but trust me they'll never late"Ron said as he smirk.

"They are woman,they know perfectly what they should do"He finish and they all laugh.

After about half an hour chatting around,they finally ask to leave.

Draco and Blaise go to buy some firewhiskey while Harry and Ron waited at the same place they have promise to meet.

After a while,Draco and Blaise finally make it to there before Ginny and Hermione follow from behind.

"Let me see it"Ron said as he try to grab Hermione's clothes.She push him and hide it from him.

"No,Ronald you won't"She said firmly,making Ron scared and nodded.

Ginny smirk before patting Ron's back.

"Just wait for it,It'll worth it"She said and leave with Hermione.

"Whatever girls"He said before all of them enter the passage again and return to Hogwarts.