chapter 7

He sniffs around tae's neck, and his canines start to elongate....tae felt the

Piercing pain upon his neck he closed his eyes in ecstasy.....

"No...I can't do this...jk's eyes Flickered back into brown from the bloody red and he harshly pushed tae ...

Everything happened in a moment and tae whined in pain... He painfully eyed his mate while rubbing the haf marked neck...

This ached jk, he can feel the pain in his mates eye..."I can explain"...he moved to tae with angst..

Taes vision blurred his eyes brimmed with tears and it ready to parang out...his body fumed in mixed feeling like rejection and betrayal

He motioned jk to~ stop "am i not... good.?? He throwed the question toward jk and without waiting for an answer he leaped the place...leaving a frozen ee jk alone..

Tae stood infront of the full length mirror after shutting the door securely, and he dropped linen one by one on the floor...

Tae stood infront of the mirror with a aching heart and tear filled eyes he gazed on his naked body, and he asked

Him self "am i that not much worthy????

All his thoughts paved Sense of inferiority in him, in his past 18 years he neither rejected like this nor betrayed...because there is one person who always stand like a shield for him ...his appa's thoughts made him more weak. Ever in his life tym first he put an beauty cream and pour it all over his body and fell on to the floor followed by a loud cry. Ahh..hhhh.hhhh appo aaa....he sobbed in-between.

He don't know how much time he stood there but he know standing infront of a mirror won't going to make change, if he want a change he should be the one who should

After the bath he stood infront of the same mirror but this time , his eyes has a glaze and a smirk over lips he caressed the mirror image with snicker....

And mumbled "iam ready for the play and his eyes permanently changed in to the electric blue which added more grace to his image....

Some one knocked over tae's door repeatedly and he opened it, which revealed a cute midget "annyeong, my name is jimin, iam here to take yo.. tae hugged jimin before completing his sentence and joyfully replied "let's go..

Dint you want you to know where iam taking you" jimin asked curiously in latter's sudden fondleness , neither he felt the strangeness nor tae in between them, they felt like known ones....

They reached the dining room and everyone are already occupied there to meet their luna...tae eyed the space for him and found two vacant seats one near jk and one near a tall smiling one and without further delay he moved to his side.

Tae...where are you going ??? You have to sit with me" In a sad tone jk told ....everyone got amazed at the pathetic tone, yes how can they expect their alpha , who is literally begging to his omega to sit with him..

Who am i to you??? I mean Why I have to sit with you "he spit out with a dry chuckle..

Tae" ...he looked into his mate, which resonated a enough tone, but tae continued "come on ...let them know who am i to u, oh...oh..first let me know who am i to u??

"You are my fucking mate tae, don't you kNow that??????~jk shouted

"Mate..."tae mocked jk's words and spread finger over his neck...

" oh my gosh you are the one who left me middle of a room and denied to mark me....

Haha,then how could you claim me as your mate, hmmm??? To let them know who you are , and whom you belongs to??

Do you want to make a show pup??? A live show which will make u sense forever ~jk yelped

"Tae got jungshook"

"So I have to fuck you and mark you infront of the pack members to make you mine.. is'nt it kim tae hyung????~jk growled

Tae want to trigger him but never want to this much, he gulped his saliva and hold onto the beta beside him not to fall..

Don't dare to touch him or let him to touch you hoseok~jk screamed frantically..

Sudden yell dragged hoseok to the reality that their alphas mate is caught his hands..

Activation of fear mode ....he withdrawed his hands and bowed to both alpha and soon to be luna and cleared the scenen, like that everyone bid a bye...

Tae and jk alone stood in the hall infront of a long dining table.

Jk's eyes are flickering in-between red and brown his wolf is fighting hardly to take controll, but atlast jk won and took controll but still tae is in danger because jk won over jk's wolf to punish his mate ny himself...

But on opposite side tae was standing with a smile and his electric blue eyes are glazing with ectreme joy and satisfaction .... he moved toward jk with determined steps...

Tae looked into jk's eye's and sensing the emotions anger lust agony and above all that love....which made tae weak, but he knows it's his last chance not only to be his mate but also for his life.. either he have to choose death or take jk .

Of course he want jk, so he created all these scenes now standing in middle of this he can't ruin his all efforts so he moved his pride to a side and took first step...

Hungry alpha???he dipped his hand in honey and showed it to jk's mouth..

Jk bewilderedly eyed tae, he didn't expect this side of his mate , because he courted tae for a long time before the first meetup with him but he never get a hint of this shade....

He felt some coldness over his lip~which dragged him to the current scenario where tae standing in front him and rubbing his honey coated finger over jk's lip softly ...he opened his mouth unknowingly and started to suck it....

"Mmmm..hmmm~tae hummed which turned on jk further though he tried to restrain himself...

Wanna taste me???wanna know which is more sweet ??he looked into honey and himself intermittently..

Oh sorry.....he said to tae, tae couldn't understand whats it is~ because

next second jk heaved and flipped tae into his shoulders and other hand grabbed the opened honey bottle and he leaped to his room...