chapter 9

"So he is your fated omega mate, hmm seems kinda you pretty much intrested in him?? While talking he moved toward the couples and harshly gripped tae's chin to look upon him, jk suddenly knocked of the hand which earned a furious growl and the atmosphere started to tensed up.

Jk forcefully dragged tae to his body and released the relaxing pheromones to reduce the jeons impact over his mate.

But surprisingly tae stood there without much impact, and he freed himself from the jk's embrace and stood infront of the jeon .

"So you realised??" ~ alpha jeon asked and tae nodded his head with a slight grin over his lips..

Jeon's face muscles started to tensed up and he started to shift into his human wolf form, jk sensed his danger he ran to his mate "back off " tae shouted , jk got frozen in the sudden aura shift ..

Tae looked straight into jeon's eyes

"Its our rivalry , i have a huge debt to him ,is it alpha jeon ?? He spit out...

Jk stood there with a aching heart, he dont know why he is feeling this, somewhere he experienced the same situation , memories started to stream

He blinked his eyes to get back to reality and soon he realised the situation tae was infront of the ruthless alpha, in his wolf form he sensed the danger so he dragged tae into his embrace and licked over the mate bond continuously which reduced the growing tension inside tae and he submitted to his alpha by smelling his mates alluring scent.

He slowly pushed tae behind him, and started to shift.

Two alphas standing infront of tae in their wolf form , they growled each other and started to fight , both are alphas both are powerful but jungkook is younger and a true blood he got the upper hand ...?? Na na jk started to drain his energy and jeon pushed him to the ground and hovered over him soon with a flash of second jeon flew over the air... And tae hovered over him with a possessive look and spatted to jeon, "just because you are his adopted father you can't lay your filthy finger over him, it's me who can touch him at any manner...

He is mine, only i can touch him feel him at any coast never ever try to lay a finger upon him, i will tear you at the moment, tae pushed jk's drained body onto him and warned the half wolf half anuman aka jeon.

Oh so you know the truth??oh jungkook i never thought you will betray out secrets to a nasty omega like him, while supporting her mate to stand.

He is not a petty omega he is my mate jk shouted and claimed his omega infront of the chamber members by locking their lips ..tae hummed as a response of joy and soon jk licked over the mate bond to assure himself.

Tae walked toward mrs jeon and stood infront of her and slowly slided his sweatshirt over shoulder to expose his mate bond , see am not a petty pathetic weak omega..atleast not anymore, iam the fated mate of jeon jungkook and the future luna of blood moon pack...with that statement he moved toward jk and in a swift movement he clinged to alpha and seductively licked over his earcartilage which send shiver to his spine ,he caged tae in-between his hands as a natural instinct. And said "both of you can leave."

How can you order around your alpha king , jeon did u forget he is the head al.., no..oo not anymore tae didn't let mrs jeon to continue.

"He was the head alpha until I mate with the prince but now he have his mate and already he marked me and claimed me so as per our packs tradition now am the head luna and he is the head alpha, so I can order around anyone including you and you, he pointed his hand toward his mom and dad in-laws.

They both stepped back on the sudden encounter of their son inlaw and stomped out of the mansion without uttering a single word.

You did it very well baby, tae caressed his soft locks while clinging to jk, he annoyingly pushed tae aside "after all they are my parents you are not suppose to pour those words atleast against them"

He pinched his own nose in annoyance no one dared to utter a single word since everyone there themselves feeling the tension hence they left tae and jk alone there .

Oh is it??? My alpha got pissed off me??????

Tae started to emit his alluring sent which seduced jk and he flared his nostrils to inhale more and his nose hit with the sweet slick sent which twitched his junior , he eyed the latter and visibly he can see the fake pout..

Tae moved toward his alpha and placed himself in-between his left leg and rubbed the bulge over his thighs mate..fuck jk cursed in between his lips and flash of second he throws tae in to his shoulder and spanked him again and again, tae got cloud9 in sudden pleasuring pain ,and he purposefully released more slick which started to leak out from his own clothing and started to wet jk's chest...

Jk throwed tae in to the bed and he didn't spare attention to lock the door instead he looked over his slick wet shirt and tae in-between and he noticed a visible tent over the younger denim trousers and with a blink of eye jk hovered tae and caged the clothed bulge and started to palm and paint the latter neck with purple hickies...

Aah...mmm....tae moaned in pure bliss. ..... Which add fuel to the fire jk started to growl and soon his eyes flickered and fixed into red and he tor the sweat shirt and bottom into pieces and tae laid there like a heavenly sculpture which is specially made to satiate the hunger of the jk..

Tae shivered in the sudden exposure of cold breeze which escaped through the open door and he tried to close his legs to cover his lil tae, but two hands stopped his action and made them wide part and jk sat there in between his legs, as he cant lost the beautiful vision in front of him, he admired it....

So fieessttyyy...jk growled and which lead tae to gulp his own saliva...