Chapter 102

"The first thing you need to understand is that the three points I raised earlier are placebos mostly, especially the second one. The point system is just a valueless currency on its own."

Darius tapped on the Spark Potions on the table. "That is why every reward here will be given a value according to our point system before being displayed."

Carlton's eyes shined, but he quickly suppressed it. "While I do applaud your brain for coming up with such a system, I can't help but find flaws with it. What if someone, say an Adept, tries to play clever and farm endless amounts of Amateur or Journeyman Undead to redeem your rewards?"

"You might be able to pay it for one such person, but what if many do the same? It would be catastrophic if the team who killed the Stonekeeper returns asking for their reward, but you would have already lost it all to those abusing the system."

Darius chuckled. "Excellent points, Sir Carlton, but you are forgetting one thing."