
BattleField of monsters, monsters the world had never seen before stood dead on the ground as we see a monster sitting on his throne behind the mounds of monster bodies. He had a human face with sharp teeth that were black, blue/red eyes, hair that looked like snakes.

His arms were long with human nails, he almost looked like a frail human. "Why did you rebel?! What was the point of this bloodshed?! Tell me, Jin Gao!?" asked some people who looked human but heavenly looking.

"HAHA!! You guys already know the answer!" shouted Jin. Jin looks at his army of monsters, he then remembers the past.

Jin Gao was a mix of monsters, he was born into slavery because the other gods hated the monsters so much. The monsters originated in the Heavenly Realm but the humans ascended and enslaved the monsters.

The monsters had no way to fight the humans because the original monster god forbid monsters to kill humans. The original monster god already went to war against the humans that came to the realm and almost lost.

He realized going to war was not the answer because no side wins anything, so he killed himself to seal the Heavenly Realm from the humans.

But it weakened and the humans came, Jin Gao was hated by the humans most because he was so horrifying. This went on for 800 years until Jin Gao fell into a cliff, he saw the original god of monsters and the other god of monsters.

Their spirits escaped because the seal was broken so they went into Jin Gao and trained him to become the next God of Monsters to beat the humans. He learned so many things, he then came out of the cliff and killed the humans.

He was so strong no human could beat him, after a 200-year long war the humans lost but Jin Gao gave mercy which was the wrong thing to do. Jin Gao allowed the humans to live on their own part of the realm.

This was the wrong mistake because the humans began training to get stronger and experimented on the monsters they captured. They went on to find the River of Time which allowed them to find out the seal that sealed the Heavenly Realm.

The River of Time contained all of the time in the universe, the past, present, and future. So they used the River of Time to ambush and weaken the monsters. Jin Gao, now God of Monsters planned a rebellion after learning they kidnapped his family.

They killed his family, he had 2 daughters, 1 newborn, and 2 wives. Now back to the present.

"HAHA! Do you mean how we killed your 2 daughters and tortured your wives? Or did you mean how we tore your newborn apart limb by limb?" said the humans laughing.

When Jin heard this he erupted, he snapped and all of the monsters on the battlefield resurrected and got a boost in their powers. "I am gonna kill you!!!!!!" screamed Jin as he jumps out of his throne.

He transforms into his true form, his true form was a mixture of the old god of monsters combined into one, he towered over everyone. "Everyone, attack these monsters!" said the humans.

The humans were healing the wounded when they were talking with Jin but after they realized Jin resurrected the monsters they forgot about the wounded and fought. The leaders of the human group immediately jumped at Jin.

Jin used telekinesis and threw huge mountains at them, which they slashed into a million pieces. The 5 human leaders began slashing Jin's legs but his leg was so tough, Jin shrank and began swapping hands with the leaders.

The 1st leader tried to take off Jin's head but Jin bit off his head as soon as he thought of what he was gonna do. "Han!" said the human leaders backing off. Then Jin pulls them into him with telekinesis and slashes them.

But they blocked, Jin then focuses on the healer leader, she did not block all of Jin's claw slashes. He releases the grip and dashes behind the healer, she notices and tries to block but Jin already had his hand through her heart, he then swallows her whole.

He also ate her soul. "Hannah!! You monster!!" screamed the humans as they pull out the sword of heaven. "This sword was made to kill monsters like you! Take this!" said the human swinging the sword at Jin.

Jin uses his right eye and stops the sword in its track. "What happened?!" asked the human who swung the sword.

Jin's right eye could control vectors and so the sword went flying back. Jin then uses his left eye which could control the density of anything. He makes the human who held the sword's body so heavy he could not move. "What did you do?!" said the human.

"Shut up, you are so annoying," said Jin as he crushes the human under the weight of 1 million suns. The other human leaders are scared so they try to run away, Jin then opens his third eye and all of the humans in the army die instantly.

The human leaders see their army drop one by one, and they realize that they are surrounded. "What do we do now!?" asked one of the human leaders.

"We can do THAT," said one of the human leaders. Jin walks slowly to them, he covers his third eye, and each walk Jin took, 100 monsters form around him. This was the power of Monster Creation, he could create Monsters from nothing.

Jin walks in front of the human leaders and says, "Surrender or die a painful death you scum!" The leaders look all around them, they were so dead.

"We surrender," said one of the human leaders, right before Jin was about to have mercy they killed themselves and Jin realized he could not move.

"Haha! If we are gonna die then we would rather seal you away in the River of Time than let you live!" screamed the humans dropping to the ground. They had painted a teleportation circle in the ground.

"Haha! These humans are so feisty, Mukbo!" said Jin,

A 4 headed monster flew in front of Jin and said, "Yes God Jin?"

"You are gonna lead the Monsters now, my time has come," said Jin looking at his monsters.

They all start crying and Mukbo said, "I will make sure your wish is fulfilled," Jin touches Mukbo's soul and gives him the Monster Creation power. Mukbo bows and everyone bows to God Jin.

The teleportation circle activates and Jin gets teleported in the River of Time. "Haha! So this is the famous River of Time," said Jin as he closes his eyes.