
The bed was covered in sweat and blood, this did not faze Akai. He then sits on the floor and sees his soul plane which was a plane that had nothing but an ocean. "What is this place?" asked Akai.

He then jumps into the ocean and realizes this was his spiritual energy, then land began to form, this was like his own dimension but it was inside of his soul. The land was plain but then he imagines some trees.

Then some trees sprout, then it says Law of Nature, what is the law of nature? Then more land begins to form with trees, this took half of his spiritual energy ocean. There were 4 big pieces of land with massive trees.

Then one of the 4 big pieces of land split into 2 smaller islands, this is weird. Then 2 humans were made, one on each island. The first human began absorbing the spiritual energy of the ocean and so does the second one.

They began to practice martial arts, the first human used fire martial arts, the second human used sword martial arts. Then Akai gets out of his soul plane and his hand gets caught on fire, then he began to swing his hands like he was holding a sword...

He then does the moves the humans in his soul plane were doing, he did it perfectly, wow, this is pretty op. Then he uses Divine God Sense, he could see the whole mansion including how many people and where they were.

Then he expands it and he could see through different houses and see 4 miles around him, this is cheating he thought. He then tried to use the Divine God Sense and went into a maid, he could see her soul.

What she thought, what she was feeling, her memories, etc. He could even control her, so he controlled her to drop some hot tea on Marchan. "Haha! This power is amazing," said Akai. He then gets out of his room and goes into the shower.

Akai is 16 years old, but his body is so built. He looks like a bodybuilder which he did not like, so he used the spiritual energy to mold his body. He made himself look slim and built with muscles but it was not big.

His body looked like Baki from Baki the grappler if you know that anime/manga but a bit bigger but just by a bit. He showers and goes to sleep, Marchan did not bother him because he was so scared.

The next day, it was time to go to school. Akai had a dream of eating a chicken but it was not a chicken but actually a deer, it was weird. Akai woke up and walked downstairs to see everyone looking at him.

Akai had grown very tall, he was 6'6 now and he dwarfed his family because they were only 5'12 and under. Even his brothers at most were 6'2, the maids were shocked at Akai's tall figure. His mother did not even recognize him.

"Who are you!?" said his mother.

"I am Akai's mom," said Akai hugging his mother.

His mother realizes the hug and orders him to eat, he needs to hurry before he is late. His dad wakes up and says, "What the hell?! Who are you?!"

"Don't yell at Akai!" said his mom.

The father looks at Akai and realizes that it was actually Akai and says, "How did you grow so fast?!"

"I guess I got good genes," said Akai eating his breakfast.

Then his sisters came down and saw Akai then says, "Who the hell are you and why are you in our house?!"

"Don't worry, he is Akai," said the mother.

"Huh!? How did he grow so tall?!" said Rozu looking at Akai.

"He said he got good genes," said the father.

"Alright, I am done, I am gonna go to school," said Akai kissing his mother goodbye. He realizes he left his backpack in his locker. He was scared they were gonna take his lunch so he put the backpack in the locker and went to the bathroom.

Akai just leaves the mansion, he jumps over the gate with one leg and then he begins to run to school. He ran so fast, the school was 2 miles away from his mansion and it took him 10 minutes to reach the school entrance.

He was holding back, of course, nobody wants shockwaves that can break the glass. Akai walks into the classroom and gets his backpack but before he did the bullies was camping his locker. "What are you doing?" said Akai to the 5 bullies.

"Who are you?" said the big bully looking up at Akai.

"I am Akai," said Akai.

"Stop lying," said the bully who was beating him.

"I guess words don't mean much to idiots," said Akai as he uses one hand to grab the big bully and slam him. The other 4 bullies see this and ran away, one of them still had a cast. "Finally, I can get my backpack," Akai said as he unlocks his locker and grabs his backpack.

The backpack was untouched, Akai walks into the classroom and everybody is looking at him, who was this kid they thought. The teacher says, "Excuse me, sir? Who are you?"

"I am Akai," said Akai sitting down at his desk, this shocked everybody as to how did a scrawny kid become this behemoth.

"How are you Akai?" asked the teacher.

"My name is Akai and I am adopted in the Shi family, I also get bullied every day," said Akai sighing.

"I guess you are Akai," said the teacher beginning class. The 4 bullies came to drag the big kid to the nurse. Akai just stares blankly into space the whole time, some girls began to approach him and ask for his number.

"Sure," said Akai with a fake smile as he gives them his number. The girls spread a rumor that Akai got a glow up and everybody came to check him out. So many girls asked for his number and he faked a smile and gave every girl his number even though he is not gonna message them.