Fighting against an elder

Akai was eating food in his room, the moonlight shined brightly as Akai's windows were wide open as if he was anticipating something. "River, how am I gonna get you a body?" asked Akai.

"I am sure you can figure something out," answered River.

Akai thinks about this for a bit and asks, "I know of a way but it is very painful, are you willing to consider it?"

"It doesn't matter! I am willing to do anything to get a body," answered River. The wind started picking up as something was coming from outside. "Something is coming," urged River.

Akai waits for 8 seconds and a figure pops up outside of the window but Akai's window was on the second floor. The figure was floating in the air, Akai smiles and teleports on top of the roof. This intrigued the figure as it began floating up towards Akai.

The full moon shone brightly over the figure and Akai. The figure was wearing a black ninja suit. "As you already know, I don't want to join your sect, I spared your successor and now you send an old man, this is quite funny!" mocked Akai.

The old man seemed unfazed by Akai's words. "Sorry son, but I am not here to recruit you, but I am here to kill you," claimed the old man.

Akai chuckles and threatens, "Before I kill you, would you mind telling me your name before I send you to hell?"

The old man takes off the ninja suit and answers, "My name is Granio Ryoshi,"

"You already know my name I presume, since you know where I live, but don't worry about the damage because we can take this somewhere else," said Akai cracking his neck.

"What? Do you want to go into the forest?" asked Elder Granio. Akai shakes his head and snaps his finger making a dimension the size of the continent. Only the elder and Akai were in the dimension. "What is this? Is this a dimension?" asked Elder Granio.

Akai laughs and answers, "This is a pocket dimension that I made, anything we do here will not affect the real world so don't worry about going all out," The elder takes a deep breath in and lands on the floor.

Akai jumps onto the floor making a loud thud, the elder and Akai face-off assuming their own stances. Akai had his hands in his pockets and the elder pulled out a demon sword, the demon sword was filled with 600,000 demon souls.

"Nice sword," said Akai, the elder ignored this comment and rushed in taking 3 steps that cleared the distance between Akai and him. The elder slashed down and Akai tries to block it with two fingers but his fingers got sliced clean off.

Akai uses the technique Fire Fist 1st move called Fire Bullets shooting the elder and propelled himself back since he couldn't dodge the downward slash with just his speed. Blood spurted out of Akai's 2 fingers he lost.

The elder blocked the fire bullets and backed up a little, he chuckles and says, "How does it feel to lose 2 fingers?"

Akai smiles and the 2 fingers that were on the ground reattached onto Akai's fingers confusing the elder. "Do you have regeneration?" asked the elder.

"No, I am just built different," answered Akai licking the blood off his fingers. Akai strengthens his whole body with spiritual energy entering a form called: Spiritual Warrior, this form enhances his speed, durability, and strength.

The pressure from this form shook the ground, the elder was more on edge now as he sensed the power of Akai's new form. Akai smiles at the elder and takes 1 step and he clears the distance between himself and the elder.

Akai came rushing and does an axe kick aiming at the elder's head but the elder tried to block with the sword hoping Akai's leg would be sliced clean off but the leg broke the sword. As soon as the elder noticed the sword breaking he would quickly back away.

The kick grazed his face, the elder throws the sword on the ground and backs away to come up with a plan. The elder's nose started bleeding, he determined that the kick had broken his nose even though it did not hit him.

Akai picks up the sword and feasts on the demon souls making the elder confused, after feasting the power of Akai increases. Akai enters Spiritual Warrior x2 which made the whole country shake from his pressure.

The elder pulls out multiple talismans and was preparing a time spell, Akai's body was glowing a dark blue aura. Before the elder could throw the talismans, Akai punches the air and the air hits the elder.

It felt like a heavy punch, the elder looks at Akai and threw the talismans toward him. The talismans were Lightning talismans that produced 50 million volts per talisman. The talismans flew towards Akai and he was about to dodge but the elder uses the spell called: Time Lock Spell.

This spell locks people in time making them unable to move, this move was the elder's finale as the time lock spell took tremendous amounts of spiritual energy to maintain. Akai felt the spell and was locked in time, the talismans hit Akai releasing Blue and white lightning.

The elder held Akai in the time lock for 20 seconds as the lighting talismans strike him over and over. After 30 seconds the elder fell onto the ground as his spiritual energy has been depleted, Akai falls onto the ground as while in the Spiritual Warrior form he can levitate from the ground.

Akai was still standing up and the elder just watched how the attack combination affected Akai. Akai began laughing and this shocked the elder. "How are you still alive!?" questioned the elder to Akai.

He answers by saying, "I let you hit me with that spell, I could have easily escaped that weak spell but it seemed more fun for it to hit me," Akai replenishes the elder's spiritual energy and the elder gets up.

"Try again, I will let you attack me with anything you want to show you the difference between us," claimed Akai laughing as he releases his Spiritual Warrior form. The elder takes a deep breath and agrees to Akai's challenge.

The elder decides to use a forbidden spell called: Forbidden Time Spell, this spell locked the enemy in time for infinity. This spell was forbidden because it removes 90% of your life in exchange for locking somebody in time for infinity.

The spell hits Akai and he was locked in time for infinity but the elder fell on his back as 90% of his life was exchanged. "HAHA!! I have defeated you, you are locked in time for infinity without a way to escape," claimed the elder breathing heavily.

The elder noticed that the dimension wasn't broken yet, why was the dimension not broken? The elder's face grew white as he saw Akai's face smile, was he dreaming? The elder watches as Akai began laughing and the spell breaks.

"You thought time could hold me? Nothing in this puny universe can hold or bound me, Elder Granio you have failed your sect, it is my turn now," chuckled Akai. The elder tried crawling away but he remembers that he was still in Akai's dimension.

The elder lays on the ground and accepts his defeat. Akai teleports the elder into space where he suffocates and dies. Akai teleports back into his house and breaks the dimension, he goes to sleep and dreams about drinking the wine of time.