Boredom, System, ROB?

So... I really died huh... This is how it feels to be dead? It's quiet, dark and cold. Wasn't I supposed to go to Heaven where everything was bright and shining white? Or at least hell where I would be roasted in an eternal fire? It would be warm and I could hear the screams of other people. That would be a story to tell.

Instead I am here in this dark and cold place by myself. No sinful or innocent souls. No superior being overlooking this place. Just nothing but emptiness. How boring!

I can't stand this. It's boring. Utterly boring. Nothing to do. I can't even move. I am stuck in this float like state. The only thing currently functioning is unfortunately my mind. How can it be?! I need something to do.

Should I start counting like Senku from Dr. Stone?

Nah, while I do like numbers there's no way I can do it for an eternity. 1, 2, 3, …, 200. I can't do this anymore. I need to do something else.

Should I start remembering my old life?

While it was quite eventful and fulfilling, I don't want to remember... It certainly was fun that's the only thing I can say but I don't know why. I also don't know what made it is so fun… Anyway I still have nothing to do.

What to do, what to do?

I can hope and pray for a system to pick me up. At least that would be something to do.

"Please dear ROB if you exist somewhere within this dark hole... give me a system"

[Download completed] said a robotic voice.

Wait... that's all I needed to I needed to do? Just pray? It isn't supposed to be this easy. Why didn't this ever work while I was alive? I feel like I was scammed out of many opportunities.

[System starting...] said a toddler's voice. That sounds like a little boy.

I am finally getting a system. Excitement fills me up. If I could, I would be jumping up and down.

This is better than going to heaven. It was every weeb's dream including mine to get a system. It is like instant boosts and skills by completing tasks. Of course, some were more reasonable than others. However, those extra skills, knowledge and items would make you feel like you are a winner in life.

What's even better, is that I will be getting someone to talk to? I hope my system has at least some kind of personality and I can talk to it like Bebe, Liam or Bob.

Suddenly everything becomes bright white and I feel myself standing. Standing? It's really happening now. It wasn't just my bored imagination. I try to jump and indeed I was standing on solid ground.

I see a cute little boy with dark short hair and dark eyes approaching me with a big smile. Seeing him smile makes me smile as well. What can I do? This kiddo is just too cute.

"Welcome Host. My name is Milo." Milo introduces himself with a smile and hugs me.

I can't help but shout out "So cute" as I hug him back.

"I am... You can call me Mielle." Since my past life is already over, I can start over and give myself a new name.

Milo just nods and waves his hand. Suddenly a floating screen appears like in those manhuas.


Name: Mielle

Age: 24

Charm: 12

Intelligence: 38

Soul strength: 100+

Traits: Impulsiveness

Skills: None


So little charm? I am shocked

Milo then begins to explain with his childish voice "Dear Host, I was sent by one of the mighty ROBs to come and guide you. As you already know, you were neither sent to Heaven or Earth. You also weren't sent back into the Nirvana cycle. The reason being that to be frank with you we don't know. Your soul didn't fit anywhere. So you were left in the waiting hall where all souls are stored before their judgement. However, you were left in the waiting hall for so long that your soul gained awareness and you started praying. So you couldn't be left in the hall for any longer and the ROBs reached a decision. They are going to make you a ROB"

I open my eyes wide. Making me a ROB isn't that like... really OP?

Milo continues explaining "Since ROB are usually not really made and instead born. They figured that they would just send you into different worlds and let you gain some experience. By experiencing different lives you will eventually awaken your very own omnipotent power. While in different worlds, you will receive various tasks in order for you to experience a variety of situations."

I then ask "So I will be like one of those protagonists in system novels just that I don't have an already set amount of reincarnations? Will I be able to learn skills like in the novels? What will happen after I become a ROB? Do other people with systems really exist? Will I meet them? What is different about me?"

This is starting to get interesting. I don't want to sound like a weeb but this seems like out of a novel.

Soon enough Milo starts answering my questions "You will keep reincarnating until you awaken your omnipotence. However you can still continue visiting worlds after you become a ROB actually that's what most ROBs do. It will be different though as you will have to create your own bodies then because there aren't any bodies which can contain a ROB's soul. Yes you will be able to learn skills to prepare you for the various worlds you will be entering so that you don't end up dead in the first few moments and to keep you active. The most important thing about a ROB is his or her soul strength. The higher the soul strength, the stronger the ROB. One of the ways to get stronger is by learning new skills."

Milo waves his hand once again and a hologram of me and another girl appears. "This girl also has a system like in the novels you read. However she has a wish fulfillment system like most people do. Once she completes all her missions, she will get her wish granted. A normal human can have a maximum soul strength of ten. With a soul strength of eleven, a human can get bound to a system however most systems will only bind to a human with soul strength 15. A human with a system can reach a soul strength of 80 after much effort. You however have a natural soul strength over a 100. This makes you extremely dangerous and you have to bound by a system before being reincarnated. You will not be welcome in either Heaven or Hell."