Into the new world

"Lincoln, get down there or you'll fall!" Claria scolds her step-son who is now at the top of the tree. He just looked at the sky as if he didn't hear what she was saying.

'Jeez, why is this child so stubborn.' Clara said in her mind.

"Young master, please get down there. Madam is so worried about you"

"Who are you for me to follow. Also, she is not my mother." Lincoln said emphatically.

Claria was suddenly saddened and bow her head by what Lincoln had told her. Although this is not the first time she has told him that she is not his real mother it still hurts in her heart.

The people around them notice her when she bows her head but in their mind, She was pissed off like she was going to torture someone.

While on Claria's mind 'Just don't give up Clara, soon enough he will understand your side. FIGHTING'

She breathes slowly and Claria summoned Lincoln's butler Sir Oren to watch Lincoln closely just in case something bad might happened to him.

"Duchess Silvian" One of the palace knights called her. Claria first walked away from the tree where Lincoln was when she saw the palace knight approaching.

The young knight kneels before her to pay respect. "Her Highness expects to see you" Claria just bowed her head because she could not refuse the invitation.

"Okay. I'll be there in a minute" She said to the knight.

'But first I need to deal with my son' in her mind she was holding a loaded machine gun like she's going to go for a war.

After the Palace Knight left, Claria walks toward the tree again and spoke to Lincoln for the last time.

"Lincoln, I have to go now. I won't bother you anymore if you need anything just tell Sir Oren"

"Tch." Lincoln's response.

'Nothing's changed' Clara left again with sadness in her eyes. Just like before, every time she talks to her son she ends up miserable and defeated.

'I want to go back to my world. No, this is now my world. The world of the novel entitled "The Most Precious"'

'The novel that all about sadness, loneliness, full of hatred of the male lead character towards his parents, especially to her step-mother. But when he reached his 18th birthday her evil step-mother planned to assassinate him. Since the male lead was being backed up but the royal family the villainess has come to see her end.'

'My real name is Clara Jones and I'm just a 28 years old woman who doesn't have parents nor family. I have a fiance but he, unfortunately, broke the engagement when he found out that I was infertile. In short, I'm a hundred percent alone in life.'

'One day, when I was walking back to my apartment. I was mistakenly taken by a man claiming that I was his lover. Unfortunately, a psycho woman came and also claims that I took her boyfriend away from her (like hello? I don't even know him in the first place). Without me even knowing the girl was armed, I, unfortunately, died in her hands'

'For short, I was a very Unlucky person. But when I opened my eyes, I was already in a different room.'

"Where the humps am I?"

'When I saw my self in the mirror, I saw a beautifully curved body, lips as red as roses, long wavy hair as white as snow. All in all, she's a goddess'

'I came back to my senses from fantasizing when the maids call me'

"My Lady"

"My Lady? Who are you guys?"

' I was confused about what is happening but when I saw the box of gifts beside the bed. Duchess Claria Arthea Dalgona Silvian, the name of the woman who hurt the male lead the most. The most villainous person in the novel.'

'After I realize that I was reincarnated As Claria Arthea Dalgona Silvian, I recall all the memories before the real Duchess Claria accidentally slipped on the stairs on the day of her husband's disappearance. And that was my advantage to show that I had amnesia.

'To be honest, I don't know the whole story of the Novel. It's just a coincidence that my book and my colleague's book accidentally got switched.'

'The people in the mansion of Silvian believe that I lost my memory except for one, Lincoln Silvian, the male lead of the novel. The man who takes the villainess's life'

'As expected Lincoln Silvian is a very good looking boy, well the fact that he is the Male Lead of the Novel. He's smart and clever BUT he has no match for me cause I'm from the 21st-century era and I already know all of the man's schemes'

'Even tho I went through all of those hardships that Lincoln gave me I will never go back to my past life. I'm done with being homeless. I have decided that I will do everything to change my destiny in the world of this novel.'

'I will rewrite the story in which the male lead will never experience the worst fate from the hands of his step-mother. Because I Clara Jones, the loneliest person from the 21st century, who got a privileged to have a second life. And became Duchess Claria Arthea Dalgona Silvian, will cherish and do everything for his step-son, Lincoln Silvian, to be happy and to feel being loved.'