Conquering the Fear of Heights


Luca, the silly boy who didn't need to use glasses to see better but was forced to use them. He was the captain of the Eagle Club, and so, the first requirement to enter such a club was to have almost perfect sight. Even if they had to use an enchantment to achieve that, anyone who wished to enter needed to go through it.

The famous Eagle club, they were summoners and liked to use the magic to connect with any kind of animal, to see through their eyes. To feel the life of the wild. However, as the name said, they were most fond of eagles, those beautiful, and sometimes, terrifying animals that had the signature of being proud and solitary. Their eyes, however, reached further than any and the club members especially connected with them to inspect the terrains that went further than the Academy's land. So no need for glasses when they could see through those wonderful yellow eyes.