Anna POV
It was Jake.
You:"Well,well, well...who we have here?" you asked without any emotion to your face and voice
Jake:Miss me babygirl?" he asked like he lived you,he only wanted you for your body and your beauty,not you,the real you
You:"Oh,yes babe,at your wildest dreams"*smirk* you told him sarcastically,like you'll ever want to be with him,after how he treated you,saying all these things are from live,his love,lies,lies,lies
Jake:Come to me or else *aim tye gun to Lily* forget her for ever along with your precious brothers baby*smirk*
You: I'll do whatever you want but don't you dare hurt them,they don't know about us and they didn't do nothing to you" You told him, because even after how bad they hurted you and treated you,you still live them and care for them,and you don't want bad things happen to them because of you
Jake:Come here now
Lily:"Please, don't go, I prefer to die than lose you" she was pleading you and begging you to nit go with him, afraid of what he'll do to you,but the things your own family did to you were worse than this,you live them,but the more you see them look at your eyes like nothing never happened, it feels like a bomb inside you is ready to explode,with the audacity they have to look you at the eyes after what they did to you and treated you,like you were a nothing,a trash
You:*whisper* You know what to do Ji-seok
Ji-seok:*blinks his eyes saying yes, he did understand*
Jake:"Let's go then, I missed you" He told you touching you with his hands,more like he was tighting the grip at your arm,ready to break it
You:Take your filthy hands off me now before I break them,and rip you precious jewel for having kids oppa*smirk* You told him to take your hand,but not very tight and he take you from your hand at least, without dragging you,but walking side by side like a couple
You:Take care*mouth them*
With the siblings at the mansion
Mark:Can we save her?Is something bad gonna happen to her? Is there any way to take her from here?
Ji-seok:Calm down...
Mark:Jin, I'm Kim Mark and I'm the oldest from all of them
Ji-seok:Okay,we can save her,but not yet,at least one-two weeks later
John:Who is he for our sister?
Ji-seok:Ex-sister you mean,she forgave you,maybe, I'm not 100% sure if she really did that. Maybe she did that so she doesn't you to worry about her, I don't know. Like I was saying, he's her ex,he cheated on her with his ex. She was furious and tortured her till death,you don't want to know how she killed her
Jungkook:We want,tell us*serious*
Ji-seok:Okay,she cut her mouth,take off her eyeballs,break and cut her fingers from her hands and legs,cut...
Taehyung:Okay, enough, I don't want to hear more,she was never like this,she was sweet, caring,loving,had a cheerful personality
Ji-seok:But a lot of people change because of their past,and maybe they had a bad past to change like this. And who is the one to be blamed? *smirk,cold,serious tone,emmotioneless face*
Brothers and Lily:We are the reason for her change,a bad one to be specific
Ji-seok:So,why do you want her to for..
Mason:We have a problem,come fast here now,at the hacking room,NOW JI-SEOK
Ji-seok:Okay,we are coming, what's the problem?
Mason: It's about....
Tortured To Death
Brothers and Lily POV:
Lily:What happened? Is everything okay?
Ji-seok:No, we can't find where did he took her
Jackson:I can help, I like to hack and thought that maybe at the future I need it
Ji-seok:Okay,help me to find them,fast
Jackson: Okay
After two hours
Jackson: Abandoned building,at the old school of arts and he is torturing her as I can see
Ji-seok: We've to save her immediately,but how?
John:How about we make some bombs,and then go there,put them at all corners of the building and after one or two hours the whole building will explode,so we've to save her at one hour before the bombs explode
Ji-seok: Perfect. Let's do it,now. Mason,tell our people to start making more than 1000 bombs for tomorrow night, because at midnight we'll save her
Mason:Okay boss
Junghoo:Why he calls you boss,when my sister is the Queen?
Ji-seok:Because I'm her right hand*smirk*
Junghoo:O-oh,okay then,sorry
Ji-seok:For what exactly?
Junghoo:For everything I did to Anna, I'm so stupid to get jealous over something so small problem
Ji-seok: Continue
Kostas:When we were little,our parents gave her more attention than us,so we started hate her and bullying her,but the change of hers is the worst thing I ever saw to my life,worst than her bruises
Lily:And we hate ourselves for this, I hate myself for hurting my dongsaeng so much, making her cry
Brothers (except Kosta,Junghoo and Lily):Us too
Ji-seok:Say sorry to her,not me,but she'll not forget what you did to her,even if she forgive you guys*smirk, cold tone*
Brothers and Lily:We know*sad tone, cry*
Mason:Boss,the bombs are almost ready,maybe it's better to save her tonight*smirk*
Ji-seok: Right, good idea, let's kill him once and forever*smirk*
Mason: Let's do it*smirk*
Brothers and Lily: Let's do it*smirk*
Mason:Not with you, it's dangerous
Peter:But we wa....
Ji-seok:Okay,but some of you will be with me and the rest with Mason,got it?
Brothers and Lily:Yes
Ji-seok:Good, let's sleep now, it's late and you are tired, goodnight guys
Brothers and Lily:You too Ji-seok
Mason:Night everyone
Brothers and Lily:Same Mason
While we were going to our rooms we heard something about our sister
??:So,how the plan is going so far?
??:Good, I want them to taste their own blood for what they did to my princess
??Okay,talk to you tomorrow, night
?? Same,bye
What was this? Nobody of us knew, we'll discussed it the morning
Brothers and Lily: Goodnight to everyone
Then we went to our rooms and slept, thinking about....