
I gasped as I awoke for the second time today. However, this time was different. I no longer had the luxury of slowly stirring awake. And that was because of the beauty sitting on the bed next to me.

The woman was stunning. She almost looked like a goddess fallen from heaven…or perhaps a devil. Her striking red hair, her flawless pale skin and, most of all, her shiny gold eyes that seemed to stare right through my soul. The woman was quite scary, with her wicked gaze that crawled over my body and her intimidating height compared to my petite stature, and I unconsciously shivered beneath the blankets.

She was wearing a strapless red dress that matched her hair perfectly. The dress exposed a great deal of skin, showing off her substantial chest and flawless legs. I felt myself straining against my panties, reminding me of the situation I was currently in.

"Wakey wakey, little kitten." She whispered as she stroked my pink hair with her hand. Her other hand making its way beneath the blankets.

I whimpered as her other hand touched my thigh. I wanted to tell her to stop, to ask what was going on, but when I met her possessive gaze, I could only freeze. This woman was too scary!

"W-who are you?" I eventually spurted out.

"You are still scheming at this time?" She tilted her head and her stare seemed to deepen. I shrunk back trying to snuggle into the bed for comfort. "No, it seems you really do not remember. Perhaps it is a consequence of the spell. Well it makes no difference whether you remember or not."

She removed the hand patting my head and used it to lift my chin, forcing me to look at her. She climbed on top of me, her knees resting beside my legs. I felt myself shiver beneath her and she gave me a cute smirk. Why did this woman scare me so much?

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you. I don't want to damage my property after all." She brought her lips to my ear, her hot breath brushing against my skin. "Well, unless you misbehave that is. But you will be obedient, won't you?"

Her hand stroking my thigh began to advance beneath my skirt until her fingertips brushed against my erection hiding beneath my panties. I gave a weak moan and felt my face go red as her fingers began to rub against my cock.

"It seems my little kitty is in heat. But its not playtime yet. If you work extra hard today, I'll give you a little reward tonight." She took her hand away from my panties as my waist continued to struggle for her touch.

"Mnnn~ P-please…Haa~!" What was wrong with me? The pleasure was too much as my hips continued to make the tiniest buckling movements—still seeking her touch. As my mind began to clear, I realized to my shame that I almost orgasmed then and there.

The woman must have realized it too as she smirked down at me as she stroked my hair. I almost purred at the touch, but managed to bite my tongue before it leaked out. God, why was this body so sensitive?

"Let me explain a few things as you still seem quite confused. My name is Lilith Hadias, the Demon Lord of Lust. But you will address me as Mistress Lilith or just Mistress. As for you…" She pointed towards me, her finger poking my chest. "Your name from now on shall be Kitty."

"You are my slave. Your body, mind and soul belong to me. In the day, you will work as my maid—cleaning the house, preparing meals and hosting guests. In the night…you will have other duties." She gives me a little smirk as she pats my head. I suppress a shiver as I think about what those other duties will be.

"As for your new appearance, it involves the curse I have cast on you. Well, it is actually considered a blessing—The Blessing of the Nymphs. An eighth tier magic spell created by me personally that can turn a man of any race into a beautiful young lady. Every time you orgasm, you will become closer and closer to becoming a woman. Well, at least that should be how the spell works. You are the first test subject to survive." She bent down and gave me a kiss on the forehead.

"Now go and wash yourself in the bath, pet. A senior maid will come to help you."


It was fifteen minutes later when I exited the bathroom covered in a fluffy pink towel. The bathtub was already full of hot water when I came in and seemed to empty itself automatically when I exited. I could only explain it through magic.

The first thing I saw entering the room was the horned red-skinned beauty in a maid costume that seemed a size too small. Her large breasts were practically popping out and I swore I could almost see her panties under her skirt. Peaking out from the back of her skirt was a demon's tail. If I had to take a guess, she was most definitely a textbook succubus.

"Oh my~♥ Mistress Lilith really didn't lie. You are a cutie~" She strode over too me and peeled off my towel, leaving me buck naked on the carpet. I tried to hide my privates but she quickly slapped my hand away.

"Now now— theres no need for you to cover yourself here. We're both woman after all~" She gave me an evil smirk as she flicked my semi-erect cock. "This little thing wouldn't be enough to give any woman pleasure."

"I am the head maid of the castle, Elizabeth Cydaea, and today I will act as your master. You will listen to my orders and obey them to the word."

I yelped as she grabbed it and lead me by my penis to the bed. "Now, I believe its time we dress you. Unless you want to strut around naked like a slut all day~?"

I whimpered and backed away from her as she stared at me with the same evil gaze as the demon queen. She didn't feel as scary as Mistress Lilith, but her eyes barely concealed her lustful eyes.


I yelped as the succubus maid slapped my ass. My butt burned from the pain and I felt tears swelling in my eyes. That really hurt!

"When I ask you a question, you will answer me. Do you understand?" I trembled as she grabbed my chin.

"Y-yes…" I croaked.

"Yes what?"

"…Y-yes Ma'am?"

"Good, so you aren't a completely empty-headed bimbo. Now, since this is your first time, I will repeat the question. Would you like to walk around naked like the little slut you are or are you going to graciously accept the pretty dress I've offered you?"

"P-please Ma'am, I would love to wear the pretty clothes." I said as quickly as I could. I really didn't want to walk around naked all day. Even excluding the humiliation that would bring, I was already shivering from the cold.

The garments laid out on the bed were humiliating to say the least. The first of the articles were the undergarments. A flimsy white bra with matching tight panties; both had pink lace trim to give it a cute girly look. The shear white stockings were just as humiliating, decorated with cute pink bows at the top and a matching garter belt to hold them up.

But the worst of it all was the dress. A little, frilly pink maid outfit covered in little bows. The bottom of it flared out into a built-in frilly petticoat that would barely cover my white panties, offering me little modesty. The gloves were similar to the stockings, pure white up past the elbow. To top it all off were the two-inch white high heels, the pink maid cap and the little choker decorated with a little pink bow at the front.

I nearly fainted when I inspected my new outfit. I would look like a complete slut wearing this. But I had little choice in the matter. I could tell Miss Elizabeth was getting rather impatient and I did not want to piss her off.

I reached out for the frilly panties first and got another smack on the butt.

"Garter belt first, kitten. The garters need to be underneath the panties." She scolded me.

I dutifully grabbed the garter belt and stepped into it, fearful of another punishment. I pulled it up with all my pitifully might and eventually squeezed it past my waist and kitty tail to the bottom of my ribcage. The belt was tight and I could barely breathe under it. Even though the belt hurt quite a bit, the garment still looked absolutely feminine. The white garment was decorated in pink lace at the edge with big pink bow clips at the front and back of my thighs to hold up the stockings.

After the garter belt, I slid the white stockings up my leg and attached them to the belt. I couldn't believe how nice the soft silk felt against my legs. It was likely a consequence of that blessing that made my body more sensitive.

Next I slid the panties up and my cock was once again restrained by silk. The bra was a little more difficult and I needed Miss Elizabeth's help to attach it at the back. The bra was perhaps the most humiliating of the set, reminding me of my new breasts. Adding to the embarrassment were the two pink bows at the nipples.

I was nervous like a little girl when Miss Elizabeth inspected me. I stood on display in such girly lingerie under the lustful gaze of this maid, and yet all I could so was quiver in embarrassment. I knew that she was much stronger than me and I did not want a punishment from her.

"Good enough for your first day, I suppose. Next time I expect you to put on the bra yourself." She said while rubbing my sore butt over my panties with one hand. "Mmm you are such a treat though, I bet all the girls would love to eat you up. You should feel fortunate that the Mistress has reserved you for herself for now. You better hope the mistress stays satisfied with you. A timid little girl like you won't last long in the harem without her protection. Well finish getting dressed, we don't have all day."

My hands trembled a little as I slid on the pink dress. Even when I was naked or in the frilly undergarments, I had not felt this weak and humiliated. The maid outfit truly made me feel like the little girl I had become.

The dress was small, even on the little body I had become. When I turned around, I saw that the hem barely covered my ass. If I bent over even a little, everyone would get a good look at my new panties. I futilely tried to pull down the hem of the skirt, terrified that someone would see up my skirt. My fluffy tail lifted the skirt a tad, threatening to give everyone a peak of my cute, white panties.

"M-miss Elizabeth…I think the dress might be…too small."

Miss Elizabeth laughed. "You are such a dumb little thing, aren't you? Hurry up and finish dressing. We don't have all day." She completely ignored my question!

I proceeded to slip on the white gloves that went to my elbows. Miss Elizabeth placed the maid cap and the choker on me herself, which made the process even more demeaning.

Finally were the shoes. Fortunately, they weren't that high but they would take some getting used to.

"Perfect. This will be your outfit from now on so you better get used to it." She smirked as she patted my head. "Oh one last thing."

To my surprise, she grabbed my tail and tied something around it near the tip. Turning to look, I saw she had tied it in a bright pink bow. As she let it go I heard the jingle of a bell and I almost cried in shame.

"So the little kitten doesn't get lost. Now come come, we have work to do." She sauntered towards the door, her butt seductively swaying side to side.

I could only suppress a whimper of humiliation as I scampered after her out the bedroom.