Meeting of the Demon Lords I

(Lilith's POV)

"Its been twenty minutes. Where is that bastard?" A feminine voice echoed across the room.

My gaze fell on the speaker and I couldn't help but frown. Too ugly.

If you only looked at certain parts of her, like her frizzy black hair or slightly crooked nose, her appearance wasn't bad. Yet somehow, when you put all her features together, she wasn't just unattractive, she looked hideous. As a person who only appreciated true beauties, this woman's presence was very displeasing to my eyes.

But I wouldn't say my thoughts out loud. After all, this woman had the same status as me. Invidia, the Demon Lord of Envy. She was the youngest and least powerful of the current Demon Lords, but one of the most ruthless as well. A human who murdered her parents, sold her sister into slavery and betrayed her race all out of jealousy.

Maybe it was her personality that also made her appearance disgusting.

"Most likely he's getting his beauty sleep. Perhaps you should try it, Invidia." The person next to me responded while taking a sip of his drink. Although the drink was red, I knew it wasn't wine. Vampires only drink blood.

Amadius, the King of Vampires and the Demon Lord of Greed. While I was not attracted to men, I couldn't help but admit that he was pretty handsome. The dark hair, shining red eyes and pale white skin made for a pleasing contrast. His appearance made me think of one of my demon knights and I felt my body go hot. Ah, I really want to go home and enjoy my beauties.

"What are you implying, leech?" Invidia's face darkened as her eyes fixed on the man beside me.

"Nothing at all, nothing at all. I just think that some beauty sleep might help a bit with the whole…" Amadius made a vague gesture with his hand towards her face.

"You oversized mosquito!" The Demon Lord of Envy palms slammed on the table.

"Madi! Don't be mean to little Invi, quickly apologize!" A pleasant, almost magical, voice reached my ear.

The person who spoke this time had the appearance of a young girl not older than twelve. Quite ironic, when she called the much taller Invidia little. While she looked mostly human, the pixie wings and green hair were a dead giveaway that she was a woodland fairy.

Most would be fooled by her appearance into thinking she was just an innocent little pixie, but I had known her for quite some time. Out of all the demon lords alive, I knew her best as we both became Demon Lord's together almost four hundred years ago. She was Ellie, the Demon Lord of Wrath. Although she was named after the aspect of wrath, I had only seen her brought to anger three times.

The first time had been my fault. Since she was so cute and naive, I had thought I would be able to make her submit and join my harem with a little bit of work. Unfortunately, she caught on to my actions and almost killed me. If Amadius had not stepped in, I would've certainly died. Not only had I almost been killed, I also had to pay Amadius' rescue fee which had taken me a century to pay off.

The second time was when the leader of an independent city state had tried to kidnap her. Due to her appearance, he had thought he could force the little fairy to be his wife and become the husband of a Demon Lord. That city no longer exists.

The last time she was brought to anger was when the previous Demon Lord of Envy had tried to assassinate her. However, he had overestimated himself and ended up dead before any of us could interfere.

I sighed, my heart in turmoil. Such a shame. I would never be able to eat a beauty like her. A girl like her would never submit to me, regardless of what I did.

She did remind me of my pet back home. While their appearances were a little similar though, the personalities were completely different. Kitty was so submissive and completely obedient, she would never disobey me, let alone harm me.

I sighed thinking about Kitty waiting for me at home. I had to suppress my excitement for now though.

It was odd though. At first, I had only shown interest in Kitty because she had been my first and only successful test subject for her new spell. As far as she knew, no one, not even the gods, had ever turned a man into a woman. Although that was probably because they wouldn't bother doing it. It still gave me a little satisfaction that I had been the first.

But the more time I had spent with the girl, the more I had grown attached to her. Even when I was away from her or playing with other girls, I still found myself thinking about her.


The words were soft, and yet powerful enough to reverberate across the room. Everyone quickly grew silent, and I ended my thoughts as I turned towards the owner of the voice.

Golden blond hair, sharp green eyes full of indifference and a face of perfection, even Madias was completely inadequate compared to him, let alone the rest of us. Even though he sat with the rest of us, his demeanour displayed his true thoughts. Arrogance.


Lucien, the Demon Lord of Pride, born over three thousand years ago, was said to be the strongest living creature on the continent, with the power to rival one of the three holy gods. Even if the five of us in the room worked together, we would not be able to beat him.

While he looked somewhat human, albeit a completely flawless human, everyone here knew that he was really a dragon, and the oldest of his species still alive.

"We will begin the meeting without Sloth. Does everyone approve?" Lucien asked, but the tone of his voice did not allow for refusal.

"Gurthog agrees." The last man in the room spoke with a grunt.

I did not know him as well as the others, despite having become a demon lord at the same time. He was the Demon Lord of Gluttony and the chieftain of the orcs residing in the northern part of the continent.

"It has been almost a century since we last gathered. What's so important to call us all here?" I asked with a hint of displeasure. If it wasn't for this interruption, I could be playing with Kitty!

Madias glanced over at Lucien, his eyes filled with suspicion. "Are we telling everyone about that now? We still have over a decade until the summonning."

"Indeed we should have had over a decade to prepare but it seems the fools leading the holy church decided to give us a little surprise this time." Lucien replied, a hint of displeasure showing on his face before he quickly retracted to his standard indifference.

Summoning? I couldn't help but wonder what this was all about.

"Mind letting us in on your little conversation. What is this summoning?" Invidia asked the question on the tip of my tongue.

"I will explain, listen closely as I will not repeat myself," Lucien began. "Three thousand years, the God of Chaos killed his lover, the Goddess of Order, for eloping with a mortal. In retribution for killing their mother, his two sons and daughter sealed him away as they did not wish to kill their own father. Before he was sealed away though, the God of Chaos cast his judgement on the people of this world for their sins. Seven titles were granted to mortals who best suited each sin. Their task to bring chaos to this world."

"I already know all this. Why are you bringing it up now?" Invidia began but snapped shut as soon as Lucien's gaze landed on her.

For once, I wanted to agree with her. I was a demon lord, of course I knew all this. This was our history!

But Lucien continued without acknowledging the interruption. "These seven eventually became known as the seven demon lords, as the demons were by far the largest of the races that worshiped the God of Chaos. We demon lords are of course granted many powers from our title. The first is that the further we embody our sin, the faster we may rank up, which is why the seven of us here are among the strongest individuals alive." He said, his hand fiddling with the scepter by his side.

"But if that was all that was granted, we would not be the most feared enemies of the southern continent. Of course, it is the aspect granted to each of us that gives us our true power." The man stared forward, his eyes full of arrogance.

Yes, the aspects were what made us demon lords. They were something outside the system, or perhaps above it. Power that could only by us seven. My own aspect allowed me to force others to become aroused. Just my presence alone can excite people. My touch can make them slaves to pleasure. Of course, I have the power to control my aspect and change how much stimulation I offer, as unrestrained use of my aspect would make anyone outside of another demon lord or their equivalent become a mindless doll.

Using the combination of my skills and this aspect, I had gathered the strongest retinue of the seven demon lords. While my individual power was one of the weakest, I was also one of the most feared demon lords for my aspect.

"Our aspects are what allow us to rule over half of the continent, and while there are a few people that could match our individual strength, there are none that could defeat all seven of us." Lucien spoke, his voice calm, and yet his words full of power.

"And yet despite our strength, four of us were still killed during the church's 29th crusade against us, four hundred years ago. Even Madias was heavily injured and only recovered after a couple centuries of rest. Before that, eight hundred years ago, three demon lords died. Another four hundred years before that, five demon lords were slain, only I and Sloth were able to survive that crusade." Suddenly Lucien looked up and stared at the four of us demon lords, excluding Madias. I suppressed a shiver as his gaze landed on me. "Have you never wondered how your predecessors died?"

"I thought you killed them, LuLu." Ellie asked. I'm sure she was the only person in the world who could give such an embarrassing nickname to the Demon Lord of Pride.

Lucien however did not react to his new name. "No, it was not me. The three holy gods are occupied with keeping the seal on the God of Chaos closed and unable to act themselves, but they are still able to interfere with this world. They do not have the power to remove the seven demon lord titles, so instead they created their own titles. Three titles for each god for a total of nine heroes."

"If the holy empires in the south had this trump card in their hand, why have I never heard about them?" Invidia asked.

"I have never heard about these so called heroes either." I said.

"Gurthog same."

"That is because these heroes are not from this continent. Instead they are summoned here from another world. All for a single purpose. To kill us."