
Ku Lo's body was wet as a towel once he woke up. Then there was half of Feng Huling's body lying atop him, and she was awake too.

Her fingers had found their way into his pants and caused his morning wood to bulge with subtle movements.

She whispered into his ear. "quite energetic, aren't we~ If you want me to get rid of it for you, a single word is enough."

"I just want to take a bath, do we have time for that?" he asked as his eyes squinted due to the incoming sunlight.

"This courtyard is higher up than the normal junior quarters. So, even though it's already bright here, we have quite a bit of time before we need to get ready."

"Then what are we waiting for?"

"It's your loss." Huling got up, though not without sliding her fingers along his shaft.

After a few steps, during which she made sure he got to see a feast, her hands opened an embedded closet. From there came out pulling out two sets of outer court white robes and other clothes.

She threw a set of boxers, pants and white robes onto the bed before leaving with her own clothes.

Ku Lo grabbed his uniform and hurried after her.

Outside, Huling was about to enter the pond. Her lithe and graceful movements, along with the sunlight reflecting off the water surface, gave her an otherworldly, but also unbearably attractive appearance.

As she disappeared under the surface, he rushed after her into the ice-cold water.

What followed was a period of silence where both of them rid themselves of the sweat, semen and love fluids.

Finished with drying and getting themselves dressed, the half an hour was nearing its end, and so they waited for the sisters.

Neither of them showed, and they couldn't allow further tardiness, even if Dai Meifen would probably just invite him to 'make up lessons'.

Once entering the classroom, he spotted both of them right away. They sat at tables right before the platform Deacon Dai would teach from.

'Most days those seats they have are fought over by the boys who want to get a better view of the Deacon. The two of them must have arrived quite early,' he thought, finding the inclinations very bad for his future.

What increased the trend was Huang Gingge, who avoided his gaze with her swollen light-blue eyes.

Huang Qingling did the complete opposite. With a gaze of open hostility, she met his and formed the words 'fall over and die' with her lips just to turn away before he got a chance to respond.

'This is bad. I need to apologise to them later, but how? Sorry I fucked another girl after promising to sleep with you? Yeah, as if.'

"Everyone, sit down." Meifen entered the classroom.

In the wake of this, Ku Lo had to cease his laments and picked a free spot in the second last row.

Huling sat next to him and her slender hand instantly sought his from under the low hongmu table, as if them sharing the spot meant for one student wasn't enough already.

The lesson itself was sheer torture.

Gingge was even less confident than usual. She, from the corner of her eye, would notice him staring at her, but only react by appearing even more downcast. And every time that happened, Qingling sent a murderous gaze his way.

Rin Tin Tin had chosen the table diagonally behind his. Although he didn't turn once to look at her, a burning impression on his neck prevented him from ignoring her presence.

There was also Meifen. Her expression would seem sometimes concerned, sometimes disappointed.

The sole happy woman amongst his acquaintances was Feng Huling, though he was undecided whether it was from being together with him or because of the schadenfreude towards the others.

Of course, there was Bo too. His smile almost reached his ears! Something which must've come from his 'young miss' being happy.

He sighed in relief right as Dai Meifen ended the class.

Meifen walked to the door, yet stopped there. "Ku Lo, I want to have a word with you," she said without turning towards him.

From looking around, he noted most students had noticed the strained atmosphere in the classroom, so Meifen calling him out didn't arouse too much of a commotion. Also, they had their own worry of getting out of the class now that Ku Lo wasn't there.

"I'm coming-" He swatted Huling's hand away. "I'm coming," he repeated and followed the blonde into the hallway filled with Inner Sect Disciples.

The room Dai Meifen led him to was used for storing the scripts and scrolls used by the teachers.

"Your little harem didn't work out as you planned— Forget it, you never planned anything." As soon as she had closed the door, she turned around to face him with some harsh, yet undeniable words.

"If that's all you wanted to tell me, I'll leave now." No matter how right those words were, he wasn't exactly in the mood to be laughed at.

Her palm on his chest stopped him. "You'll leave when I tell you to, and before that, you are going to stay right here. What did you expect? That your pretty face and talent would allow you to live a life of luxury surrounded by devoted beauties?"

"Of course no—"

"You fucked that Feng Family girl yesterday, didn't you?" She closed the distance between them to a minimum, her hand still on his chest. "Yet I sense not a speck of improvement in your cultivation!"

"No matter how great your talent is, you won't get anywhere if you only think with your dick!" Her hands grabbed it through his clothes. "Dual Cultivation is not about fucking everyone you like, it's about using them to become stronger!" She tensed her hand.

Ku Lo was about to interject again but decided it would be better to stay quiet and take it, for now.

"I get it-" she took a deep breath. "Darling, I love you, but still, I can't have you running around without direction in your life. You might be used to the sluggish, aimless pace of the village; however, in the world of cultivators, the pace is a thousandfold. Death lurks at every corner and is present every day."

"I see," he said, understanding she spoke a bit off from the truth, before pointing his finger down. "Could you…" Part of the tension from her tone might have gone to her hand.

"Ah yes…" She released her grip. "I'm trying to do what is best for us. So, I demand a change in your 'work ethics.'"

"What type of change—"

"One week," she snapped, pointing a single finger.


"In one week you must reach the Second Stage of Spirit Foundation or you can forget about having sex with me for a year. If you can't control it why should you get to use it?" Speaking the latter sentence, she was walking towards the door.

"Wait," he called for her, trying to stop her stride by holding her hand with his. "But that doesn't mean I can't come see you tonight, right?"

"No." She didn't turn around, nor did she free her hand.

"Good, then you'll wear that 'dress' tonight." Ku Lo moved behind her, his other hand wrapping around her stomach as his head curved around hers, looking for a kiss.

Meifen turned her head to give him a peck on the lips. "I'll wear it for you, but you have to get your priorities straight. No sex until you have cultivated the Qi's you got from her. Her Qi's might not be much but still something and you can't hold two in you, yet… you know what I'm saying"

"Naturally." He hugged her tighter.

Her hands pushed his away. "I-I'm leaving, now."


On his way to the tunnels, he pondered.

Now that she'd pointed his flaws out, he couldn't deny them even if he wanted to.

The initial achievements in cultivation as well as the sharp spike in his popularity after reincarnation had gone to his head. Those lucky moments had made him believe he could continue the leisurely lifestyle back on earth with the added benefit of multiple beauties throwing themselves at him.

Furthermore, his sister had almost disappeared from his mind, and saying that this was because the old man in the bazaar had promised the amulet would cure her sounded like a lame excuse.

It was high time to set his priorities straight.