Rabbit hole

Left alone, the two of them just hugged. Huang Gingge's arms squeezed Ku Lo's soaking-wet robes as she sobbed into his chest.

"It's fine. Everything's fine-" He caressed her back. "No need to be sad." He hugged her tight. His own head above hers in a way which his chin touched her brown hair. "I'm here for you, now and forever." He promised her everything that wouldn't be stepping on Huang Qingling, who must be snooping on them.

Still, even if he did that and more, it took a lot of time for her to finally mutter, "K-Ku Lo," she whispered between sobs. "D-did you and s-sister s-stop argu-i-i-ing?"

"We did-" His hand ran on her back. "Both of us chose to stop to make you happy."

"T-thanks so much. I-I wouldn't h-have know what to do if either of you would be g-gone."

"We're both here for you. You are our precious gem and we both want to see you shine brightly amongst stars."

"I-I understand…"

"Good-" His hands patted her back. "Let's go eat those cookies, okay?"

He moved, but she did not.

However, Ku Lo had a clear answer to this. 'This might be cliché, but…' One hand wrapped around her legs and the other scooped up her back.

"Here we go!" he happily exclaimed, lifting her into a princess carry.


"Don't worry, I got you."

The operation 'princess carry' was a success. Even a speck of happiness could be seen on Gingge's cute, round face as he carried her over to the table which had quite the tea fest presented on it — if excluding one glass-tray that had been thrown to the ground earlier.

Arriving at the table, he followed his plan of seating her. Yet, as the time for it came and Gingge softened her grip, the plan changed.

Gingge would sit on his lap instead.

It wasn't like he minded, and she only let out a yelp.

With her seated on him, his eyes searched the sweetest of all the things chocolate. This was to be a candy bar wrapped in a thick layer of white chocolate.

"Open up-" His fingers presented the bar in front of her mouth.

From his position, he could see how her rose lips opened just enough for the candy bar, around the thickness of a finger, to enter.

Crunch The Candy bar snapped in half as her teeth closed.

Being so close, the noise of her eating was audible. It appeared as a constant crunching sound, which must be from the fact that the goodies had stood so long in the open and so dried.

'Okay… You have to find something to remedy this.' If the chocolates and other items weren't in top shape anymore, Ku Lo felt it would be his duty to do something about it. 'It is because I took so long that they dried like this after all.'

At first, this idea was to find something which wouldn't have dried; however, it appeared there was no such item. From the biscuits to the cake in the middle, everything had a certain white chocolate layering that appeared dry. 'At least I know what she likes now.' He took note of the little, to him significant, matter concerning his girlfriend...

Could he call her that?

It was time to find out. "Gingge." He started by breaking the silence.

Gingge's head turned to him, and if it weren't for the ruined makeup, it was beautiful. She was much livelier than before, jovial even with her lips messed by the white chocolate.

"Gingg'er, can I call you my girlfriend?" he asked, feeling his heart pound against his chest harder than it should if considering this should be nothing compared to having sex.


Her agreeing to be his girlfriend caused a warmth to rise within him as his eyes shifted to stare at her lips. 'No, don't.' Something inside him called a stop. 'Don't do it today. Asking her that was already enough. Who knows if on a normal day she would've even agreed.'

Ku Lo pondered about it. Wait another day or two before going any further. This would be the best way if he wished to return to a normal relationship. On the other hand, were his own — debaucherous — desires and Qingling's 'advice'. However, following them would plunge their relationship into a less than wholesome rabbit hole.

Before he could reach a conclusion, however, Gingge struck him with a surprise. She nudged, her hand pulling him for a kiss.

"W—" It was a very short-lived word. "MmM." His lips struggled a second to free until they gave up.

"We don't have to do this." Once they parted, he made this clear in an instant. "There's no need to rush."

"shut up" she spoke with a voice he couldn't hear.

"Wait. What did you say?"

"shut up."

"Look, I don't think us continuing further would be healthy for our—"

"Shut up," she repeated for the third time, this time loudly enough for him to hear it. "Or am I not good enough?" Her light-blue eyes peered past his eyes, straight for his soul.


"I'm not slender like her. Busty like her. So you don't want me? An average girl." Gingge didn't say names, but there was no need to, for Ku Lo knew which two girls she referred to.

"Of course nor!" Ku Lo shook his head vehemently. "It has nothing to do with your body." 'Where did she get that idea from?!'

"yeah right." Her mood sank. "I know that I have a few extra pounds, but it doesn't mean that I'm undesirable..."

'So this is what Huang Qingling meant with 'shattering her spirit'? Body image issues?'

He realised he'd made things difficult for Gingge, again. And it chipped away at his heart.

"Gingge, you are absolutely gorgeous-" He tried to lift her chin. "There's no way I would think you aren't hot." But she didn't follow his movement.

"You don't have to-" Her hand went for a biscuit that she ate in one bite. "You don't have to lie to me," she said while reaching for another biscuit.

Before she had taken the second biscuit, Ku Lo presented her one. "You can eat as many treats as you want, I don't see a speck of extra in your body."


"Why would I lie?" he asked. "My reason for turning your offer down was letting you heal from what I have caused you."

"R-really?" Her chin didn't still bend, but she stopped pulling it downwards. "Y-you mean it?"

"Of course, I mean it."

She looked at him from the corner of her eye. "You did it for me?"

"Yes, for you."

The eye turned away. "b-but you h-haven't seen me without my c-clothes on…"

'Stay calm, stay calm. This isn't fixed in a minute or with few magical words.'

Still, her whisper made his next words creaky, and he took time to ponder what he should say. He really saw two options, either tell her to show, or say that he enjoyed her mind more than her body. The former went against his resolve to give her time, but the latter would end up misunderstood here.

But maybe, a heavy maybe, the first option would be better considering this wasn't earth…

"I promise I'll not find a single wrong in your body." Saying so, his hands, which had been around her back, took hold of her waist.

"b-but y-ou can't laugh." Shyness filled her tone, though there sounded also a hint of expectation.

"How could I dare?" His hands ran on her waist, allowing him to feel her supple body through the thin fabric.

Gingge, his girlfriend, was perfect just as she was.