The Legend of Wandering Immortal Demon 2

Moacir Allard, the head of the Asura demon sect, was currently sitting with other heads of the middle realms powerhouses as well as their guests from the upper realm as he looked at the wandering immortal demon's information that they gathered so far. The only way of addressing the had was the name that woman used in one of the auction houses "Lline"

  A crazy, gorgeous redhead, undeniably a genius tactician with a mean punch, and even though her mercilessness was undeniable, Moacir wouldn't call her cruel as she had shown much evidence of helping people as much as harming some.

  The woman was always seen in the company of a giant arctic snow wolf and an ominous-looking white snake they only spotted once. One thing to note was that she was never seen in the company of another human being, but even then, she couldn't be underestimated, as she had more than once proved that she could very well fight many opponents alone.