Death 1

Morana didn't know how long she spent passed out, but when she remembered what happened in the trial, she wished to kill her ancestor very slowly and painfully together with that fool.

 Morana couldn't help, but hesitate when she looked at the two levitating cards and finally sighed in defeat, cursing her luck, remembering once again what Zoel told her that day in the garden.


"If you pick one of the unknown cards, be careful, be very careful, but I am most worried if you pick up the 'Death' card. The reason that only one person has had it was not because it has not come up from the box before, in fact, the 'Death' card is one of the most frequent cards to come out of the box, but it also has the highest death tolls. There has been only one person to this day who took the trial and managed to come out of it alive. My advice, if the card comes out, forfeit the trial."

Flashback ends