Arcana 101 for dummies 1

After finally leaving the trial space, Morana was greeted by the worried faces of her brother, parents, and grandfather. Any complaints she had about their frantic behavior to check her over for any injuries were quickly swallowed down when she was hit by her mother's glare, challenging her to protest anything.

 When the health check was done, Leonie finally asked her about the trials, not much in detail as the contents of trials were considered very private, but mostly about the cards she got and which ones she took up challenges for.

 When the family found out that she had taken ownership of three cards they were overjoyed with pride and happy for Morana. 

"So, will you tell us what cards you got?" Asked Zoel, full of curiosity.

"Hmm, I got a total of three cards to challenge and took ownership of all three of them. The first one I won over was 'The King of Cups' which gave me the ability to dream walk as well as a minor ability to influence dreams."