"Tilda," I heard. "Matilda."

I opened my eyes to see Micka's honey-colored orbs.

"Micka?" I sat up. To my surprise, I wasn't groggy this morning. I felt refreshed. I gave my silent things to my Goddess.

"Morning, Sleeping Princess." Micka joked.

I smiled and got out from under my blanket, going over to my small vanity.

"There was a royal servant boy that came up here. There was a message from the King, for both of us," he told me eagerly as I brushed my hair.

"Oh? What was the message?" I asked, putting my hair into a bun.

"The king wants us to learn to use swords, so we're able to fight in battle," he said. I stared at him in the mirror. Fencing? As in, with a sword?

"We aren't training to be knights. We are the High Wizard's apprentices, I am a servant to the prince." I said, shifting my eyes down and putting my headpiece on.

"But the King said so, Tilda. So now it is done." Micka crossed his arms.

I huffed and grabbed the wooden wand Master Gabriel gave me. I put it on the sash of my day clothes. At least I'm not as bored as I thought I would be.

"Then I suppose we must," I said, and we left the down the stairs of the Tower. Nearly down wholly, we crossed paths with Squire Ivon.

"My lady," he said, inclining his head. "I came to fetch you and Sir Micka. The King had informed me of your lessons in fencing only moments ago."

I nodded and gave Ivon a friendly smile. "Yes, we're on our way now. Who told you about our lessons?" I asked as he joined us on our journey downward.

"Well, actually, my lady, after you told Prince Nicholas of your confidence in winning against Alan, he spoke to the king and convinced him that High Wizards would help in battle if taught fighting skills," he said, sending Micka and I a modest smile.

"I offered to watch and tutor you both as you train."

Micka grabbed my hand. I looked at him and saw his anxiety and fear. His hands were clammy, and his face was sweaty. I squeezed his hand reassuringly. Grand Master said he kept him from being a knight, but now he was learning to fight so he can go into battle. His fear was understandable.

"That's very thoughtful. Thank you, Ivon." I said. My heart was beating fast in fear, and my nerves made my stomach knot up. I never thought it would come down to actual sword fighting, being enemies with Alan. But I have no choice now.

We walked outside of the castle and saw pairs of young boys fighting with wooden staffs or heavy, dull, crude swords. There were several areas where they trained. Some fought on the sand; some fought near the fishpond where the mud was slick.

"Fight harder, Johnathan! Put your back into it, you puny shrimp!" yelled a man. I turned and saw a man about as big as Sir Harry but he looked as mean as a bull. I felt Micka's grip tighten.

"Ah, Ivon. Brought my new students, I see?" I turned back around and saw that friendly face of Sir Harry.

"Yes, Sir Harry. King Richard wants them to learn as quickly as possible. They have to continue their other studies as well." Ivon said to the big man. Harry nodded, though looking concerned.

"I'll try, due to his Majesty's request, but training takes time. You know that as well as any, Squire," he said.

Ivon nodded, "Only passing on the message, sir." He replied, inclining his head in respect.

Harry turned to us. I watched him evaluate us with careful eyes. "Matilda, take these clothes and go into the barracks and change." he said, handing me a stack of folded clothes with boots on top. I grabbed them, obediently going to the barracks to change from my robes. When I came back out in my shirt and slacks, not saying a word, Sir Harry walked over to the rack that held the bow-staffs and threw them at us.

"Time to start, weaklings." Sir Harry said, changing his tone from friendly to bitter and angry. "Show me what you know."

I gripped my staff, shifting my gaze from Harry to Micka, to Ivon. Ivon caught my uneasy stare and nodded in reassurance. Then Micka charged first. I tried to block the staff that came flying to my face. It happened in such proximity to my face that I saw the wood from the top splintering. When I pushed him off, he staggered back, and I could see him nearly slip and fall. I spread my legs apart a little more, trying to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground. I gripped my staff and charged at my friend.

I swung the staff and went to hit him in the side.

"Ah!" He cried in pain.

"Micka! You can't double over in a fight! You'll die. Recover!" Yelled Sir Harry.

Micka winced and put both hands on the wood. I could see the tears well up into his right eye. He took a deep breath and yelled a war cry as he swung at me. I blocked his hit, and he turned again before I could even recover. Micka's blow hit me on my left thigh, leaving it to buckle under me. I let out a yelp, and my leg was screaming in pain.

I couldn't even remember what was happening, not before Micka's staff made its final blow. I saw him lift it above his head; everything felt as if it was going slow motion. I tried to blink tears back and block his staff with my own, but I was too slow. I heard his war cry once more before being blinded by pain. A scream exploded from me involuntarily.

My hands immediately dropped the staff, and my right hand flung to my left shoulder. I couldn't feel my left arm. I couldn't hear. All I could see through blurry, tear-filled vision was Ivon, who was on my left side, checking what was wrong and Micka, who was still two feet away from me. Tears were pouring out of his eyes, and his hands were clasped tightly over his mouth. I felt my chest convulsing from switching from screaming to sobbing, and I slowly reached out my right hand for Micka.

I know he didn't mean to; we were practicing. I'm not mad at you, Micka. Please don't cry. I was trying to say all of that, but I couldn't get enough air between sobs. I felt a burning sensation in the back of my throat and my mouth was filled with saliva. I flung my body to the right as I started to vomit. It felt like it went on forever; I couldn't breathe. The sobbing, the vomiting, it was causing me to suffocate. I couldn't feel my body anymore, and my vision was darkening. I could finally hear Ivon's voice.

"Matilda, take deep breaths. Breathe. You're hyperventilating. Calm down."

But I couldn't. I was trying, but I couldn't get my breathing to even out. My eyes felt heavy. I couldn't feel the pain very much now. I fell back, feeling strong hands try to hold me up as I passed out in the center of the training grounds.