Tokyo, Here I Come

(Soft footsteps are heard walking to Nana's room)

Lynnon-" Nana..."

(Nana wakes up to the suttle voice of Lynnon)

Nana-" hm?"

(Nana sits up and sees the guilty look on Lynnons face)

Nana-" Is something the matter?"

(Lynnon walks over and sits on the edge of Nana's bed. She starts to explain everything to him)

Nana-" You can't be seriously thinking about going"

(Lynnon looks down in silence, giving Nana a bad feeling)

Lynnon-" You should go to the school in Canada..."

Nana-" Lynnon-"

Lynnon-" I want to go.. but at the same time, I don't want to hurt you"

(Nana holds his hair back as he lets out a big sigh)

Nana-" I'm not going to stop you from going. I wouldn't do that"

(Lynnon looks over)

Lynnon-" You're mad at me"

(Nana looks up at Lynnon)

Lynnon-" See. I can just tell by the way you look at me"

(Lynnon quickly looks down again)

Lynnon-" I'm sorry"

Nana-" I'm not mad"

(Nana pulls Lynnon closer to him to where she was sitting in front of him. He cuffs her face)

Nana-" I'm only scared that if you leave... I'll never see you again. I know you'll fall in love with that place"

(Lynnon gently grabs his wrists)

Lynnon-" You or I could always visit each other. I would of course call you at least a few times a week. If not I could always text you. Just because I'm going across the world doesn't mean I won't ever see you again Nana. You'd be overreacting"

(Lynnon pulls Nana's hands down and interlocks her finger with his)

Lynnon-" Plus, you're my best friend. I can't even handle the thought of suddenly forgetting about you"

(Nana watches as Lynnon smiles her usual big and bright smile. He couldn't help but softly smile back)

Nana-" You promise?"

(Nana puts out his pinky finger. Lynnon crosses her pinky with his and they both start to say their pinky-swear rhyme)

Nana-" Cross my heart and hope to die-"

Lynnon-", stick a rock right in my eye-"

Nana-" If you don't keep this promise to me-"

Lynnon-" I'll walk my ass to Tennessee!"

(Lynnon giggles before Nana and she have a small hug. A few weeks go by in the blink of an eye. Nana's mom sees them off in the morning before she goes to work so Nana and Lynnon were the only ones going to the airport. Nana gives Lynnon a huge bearhug before she goes)

Nana-" Make sure to text me when you're on the plane. OH! And when you land. -"

Lynnon-" Nana"

Nana-" Get food straight away and Remember that your flight is at terminal D32-"

Lynnon-" Nana!~"

(Nana stops talking)

Lynnon-" I know what to do. Don't worry, ok?"

(Nana sighs and nods)

Lynnon-" Know this is a ONE TIME thing"

(Lynnon stands on her tippy toes and gives Nana a small kiss, on the lips this time. Nana immediately starts to blush)

Nana-" You just... kissed me..."

(Lynnon goes back down and grabs her stuff. She starts to walk away)

Lynnon-" Love you, Nana! As a friend. For real this time!"

(Lynnon slowly walks out of Nana's sight. He was still frozen though)

Nana-" She just... kissed me. Wait. This time? She liked me before?!"

(Nana finally processes what just happened and smiles before walking out)

Nana-" Yes!"

(Nana jolts his elbow back while holding a fist before happily getting in his car and driving away. On the plane, Lynnon sits down at a window seat)

[Just got on. I'll text around 5✈]

(Lynnon texts Nana before the plane goes off. He texts a thumbs up to let Lynnon know he saw it. The plane goes off and Lynnon has a good sleep and watches a few movies before the plane lands. About 12 hours go by and Lynnons plane lands. Since English was the dominant language in the world, a lot of signs in the airport had translated text so Lynnon knew where to pick up her luggage and the area to be picked up. Lynnon searches up the person who contacted her and starts to text them)

L>I think I should be coming out in a bit

M>Ok! You should be able to see me straight away!

Lynnon-" Cheerful isn't she?"

(Lynnon walks out and a lot of people were in the room, holding ups signs with people's names and welcome back things but Lynnon could tell just from the crowd who were her people. In the front of the crows were a few girls and a boy who were fully decked out in bright and confident fashion. Lynnon could relate to them straight away. Lynnon walks up and immediately they start to welcome her)

Mei-" Hi! I'm Mei. The one you were just texting"

(Lynnon giggles)

Lynnon-" Hello!"

Akira-" Don't mind her craziness. I'm Akira"

(Akira puts out her hand for a handshake and Lynnon goes with it)

Lynnon-" You seems very mature for your style of clothing"

(Akira lets out a small laugh)

Akira-" I get that a lot"

Kaito-" I-I.. um... I'm K-Kaito"

(Mei wraps her arm around Kaito's neck)

Mei-" Don't worry. He's just shy around pretty girls"

Kaito-" Cut it out! You know that's not it!"

Akira-" He's seen like, all of your videos. You could say he's your biggest fan"

(Lynnon giggles)

Lynnon-" That's cute"

(Lynnon messes with Kaito's hair)

Mei-" Let's go already! I want to show you, everyone!"

(They all leave the building and Lynnon is met with a pretty fancy car with no roof)

Lynnon-" Wow"

Mei-" I know right! My dad bought it for my brother but he said he'd rather give it to me since I never had a car before"

Lynnon-" Ha. Me neither. My Papi's a jackass"

Mei-" Really? Mine just likes my brother more than me"

Lynnon-" Sounds like a jackass to me"

(While Lynnon walks forward to put her luggage into the trunk, Mei shrugs. Akira drives while Kaito sits in passenger, and Mei and Lynnon sit in the back. As Akira starts to drive, Lynnon gets to take in all the scenery but then suddenly remembers something)

Lynnon-" Oh my gosh, Nana! I forgot to text him"

Akira-" Who's that?"

(Lynnon reaches for her phone while she answers)

Lynnon-" He's a friend of mine back home. Let's say that he has a bit of a crush on me and he gets worried if I don't keep him in the loop"