Welcome to Love

Nana-" Lynnon"

(Nana's eyes widened as he saw her familiar face)

Jean-" I'll leave you two to talk"

(Lynnon watches as Jean leaves from behind Nana)

Lynnon-" Hey Nana"

Nana-" W-What are you doing here?"

(Suddenly Lynnons smile fades. She crosses her arms in a dramatic manner)

Lynnon-" Wow. Would've thought I would get a much more ecstatic welcome than THAT"

Nana-" Well last time I checked, we weren't really on good terms. You haven't talked to me for months"

Lynnon-" And I'm sorry about that! I really am! There's just been a lot going on"

(There was a short silence between them before Nana broke it)

Nana-" Do you... um... wanna come inside"

Lynnon-" If you don't hate me anymore"

(Nana scoffs)

Nana-" I never hated you. I could never bring myself to hate you Lynnon"

(Nana grabs her suitcase and pulls it inside. Lynnon follows after and closes the door behind her. She follows him to his room where he then places it down in the corner of his room. He sits on his bed while Lynnon sat next to him, both ready to talk about everything)

Nana-" So~ Why are you here anyway? Did something not work out over there?"

Lynnon-" Not at all, everything going great. I just thought I'd visit. I'd just been feeling a bit... homesick"

(Lynnon suddenly remembers something. She forgot to text Ezekiel when she landed. It hadn't been long since she did so she thought it would be fine to tell him now. She quickly pulls out her phone)

Lynnon-" Sorry I just have to text someone something"

(Lynnon works through her phone while Nana continues to talk, asking her questions)

Nana-" Who? Is it that Ezekiel guy"

(Lynnon freezes)

Lynnon-" Yeah..."

Nana-" Are you still living with him?"

(Lynnon hesitates but she felt nothing wrong with telling him)

Lynnon-" Yeah. About that-"

(Nana looks forward)

Nana-" Ok. I just wanted to know"

(Lynnon's eyes widen. She looks over to Nana who seemed like her answer didn't faze him at all)

Lynnon-" Um... why do you seem so... normal about it?"

Nana-" I've come to a conclusion that I should let you go. My feelings faded after you didn't talk to me; You being with another dude doesn't bother me. I'm not going to tell you what you should and shouldn't do anymore"

(Nana chuckles)

Nana-" Talking about it now, it sounds like I was such a bad person before. Even you got mad at me"

(Nana laughs)

Lynnon-" Well I'm glad"

Nana-" Hm"

Lynnon-" I didn't want to break your heart by not returning your feelings"

Nana-" It's ok. I'm over you now"

(Lynnon rolls her eyes and smiles)

Lynnon-" I will admit: I miss the special treatment from you though"

(The two of them softly laugh)

Nana-" Well now, we can talk about everything. No secrets, ok?"

Lynnon-" Ok I agree"

(Suddenly, Nana lays flat on his stomach, resting his chin in between his two wrists while swinging his legs back and forth above him)

Nana-" So let's be honest. I will say that that Ezekiel guy was pretty handsome. He looked like a model. And you live with him so there's gotta be something going on between you two when he looks like THAT. Are you guys dating?"

(Lynnon was funnily weirded out by what Nana was doing but she talked with him honestly anyways)

Lynnon-" No... we're not..."

Nana-" But?~"

(Lynnon begins to blush a little)

Lynnon-" I think... I might be-"

Nana-" -Falling in love with him?"

(Lynnon pauses)

Lynnon-" I mean I wouldn't put it THAT way"

Nana-" But that IS how you feel? How do you feel when you're around him"

Lynnon-" I mean we're able to talk like friends and act like friends but there are these... MOMENTS that just make me flustered and red whenever I see, hear, or even just think about him"

Nana-" Lynnon that's called LOVE. Welcome to it"

Lynnon-" But no way I'm in love with him. I didn't feel like this BEFORE"

Nana-" Feelings change. Just imagine kissing him. If it doesn't gross you out then you OBVIOUSLY like him. If it does, then it means it's not meant to be. If I asked you that before, you probably would've been grossed out but what if I'm asking you now?"

(Lynnon thought about it and sighs)

Lynnon-" Ugh! How are you so good at talking about this?!"

(Nana rolls over)

Nana-" I don't know but is what I'm saying making sense to you? If it then I'm obviously amazing. Well by what your saying I AM obviously amazing"

(Lynnon sighs again then looks down at her phone. The text she had sent to Ezekiel...

[I landed. I'm already at Nana's]

(In the corner of it was a light grey heart, showing that Ezekiel had hearted the message. Lynnon calms down inside and her face becomes a little red. Now she just couldn't wait to head back home. To her home with HIM, but there was a flaw)

Lynnon-" I don't know if he feels the same way..."