The Blonde with eyes of Emerald

(The next morning, Ezekiel stood next to Lynnon, dressed to go back to work while she was still asleep. He gently lays his hand on her injured face which now had a bandage on it. The cut was across her whole left cheek so instead of using a regular band-aid, they had used a piece of gauze and secured it with medical tape. A worried yet guilty expression was plastered on Ezekiel's face though Lynnon was sleeping soundlessly and had no sign of distress. He sighs before removing his hand. He takes the blanket and pulls it back over Lynnon before grabbing his bag and leaving the room and eventually, the apartment. He arrives at the company building to have a car blocking his path. There's a road right in front of the entrance of the building and the crosswalk just so happened to be blocked by a limo. Ezekiel tilts his head and raises an eyebrow)

Ezekiel-" Now what could my father be scheming now?"

(He rolls his eyes and doesn't bother to acknowledge the Limo or the people inside. He simply walks around the front and walks to the entry doors, but as he did, he didn't notice a certain important someone exiting the Limo. A white high heel after the other steps out and the shiny, hairless legs of a woman stand beside the Limo, looking forward to see Ezekiel's figure walk into the building. She had a beautiful and effortless hourglass figure that looked amazing in the skin-tight crimson red dress she was wearing. Over it, she was wearing a white cropped coat where the sleeves covered half her hands. A brown leather bag with a gold strap was hanging over her curved shoulder. Long, wavy blond hair hung down a bit over her hip as it blew in the delicate and almost unnoticeable wind. A look of surprise was held in the caverns known as her emerald green eyes as she looked in a certain man's direction)

Mika-" Yui"

(The girl who was standing next to Mika, the wondrous woman of beauty, wasn't noticed until the second Mika had spoken her name. She jumps in effect)

Yui-" Y-Yes miss?"

Mika-" The man who just walked in"

(Mika points at the door and turns to Yui, her assistant)

Mika-" Wasn't that Imai's son?"

(Yui looks forward)

Yui-" I-I'm not sure miss..."

(Mika rolls her eyes and puts her hand out beside her like anyone would explaining something)

Mike-" He had white hair and was dressed fabulously for work"

Yui-" I... I don't know miss. That could've been anyone"

(Yui lays the butt of her pen on her lip)

Yui-" Then again, it's not every day you see someone with hair as white as snow, is it?"

(Yui smiles nervously and lifts her shoulders as she looks back at Mika)

Yui-" Possibly?"

Mika-" Ugh, you're useless"

(Mika begins to walk, swaying her hips back and forth as she did. Yui frantically begins to follow her)

Yui-" Miss! Maybe you should pull your dress down?"

Mika-" Hmph!"

Yui-" It's not appropriate for a work environment!"

(Up in the creative department, Ezekiel reaches the main hallway and crosses paths with the one and only)

Etsuko-" Ezekiel! G-Good morning"

(Ezekiel continues to walk and Etsuko joins him as he does)

Ezekiel-" Morning Etsuko"

(Etsuko looks back and sees a relatively empty hallway)

Etsuko-" Where's Lynnon? Did she not come to work with you today?"

Ezekiel-" She isn't working here anymore I'm afraid"

Etsuko-" What happened?"

Ezekiel-" I'm not obligated to share anything of the sort with you"

Etsuko-" Did you guys break up?"

(Ezekiel scoffs. The two of them stop)

Ezekiel-" Now why would you think that? I won't tell you anything about the situation otherwise but, I will assure you, it has nothing to do with our relationship"

(Ezekiel turns)

Ezekiel-" Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do"

(Ezekiel walks off but somehow this time was different. Etsuko didn't try to follow or beg him to stay. It was totally neutral this time. Had her feelings for him finally started to fade? Ezekiel gets to his workspace and flops down in his chair. He rolls up to his computer and clicks a few times)

Ezekiel-" Now what I don't get is why I have to organize all the DNE work today. This should honestly be Etsuko's job since she's the CD's assistant or whatever"

(Ezekiel sighs)

Ezekiel-" Why must work be so dreadful~"

(In a hallway many floors above Ezekiel's room walked the familiar white heels and the frantic black flats)

Mika-" Yui"

Yui-" Yes miss?"

Mika-" What Imai's boys name again?"

Yui-" Um... let me think"

Mika-" This shouldn't be difficult. He is famous"

Yui-" But you don't-"

Mika-" Shush! Just tell me his name"

Yui-" I think it started with a B? No! An E. Ezi- Ezmea- Ezekiel. Yes! Ezekiel is his name!"

Mika-" Ezekiel..."

(Mika combs her hair back with her fingers)

Mika-" How sultry"