He will leave

40 minutes later.

When Lin Hanxing was sent out in the same car, the leader's Secretary looked at her differently.

There was a hint of fear mixed in the surprise.

The reason he could climb to his current position was largely due to his sensitivity to people.

From the moment Lin Hanxing entered the building, the leader's Secretary felt that she was different from the others.

When ordinary people came to such a place, they would be more or less affected by the solemn environment inside and would become more cautious in their actions. However, Lin Hanxing had been carefree from the beginning to the end. How could she have the style of someone her age?

"Please just put me down in front."

Lin Hanxing's voice was cold and distant, causing the leader's Secretary to snap back to reality.

"I'll do what miss Lin said as soon as possible." He quickly added before Lin Hanxing got out of the car.

"Then I'll have to trouble you."