Chapter 55: theft

The next day, a theft case ignited the morning of Jiang city.

It was the chief lawyer's office of Lin's group's legal team.

However, the strange thing was that in the face of the sudden interview, the chief lawyer of Lin's group showed an uncharacteristic panic expression. He said that nothing was lost, but the registration information on the police side was not so.

He had lost a document from 18 years ago!

Actually, it was just a document. It wouldn't cause any trouble in Jiang city.

However, that afternoon, a piece of news spread like wildfire.

The missing document was related to the child who had gone missing eighteen years ago.

It turned out that before the Lin couple passed away, when the child was one month old, the shareholders had agreed to transfer 9% of the Lin family's shares to the child for a total of 18%. The contents of the lost document ...

It was the problem of the 18% shares!

The moment this news spread, Jiang city was in an uproar.