I disagree

"I don't agree!"

Lei Xiao's tone changed and his voice became deep and overbearing.

His hand was tightly clasped behind her head.

He forced Lin Hanxing to look into his eyes.

His black eyes were deep and dark, and the fine lines at the corners of his eyes had the charm of a mature man.

"So, give up on trying to draw a clear line between us!"

His rough fingers brushed across the small mole at the corner of Lin Hanxing's eyes, and his thin lips curled up lazily.

"Thunder valiant beast, you ..."

Lin Hanxing's delicate face was filled with anger.

How could he be so overbearing?

He looked like he was in control of the world!

Obviously, Lei Xiao was in a good mood.

He suddenly got up and, while Lin Hanxing was caught off guard, he lifted her up by the waist!

Her body was suddenly suspended in the air, and she subconsciously reached out to hold Lei Xiao's neck.