Chapter 94 Dr. Zhong

Yujing garden.

The black Bugatti was parked downstairs.

Lei Xiao was smoking by the car.

The dim flame of the cigarette butt flickered in the night, and the cold lines were vaguely visible.

The car was air-conditioned.

Lin Hanxing was sleeping quietly in the front passenger seat.

He was even covered in Lei Xiao's suit jacket.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated.

Lei Xiao had two mobile phones, one for public use and one for private use.

The one that was ringing was the private one.

Lei Xiao glanced at the caller ID and paused when he saw the name 'Dr. Zhong'.

The next moment, he picked up the phone.

"Ray, you're my most disobedient patient."

Under the street lights, Lei Xiao's muscular figure was elongated.

At this moment, he was expressionless as he looked into the distance.

Dr. Zhong, who was on the other side of the ocean, sighed when he didn't get a response from Lei Xiao for a long time.

"That's just your fabrication ..."