He did it on purpose

When Lei Xiao came out of the bathroom, the kitchen had already been cleaned up.

The used dishes were washed and drained, and the unfinished food was also placed in airtight containers.

A faint voice came from the direction of the bedroom.

Thunder owl walked over.

The bedroom door was half-closed, and the dim yellow light poured in through the gap.

Lin Hanxing obviously had no experience in taking care of a child.

The voice of the storyteller was cold and indifferent, and even the action of patting the guinea pig was a little stiff.

However, Yuan Bao clearly enjoyed it.

Her chubby little hands that were as white as a silkworm grabbed the corner of Lin Hanxing's clothes. Her eyes were droopy as she nodded her head.

Lin Hanxing only heaved a sigh of relief when he was sure that he was asleep.

When she looked up, she saw the man who had been leaning against the door for a long time.